Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

Good strong Back WO

Was a bit side tracked by some personal stuff so WO kind of lingered on and on and on

I did match my old PR DL 585 and I def had another 10-20lbs in me

Also i did a lot of sets of 45lb weighted pull ups until i finally failed at 4
Legs -

loving my suspension now i typically hate leg day but for once i was looking forward to it and im also liking squatting heavier in the lower rep range... my squats are nothing impressive but i go nice and deep within 6-8” from the ground and i have long legs WO partner turned up for a change so that was a bonus


165 x 25 x 3

Squats - ass to the ground
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5 x 3

Hack Squats

Not sure how many plats i had on there but
4 sets of 15
the last set was i got very light headed after getting up and i had to drop to my knees as i thought i was gonna go to sleep

Leg Extensions
190 x 25
220 x 25
250 x 23 ouch

One final set of squats
275 x 13 F

Cant wait until my next chest session im gonna throw 4 plates on for the first time, this probably not adviseable but i feel strong so ill do my warm up sets and if shoulder feels OK im going for it


Having gone through entire upper body in the last few days it seems that whatever is going on in there is most aggravated by incline DB curls not pushing and no longer pulling
Looks like you're cruising right along Ted... Be curious to see your pics.

That's a lot of weight to put on so quick, but hey... more power to you brother!

Also, I have a question for you on your slin usage... Once you pin the slin how quickly do you drink your PWO drink? I was pounding mine down initially fearful of crashing my blood sugar but after a few months of using it find that for me I need to sip it down over the course of my wo when used pre-wo and same for post, taking my time to get it down. If I don't do this my blood sugar actually sky rockets, sometimes to over 200+ and I get a headache and don't feel too well at all. When taking my time with it I find my sugar stays more stable and in a more comfortable range for me.

Curious of any similar observations you've made for yourself since using it?

Dunno Whats going on but I just jumped on the bathroom scale and it read 240.7 and not that great but fuck

Took a phone picture you can still see my abs gotta be a combination of the deca kicking in and 4 days straight suspension at 1 1/2cc ED

Better keep a close eye on my nips coz I'm blowing up, ill get picture up in next 20 minutes it was taken right after weigh in which was 1130pm bare in mind I normally weigh myself in the mornings after breakfast but still WTF

Oh and WO was ok too :) Bis/shoulders infact shoulders were so pumped that Bis were a struggle for first 10 minutes until my shoulders calmed down

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This is what i was thinking

15 min stretch
Warm up sets

4 minute breaks

325 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 5 If for some reason i fail 5 i will not attempt 405 shouldn't be a problem i got 385 x 7 last
405 x F


15 min warm up

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 4.5 :(
365 x 7 F
315 x 12

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 7 F PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Long hard WO but failed, i was 100% focused maybe if id just taken a deeper breath and let the bar down a fraction faster but still no way i was getting 405 x 5 so didnt even attempt racking it up
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your pushing good weights bro, how tall did you say you were? 6'1 or something at 240? are you still running your test eq deca?

i gotta say i would never put suspension and dbol to work together, id blow up like a fucking toad. some poeple just got those genetics to keep the water off.

any who'z, good log bro.
your pushing good weights bro, how tall did you say you were? 6'1 or something at 240? are you still running your test eq deca?

i gotta say i would never put suspension and dbol to work together, id blow up like a fucking toad. some poeple just got those genetics to keep the water off.

any who'z, good log bro.

Yea, I'm a lucky man,

600mg deca, 600mg eq, 1g test Cyp then dbol and suspension WO days and no AI !!!!!!!! Also got 90mg tren ace ED for 10 more days

Thought i would have sprouted udders by now
Well Back turned into Back n Tris as i missed Tris on Saturday when i did chest

Good WO got a little bit carried away and took longer than it should have


Tried for a new DL PR 635 + 50 a little bit to ambitious but i did get it couple of inches of the ground..... Ill work on this one using bands

3-4 sets of each

BB Rows
Lat Pull Downs
Pull Ups

Tris - Supersets
Incline skull crushers
rope pull down
V bar Pull down
Finished with that tricep contraption x 25 the opposite of the preacher contraption, what is that called ?

