Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

Well, bully for you then... I was worried you'd be held up a bit but glad to hear you're well stocked! :thumbsup:

Yea tren ace is the only one I don't have on hand already PM doublewide with my new order # let's see if they can make some magic happen

Went and smashed back with a mate

Didn't log anything but went heavy as I could with everything and his gym has 180 DB so need some heavy one ARM lat raises other notable lift was a 495 dead

90 minutes of non stop action feel much better and moving on, although I already ordered more tren ace I think I prob should abort that phase or we are gonna have to much of a clash of progestins, if by some miracle it turns up next week ill go ahead and do 6 weeks

My eq, test c, deca blend I have not pinned yet I did shoot 400mg Watson test Cyp on Wednesday and will shoot another 400 tomorrow

I'll wait until next weekend to start the blend in the off chance the ace arrives by next weekend or maybe I can borrow some off of a buddy who has some. Better search my other forums for that person not AM of course but to be honest really don't think anyone I know has that right now :(

Felt strong today and arms have grown to 17" from last measurement in August 21st. Shoulder feels good Anadrol is awesome weight is up nicely will get waist meAsurement to gauge how much is fat but not looking bad at all and amazingly no bloat from 100mg dbol and 100mg Anadrol so still not using AI, the deca will be my Achilles heel

Ok off to eat some salmon and brown rice peace

Watch out for that new super breed of rats in the California region they are gonna be mighty hungry
Hope you get ahold of some. I'd definetly hook you up if I had some. You might check and see if jensen or southern charm have extra from there cycles. That's about the only people I know who have ran it recently. Tim might have some extra as well. Either way I know you kts!
Hope you get ahold of some. I'd definetly hook you up if I had some. You might check and see if jensen or southern charm have extra from there cycles. That's about the only people I know who have ran it recently. Tim might have some extra as well. Either way I know you kts!


I appreciate the heads up ill ask
no bloat from those orals at those doses? WOW, lucky you!

I know

First time I used dbol I thought I had fake year axio but no stuff was great and I've used 3 other brands now including capping my own raws and I tested the melting point on them

Just lucky, infact other than my beloved proviron I've never used an AI and I'm not suggesting proviron is an AI but it is enough estrogen control for me
Calories 5,200

Sunday i will pin my blend ten6hundred + 200mg test Cyp x 2 EW

Blend consists of per ml
200mg test Cyp
200mg deca
200mg eq

I'll take 3cc EW with additional 200mg Watson pharm Test Cyp making totals 800, 600, 600 respectively

Tren ace may or may not happen shame if not coz I ordered another 60ml on Friday, I just may have someone who can spare 10ml to get me started either way its still gonna be a beast of a cycle, nothing else will change

I'll get an official weigh in in the am with waist measurement so I can gauge where I am at since my bulk started 18 days ago AAS 7 days ago
Back in business 10ml of tren ace on the way next day delivery :) Cobra Pharma never heard of them but ill take a leap of faith costing me bottle of my HRT Watson Pharm Test Cyp :( sh!t better be legit

Onwards and upwards let's go pin some ten6hundred :)
Yesterday dedicated chest

notable lifts

Heavy sets
335 x 5 x 2
345 x5 Failed on 6
225 x 32

Today i went and did dedicated bis/tris as im starting to get some growth gonna keep at em x 2 EW esp as im still on go slow mode with chest

Loving the skull crushers from laying on the ground lowering EZ bar to just touch
4 x 70 x Failure
Thses are followed by supersets of rope and Vbar pull sowns

Really feeling these and shoulder is totally taken out of the game talking of which shoulder is feeling really good and im quietly confident that in a few weeks with the Deca i can break out my bench program, i see dips in the not to distant future

Cals were high yesterday rack of beef ribs as a snack cant do that very often but this could be a 9-10 month bulk with no cut so not overly concerned, the Tren will take care of that

Up from 207lbs 31.6" waist to 222lbs 21.7" waist i think ive exp a good amount of muscle rebound from the long cut and T3 from here on out there isnt gonna be any easy weight gained im gonna have to work my arse off

the ten6hundred is sweet no pain 24 hours later
Good news that box turned up from my buddy lets take a look and see whats inside, i do hope it is the 1000ius HGH

Well fuck me, the package was opened by customs
big green tape across the bastard

However not only is their 1000 ius HGH and my 25g of Dbol and 10 vials of HCG

I am fucking elated
Took a rest day yesterday....

