Tendonitis in the triceps


New member
Am getting tendonitis in my triceps again. Last time i didn't workout my tri's for a whole year. I change up my routine to try to prevent of this happening again but no luck. I ice it twice a day and get message there about 3-4 times a week. My current routine is lying skull crashers, lying triceps extensions, dumbbell single arm pronated triceps extension in which all 3 are super-sets. Then i rope pull down extensions with dips super set. So am looking for some advise. My triceps are growing don't want to lose my gains.

thanks guys
most of the things you do for triceps will hurt your elbow. anything above the head hurts me at times. skull crusher are notorious for elbow pain.

trying swapping some things up like close grip bench, more push down varieties
you stopped working ur tris for a year over tennis elbow? damn thats a long time brutha, it might be more then tendonitis if its so bad u can't workout triceps for a year, that is insane
most of the things you do for triceps will hurt your elbow. anything above the head hurts me at times. skull crusher are notorious for elbow pain.

trying swapping some things up like close grip bench, more push down varieties

I always say this, skull crushers will tear your elbows up-I can't remember the last time that I've done them and my arms are plenty big
most of the things you do for triceps will hurt your elbow. Anything above the head hurts me at times. Skull crusher are notorious for elbow pain.

Trying swapping some things up like close grip bench, more push down varieties

i have 2wks left in this work out cycle i will try those your talking about jimmy press rite.
I always say this, skull crushers will tear your elbows up-I can't remember the last time that I've done them and my arms are plenty big

yeah i haven't done them either since i was a kid! shit fucks me up and theirs so many things you can do to work ur triceps that its just not needed in my opinion
you stopped working ur tris for a year over tennis elbow? Damn thats a long time brutha, it might be more then tendonitis if its so bad u can't workout triceps for a year, that is insane

yea i went to a see a doctor they ref. To a physical therapist all they did the same bull shit to run my insurance. Everything i did hurt my top of my elbows i had to tone down the weight i lift for everything. After a while just got to a point i tolerated the pain so i can keep lifting. Didnt gain much size that year.
yea i went to a see a doctor they ref. To a physical therapist all they did the same bull shit to run my insurance. Everything i did hurt my top of my elbows i had to tone down the weight i lift for everything. After a while just got to a point i tolerated the pain so i can keep lifting. Didnt gain much size that year.

Yeah i hate that run around, i know I'm blessed to have good health insurance, but i swear to GOD the doctors will see you have insurance and then refer you to all their buddy doctors so they can get paid to, i went through some bullshit like that when i knew from the gate what the issue was,lol,

anyhow sorry i got off point! lol,
yeah i hate that run around, i know i'm blessed to have good health insurance, but i swear to god the doctors will see you have insurance and then refer you to all their buddy doctors so they can get paid to, i went through some bullshit like that when i knew from the gate what the issue was,lol,

anyhow sorry i got off point! Lol,

yea i know its nuts , that's why i fought my insurance so i can have a doctor that specialize in sports medicine. So now my doctor and pt is in the same office no run around better treatments. They doing a real good on my rotor-cuff. But told me to laid off on my tri's am not doing that again.
Yeah been mainly relying on benching and presses to work the triceps secondarily. Try stepping away from the machine a few steps instead of pushing straight down it's more of a pull away or down. Also just added dips back into my workout. Lean back in the dip machine with narrow grip for more triceps, but it puts a little more strain on the elbows for me. Lean forward and put your chin on your chest with a wide grip for more chest and less triceps. Easier on the elbows for me. Elbows are getting better. Elbows no joke..
My elbows have been shot for years. I have done everything under the sun and I still get elbow pain especially post work out. I just said fuck it and prior to training I take OTC pain relievers and hit it. Im 54 so im going to do what ever I can to get through a work out with minimal damage.
Yeah been mainly relying on benching and presses to work the triceps secondarily. Try stepping away from the machine a few steps instead of pushing straight down it's more of a pull away or down. Also just added dips back into my workout. Lean back in the dip machine with narrow grip for more triceps, but it puts a little more strain on the elbows for me. Lean forward and put your chin on your chest with a wide grip for more chest and less triceps. Easier on the elbows for me. Elbows are getting better. Elbows no joke..

The thing is am trying to get that girth back there. I want my arms bigger
Im done with any direct tricep movement directly, ill do dips but not direct exposure. I had to take off 3 months and go to two Doctors to get it right, so phawk it its not worth it to me to get hurt anymore.
Any type of v-grip or rope seem to irritate my elbows. Straightbar pulldowns don't hit my elbows as hard. Something about the hand position or angle makes a difference for mine.
NO MORE SKULL CRUSHERS FOR ME!!! Haven't had a problem sine a couple of weeks without them. Added in an extra 2 sets of Close-Grip Bench and always warm up with 3 sets of 50 body weight dips. Triceps and delts are my only genetic trait. But, by warming up with dips, my elbows and shoulders are full of blood and stretched for the work day...

Lacking a radial head makes isolated triceps exercises a huge pain! =/ In fact I'm in daily pain but I find aspercream helps a ton when I put it on about 30 minutes before I hit it in the gym.
Yesterday I was doing an overhead tricep extension with a 100lb dumbell like it was a warm up! Today I have a huge painful lump on my elbow. Fuck! I can hardly hold a thing in that hand. I just hope it doesn't last long.