Really felt great

Bis/shoulders tomorow


Ill do what my body tells me to do
Rest or Chest

2 or 1 days Rest depending on Thursday
Holy sh!t rough day

First off I pinned 1 1/2 cc suspension rear right delt and hit a vein (yes I aspirated) anyway I had 20 minute coughing fit which actually isn't that bad I've read horror stories of coughing up blood after going IV

Anyway get to gym feeling OK and my arsehole partner for the day turns up 1 hour late, I would have just started without but he is constantly texting me ol be there in 5, RIGHT.... done with him for the last time, turn up on time or stay the cuff away from me and then the dudes got some iPhone app to log progress which he is tapping away at every 5 seconds, I have absolutely no interested, I slept and dreamt my WO so I tell him "what progress? That your an hour late and spending more time on your fugging phone than working out"

Anyway I had enough and told him to keep up or just move on.somewhere else. Well Chris Kabuzki nailed my tendon strain the tendon connecting the biceps to the shoulder so I stuck to isolation moves mostly preacher wide and narrow grip with EZ bar was a mintenance lift :(

Shoulders - Killed that sh!t :)
Overhead DB press
75 x 15 x 1
85 x 12 x 1
100 x 11x.1

One handed Side to side lateral cable raises
45 x 15
50 x 15
55 x 12

Reverse peck deck
220 x 15
235 x 15
250 x 15
Could have gone heavier but employee TUT as it slightly bothered the tendon

Bent over DB raises
45 x 12
50 x 12
55 x 12

Shoulder were on fire and jacked and I felt great

Come.430pm I start to get a headache but I have been invites to speak at a charity event at 6 so although I've got bad headache i get ready and go didn't medicate (bad idea)

By 6 it was a full blown bastard by 730 when I could finally escape it had escalate to a migraine by time i got home full blown migraine, the veins just above my temple were visibly pulsating and I crawled into the darkness of bed with 2 percocets. Unless you have had a migraine it is hard to explain but I was praying for death

I just got my first tren headache had them often in the summer when running tren enthenate but I just didn't initially recognize what was going on until it was to late. Medicate at the outset and im fine ignore and you get full blown migraine , well i do :(

Moral of the story is gear is def legit and carry meds

Tomorrow legs and shoveling another 18" of snow should be back day, dbol to be dropped this Sunday time for deca eq and suspension to do their thing, loving the suspension by the way


Good solid WO

335 x 5 x 3 all the way to the ground
Followed by the usual

Far more importantly i just discovered bacon bit donuts :)


Bacon doughnuts with dolce de leche and coffee ice cream.

Then I tasted one.

It was so good it made you wanna smack someone's grand momma. Yeah I know...but they were that good, for a second there I lost my mind was gone.

They were soft...Hot, fresh out the what ever the hell they used to cook them. Then they had some sort of like caramel sauce on them and then there were bacon bits (as in bits of bacon and not that cheap stuff from the supermarket) drizzled all over them. they were amazing.
90 minutes and counting and we take on this bench

I like the fact that its gonna be coming off 4 days straight Suspension and Dbol i am in the anabolic zone and about 5lbs artificially heavier than the mirror reflects that, so im gonna have to say glycogen stores and and water retention in the right places/joints are at a maximum, perfect for heavy bench

Still feeling sick but i drugged myself up and had a good nights sleep, tren is in full force sheet were soaking and i was rotating pillows, i am truly blessed that i can run Tren and Deca at the sane time
HAPPY :) baby steps tho

15 min stretch
Warm up sets

4 minute breaks on the heavier sets
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 5 +1 PR
Called it day there didnt want to over do it
365 x 8 F +1PR felt like i could have got one more but wanted leave some for incline
315 x 12