Also ive gotta get back on track with my cardio, and Tren Ace should be with me today

Hit legs today and did a very different routine wanted to try heavy well heavy for me

So I hit up few sets of squats in the 8 rep range 275 and I found as I fatigued the left leg had to get me up on that final rep and then it dawned my right leg is just never gonna be as strong and its gonna be a battle to keep them symmetric

I had a near fatal accident some 20 years ago spent 4 months on hospital in traction. Managed to break nearly every bone in my body with my right leg badly mangled at first I was told I might loose the leg then that I'd never walk again. Well over many years of rehab and multiple operations I really regained near full mobility but a large amount of muscle had been badly damaged from going under the knife so many times. Although I never have any pain I have been careful going heavy with the legs sticking to high reps but there is a considerable difference in strength and the size is not yet that noticeable but its a potential problem for sure, I'm gonna have to work that right leg extra hard and not allow the left one to run away so to speak

I'll post a pic or two it was a car crash by the way ;)

That was yesterday

Today chest
335 x 5 x 2
345 x 7 nice + 2
225 x 32 + 2

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 7 F

Getting back up there and quick day 11 of orals
Loaded up 7 pins tren ace first pins yest 75mg ED !!!!!!!!!

May go back for 2nd session tris/shoulders if schedule allows
Dude, whats your slin protocol? Are you taking special shakes like bcaa, cretine, protein combos or what?

Slin is humalog 12ius IM

Breakfast and post WO

Slin pwo is taken with 2 scoop whey banana 1/2 cup of oats 30g sugar, creatine and bcaa followed 40-60 mins later with a whole meal complete with protein and fats containing 50g of complex carbs, normally steak or salmon 8-10oz
Last edited:
Rest day - Nada


Well I know I whined about my last back WO and that is sucked well I got a nice sore going on just the same, so maybe not so bad after all

Had a 50 min bi/tri beat down skull crushers are progressing nicely 95 x 8 x 3 moving up quickly followed bf supersets of pull downs rope V bar

Incline curls and hammers, preacher ez bar, preacher machine 1 handed and rope hammer curls with cable, definitely felt that WO

4th pin of the Ace still nothing to report there Anadrol is good stuff :) especially with a nice sprinkling of Dbol and viagra on top
Nothing like a good old chest session to start the week off

15 min stretch

135 x 12 60sec rest
225 x 8 90sec
275 x 5 2mins
315 x 5 3min
355 x 7 3 mins +10lbs + 2 reps
355 x 6 3 mins + 10lbs + 1 rep
355 x 7 5 +10lbs 3mins ok like that move up in weight next time

315 x 10 F
225 x 32 F -2 reps

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 9 F + 2 reps

Cables to finish

Rapid progression just short of PR's confident ill be smashing them next week altough im gonna stick to 5 reps and higher for now, i think its time to have a word with Chris and plan out the strategy of getiing me from 450 to 500

Im gonna say i prob could have got 355 x 8 one time if i had tried (no spotter) puts me in the 440lb range 1RM

Wasnt expecting to progress this quick

No shoulders i was wiped out
Solid back WO
didn't log entire routine but here are the high lights

315 x 11

Best over BB rows 315 x 7

Lower back was fried after these

Lat pull downs 340 x 6


Brief notes

As you know really only just started training shoulders after some time of injury, i think i started out 3 or 4 weeks ago with reverse peck deck 165lbs well today i started at 205 and it felt like a breeze. I ended up with the whole stack 295lbs x 11 F This was one of my stronger exercises pre injury

100lb seated DB presses
upright rows think was 120
DB Lateral raises
Bent over lateral DB raises

3-4 sets of each damn did that feel good i could barely move my my arms and there was absolutely no pain, well the unwanted kind anyway :)

No real increase in numbers there but felt like good pump and felt like i got the job done
95 x 8 x 4 skull crushers from the floor
then super settled rope and V Bar pull downs

Do i have a mammoth session planned for Friday
Ill be hitting chest in the AM then in the afternoon ill be getting my arse handed to me, im fortunate to be working out with my good bro and he has said “No Mercy bring a bucket” dude has 32” wheels
Nice to see you progressing nicely Ted....

Been following along on your journey and marveling at your improvements. You're strong as hell man!