((((((((((SYNTHETEK PRODUCTS))))))))))

big bump for this thread is being mass mailed tonight for synthetek , great products better customer service!
hmm guess the Forum Announcem,ent wasnt enough,lmao, just kidding, truth is most people over look the announcements and all sticks and go right to the top of the threads, just thought i would bust ur balls since me and you are the only 2 here anymore,lmao
One thing I always notice and I always forget to post about.
Every bottle of SyntheBLOCKplus that I have used, even though it says that it contains 100 capsules in the bottle, it always has 120+ capsules in it :D
Big A said:
One thing I always notice and I always forget to post about.
Every bottle of SyntheBLOCKplus that I have used, even though it says that it contains 100 capsules in the bottle, it always has 120+ capsules in it :D

thats fucked up bro, you should ask for a refund :crap:
Presser said:
thats fucked up bro, you should ask for a refund :crap:

You misunderstood - it's a GOOD thing! LOL

Each SyntheBLOCKplus bottle has more product in it that what it says on the label! So even better value.
So about this product Synthetine, i didn't realize that you could inject l-carnitine, what type of doses would you suggest and what type of results could i expect? Diet is key for losing fat, that goes without saying.
400mg per day should be enough.
Before you burn fat, the fat has to be transported from the fat stores, accross the mitochondria to get burned. L-carnitine is the only such carrier. So regardless of how many fat burners you take, you will only burn as much fat as it is being transported.
So l-carnitine is a limiting factor in fat loss.
Usually, if fat loss stops despite everything being correct (diet, cardio, drugs) and even more drugs are taken and still no extra fat loss, the person finds that when inj l-carntine is added, the fat loss begins again.

Oral l-carnt doesn't seem to do much at all, I guess since most is destroyed by the stomach.
You have to inj IM and realise that by itself it doesn't burn any fat because it is not a fat burner.
Also, l-carnt is great at making muscles function properly, etc.
Flexmaster said:
these guys are top notch, excellent service, customer relations, and products. i have used thier syntherol in my delts before and it was amazing to say the least!

I might give it a try.
What product should I use to reduce my bodyfat? Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the bump, I just ordered some syntherol, synthergine, and synthelamin. I will keep you updated on the delivery time and results.