225 x 12
275 x 10
315 x 8 F PR +1
Clearly i can get more but at the end of that routine its a PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Was done no tris wanted to get home pound some slin and a shake

Its was the donuts that set me up for this





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i wasn't that happy with the way those pictures came out i felt that i was bit leaner then the pictures showed, ive noticed my appearance is very different on 2 days of rest clearly 4 days straight of Dbol and more likely the Suspension bloats me a bit, Ill have to try and get a picture up today after neither and a couple of days

Also that tendon was really agrrevated by the 395 x 5 so much so im prob going to take 3 days off in a row

I talked this over with Chris and he has helped come up with a solution so that i cn continue to make progress but give the tendon a chance to heal here is the plan

"Back it down and Do some work with volume or multiple sets. This way you stimulate the needed hyperteophy. Finish with Some lockouts or something similiar that puts at or above your target weight in your hands to prime your nervous system for handling these weight. Doing this will allow you to make the progress torques your goal but not put the maximum strain to aggravate that tendon till it can heal some more.

Example. Instead of 395x5. Only work up to 365x5 but do 4 sets at that weight

Also that last little bit towards chest is likely the part that is getting you. Do they have a piece of foam or foam roll at your gym that you can stuf under your shirt? This will relaid the last part of the lift on your chest for now. A lot of gyms have a 6" roll or something like that. Let the bar sink into it and pause to break the eccentric and concentric phases of lift. This will make it a little harder but get a paoitive training effect from a lesser weight. "

Ill go has heavy as 395 x 5 but ill use the 6" foam and ill set the bands so they take about 35-40 lbs off of the load at chest level I will let the weight sink into the foam pausing at the eccentric and concentric phase of the lift, this will put the target weight in my hands to prime my nervous system for handling these weighta. Doing this will allow me to make the progress torques of my goals but not put the maximum strain to aggravate that tendon till it can heal some more.
The foam block at my gym was just to solid and apparently will be good for overload work later on

So what i did was set up bands from the top that would give me exactly 45lb assist at chest level 10-15 midway zero at lock out....

Performed working sets if x 5 up to 365 unassisted the added the bands
385 x 5
395 x 5
405 x 5
415 x 5 x 2

Having that assistance at the bottom made all the difference in the world to the way my tendon feels right now yet my nervous system got to feel the full weight at the top

Inclines un assisted
225 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 6 Didnt wanna push any more

Some cables from the bottom in place of declines

Ill take a picture of the set up next time and i think im gonna order one of those Elite Fitness sling shots also Chris said you simulate the sling shot with bands

"take a band (folded in half so its about16-20ish inches long) put your arms through it so its just above your elbows on your triceps and runs across your chest. Should look just like how the slingshot is worn in that video. That will then support you as you get to the bottom of the bench press'

I was already underway when i got this solid little piece but ill try next time for sure :)

Elite Fitness "Sling Shot"
I think that band set up worked great felt no real pain during and more importantly none the day after or the next... I hope that set up is enough to keep me at least at maintenance in terms of strength gains... Was very nice to have 415 x 5 up there although not a real 415 of course

The only pain i felt was when my spotter removed the bar and racked it he used the old grab and drop technique which really sucks when your tendon is not 100%... It was the full 415 at lock-out and when he removed the bar from my hands to quick all that weight being released quickly sent a shudder through my arm... I had to tell him "please dont rack it unless i fail and even then nice and slow and ease the bar back into the rack" even when racking myself i could tell a huge difference from not dropping the bar back in the rack but slowly easing it down allowing the pressure to release from the tendon nice and slow and not all at once....

Injuries will teach you a lot about your body and your technique

I didnt do tris or shoulders that day because i didnt want to over do it but im looking forward to the next chest session, ill do exactly the same but make sure i get my 3-4 sets shoulders or tris in

Legs yesterday

Was OK but i had to cut a bit short as ive had a lot of personal stuff going on lately (Also caused diet to be a bit off in terms of cals) this is a shame as i wanted to hit legs extra hard we will call the last 7 days a wash in terms of gains but a good learning curve...

I feel like today i can do anything except legs nothing has really been overworked so I have a mate who is in town and he is big chap i would love to hit gym together later this evening before going out, the wife has taken a 7 day sabbatical from me :(

Last day of Tren Ace yesterday concludes 6 week run

Holding steady at 235lbs

Been using bands


This is 2nd chest session since i last updated and was performed on Wednesday yesterday was back and Tuesday Legs

Nice Jump in stregnth
Bands set to 35lb of relief at chest level

Flat Bench
No Bands

15 mins stretching
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
Added Bands - 4 min breaks from here on out
375 x 5
395 x 5
405 x 7 F + 1
Removed Bands
365 x 5
365 x 10 F +1 Willed that last rep up there

Incline - No bands

225 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 10 F +1 Wasnt gonna be denied that last rep

Took my time and racked the bar real slow exhaling for a good 2-3 seconds while releasing the bar

Cable from the bottom in place of declines

Incline skull crushers
170 x 6 Big jump
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 8
130 x 8
120 x 10

Superset rope and V bar pull-downs

365 is definitely my sweet spot in terms of no tendon pain

Ok i am under newer instructions from coach

"Play with volume for a couple weeks.

Stay at 365 but next week do 6 sets of 6, then 6 sets of 7 the following week, and then 6 sets of 8.

This will give you 3 weeks of excellent volume with 365, then we will look at bumping the weight."



Back yesterday

Kept all nice and contolled

4 sets of bent over BB rows
went as high as 315

Weighted 45lb Pull Up
did these until i could only do 8 reps

Lat pull down body weigh 235 again until i failed at 6

Cable Rows
250 x 20
295 x 12 x 2

Farmer walk with 120 DB 3 sets
5 shrugs walk 60 seconds 5 shrugs walk back 60 seconds shrug to failure about 12

Straight arm lats pull downs
Stack x 12 x 3

Flat Bench
No Bands

15 mins stretching
Warm up sets
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5

Volume Phase was supposed to be 365 x 6 x 6 but got 10 on last set :)
365 x 6 x 5
365 x 10

Incline - No bands
Incline suffered from all the volume on flatbench

225 x 12
275 x 10 -2
315 x 5 or 6 cant remember last was 10

Took my time and racked the bar real slow exhaling for a good 2-3 seconds while releasing the bar

Cable from the bottom in place of declines

Incline skull crushers drop set
170 x 6
160 x 8
150 x 8
140 x 8
130 x 8
120 x 10

Superset rope and V bar pull-downs

Was very happy that i was still able to get the 365 x 10 on last set

Gonna consult with Chris as how i proceed from here, i think im supposed to priming myself with 450 and just holding at lockout out for 3-5 seconds for 2 sets then final set for as long as body permits, Ill definitely be setting the safety pins in place

Then i believe ill be using a combination of bands and boards to press 450 x 5 with full weight at lockout

Just the thought of lifting 450 of the rack is daunting to me so this should start to get fun :)

Damn just got to the gym for back and tendon has been a bit sensitive today

Did my 15 min stretching and started with body weight pull ups :( didn't even attempt a 2nd one gonna listen to my body and abort the session bit pissed as I shot my 1 1/2cc suspension.. Gonna smoke my abs do some HITT cardio loosen shoulder with some speed ball, steam, ice heat and get missus to give me a deep tissue massage

My anniversary anyway so ill repay was some deep tissue of my own :)
Dates r wrong but this was yesterday



160 x 25 x 2

135 x 12
225 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
315 x 5 x 4

Hack Squats
495 x 25 x 5
495 x 50 Ouch

190 x 25
220 x 25
250 x 25 Ouch

Did 15 minutes of shoulder stretching and steam think ill be good to go tomorow for some pulling just keep form perfect and nice and slow

Anniversary was nice good old steak for me

Weight is on the rise again now that ive got my diet back in track 238lbs