Test Cypionate questions

The most simple thing is to take a vasoconstrictor when that happens. I had it happen to me once, hit 4 hours still going strong, and it hurts when it goes that long (ha! long!). My doc told me just drink a coke, caffeine will reverse the effect. It worked. Came down in 10 minutes.
Big Z, thank you for your very detailed and informative post.

To the mention of booze and blood pressure in another post, neither of those things are a concern in my case. I haven't had a drop in nigh on 28 years and my blood pressure is perfect.

I am thinking about seeing a urologist, even more so having read your post, Big Z. My current doc (it's actually a place called "Ageless Mens Health", sort of a TRT specialty clinic) looks at my PSA level to gauge prostate health, but maybe it needs to be addressed more aggressively than that. I do understand that the test can cause the prostate to enlarge, so maybe that's happening?

Also, the cialis is I took did absolutely zero but it was a one shot thing. Doc said cialis is is better suited for "older guys" - Inot sure why that would make a difference... I can tell you the interest is there, strong, but the plumbing just doesn't work. Worse now than before I started on the TRT. So something's up

My test level currently comes back at about 850 and estrogen in the low 30's. I think the last one was 34. Doc had me stop the anastrozole when estrogen got down to 20, fit since has risen to 34 and he has me taking zinc as a sort of more moderate blocker. I added a 50 mg zinc to my multi, which has 30 mg already; that gave me bad gas and bloating, now breaking the 50''s in half, which seems to be ok. Not sure how well it's controlling the estrogen, however.

So Clomid is an estrogen but blocks test conversion? Seems counterintuitive. But this is all new to me.

I inquired about the other variations of test mentioned and was told they don't technically have a medical use, so he can't get them. So for now that's not on the table. I'd really like to figure out what works before I move (currently live in Las Vegas area but expect to be moving back to NJ in the next 2 months or sooner, assuming a job I'm looking at comes through). There is no Ageless Mens Health or similar that I've found anywhere near me in NJ, so I don't know what I'm going to do once I get there. Start w my doc, I guess, but if I can't get squared away there, not sure. There's an outfit that does mail order scripts and uses Labcorp for blood work, but they don't take insurance, and they're so expensive it seems like I could do much better on my own, if only I could get the formula figured out.

You guys that do this on your own, how do you monitor your levels? Can you walk into a Labcorp and order your own blood work? How do you manage that?
Big Z, thank you for your very detailed and informative post.

To the mention of booze and blood pressure in another post, neither of those things are a concern in my case. I haven't had a drop in nigh on 28 years and my blood pressure is perfect.

I am thinking about seeing a urologist, even more so having read your post, Big Z. My current doc (it's actually a place called "Ageless Mens Health", sort of a TRT specialty clinic) looks at my PSA level to gauge prostate health, but maybe it needs to be addressed more aggressively than that. I do understand that the test can cause the prostate to enlarge, so maybe that's happening?

Also, the cialis is I took did absolutely zero but it was a one shot thing. Doc said cialis is is better suited for "older guys" - Inot sure why that would make a difference... I can tell you the interest is there, strong, but the plumbing just doesn't work. Worse now than before I started on the TRT. So something's up

My test level currently comes back at about 850 and estrogen in the low 30's. I think the last one was 34. Doc had me stop the anastrozole when estrogen got down to 20, fit since has risen to 34 and he has me taking zinc as a sort of more moderate blocker. I added a 50 mg zinc to my multi, which has 30 mg already; that gave me bad gas and bloating, now breaking the 50''s in half, which seems to be ok. Not sure how well it's controlling the estrogen, however.

So Clomid is an estrogen but blocks test conversion? Seems counterintuitive. But this is all new to me.

I inquired about the other variations of test mentioned and was told they don't technically have a medical use, so he can't get them. So for now that's not on the table. I'd really like to figure out what works before I move (currently live in Las Vegas area but expect to be moving back to NJ in the next 2 months or sooner, assuming a job I'm looking at comes through). There is no Ageless Mens Health or similar that I've found anywhere near me in NJ, so I don't know what I'm going to do once I get there. Start w my doc, I guess, but if I can't get squared away there, not sure. There's an outfit that does mail order scripts and uses Labcorp for blood work, but they don't take insurance, and they're so expensive it seems like I could do much better on my own, if only I could get the formula figured out.

You guys that do this on your own, how do you monitor your levels? Can you walk into a Labcorp and order your own blood work? How do you manage that?

not sure about the blood work question in regards to being able to just walk in and ask for a test, bump????
I was talking with a guy I know locally who is a serious bodybuilder and asked him how he monitors his blood work, asked if a body can order his own blood work. He says no, you can't, he bbc.co has an understanding with his doctor, he gets himself checked every 8 months, has his doc write a script for him. He's been doing it so long the results go right to him, so I guess he has an understanding with the lab as well.

As for my issue, I have an appointment with a urologist in about two weeks. Hopefully that will lead down a path that will reveal etc is wrong w me and provide some sort of solution. Something had better shake out soon, I'm pretty much beside myself. Having to pop a pill a half hour or so ahead of time is a royal PITA..... "Tell you what, Honey, hold that thought, go have a cup of coffee, and THEN let's continue this. Hold onto that mood, don't change a thing....." Maybe daily Calais might work... The one shot cialis didn't do add-in, as we already discussed, but maybe the daily dose? That still leaves the root cause unanswered, at least in my mind, but perhaps would be at least a better short term solution than the take as needed viagra.

I get my 180 mg shot today, plus 500 mg of HCG, which doesn't seem to make any difference one way or the other. I'm getting to be pretty tempted to just take the bull by the horns and start upping my own dose until I get a good result. But without having some way to check blood work I'm reluctant, plus a way to control side effects like acne, which already is pretty bad even at this low dose AND with an antibiotic from the doc.
I still would like to know how you guys that do this on your own monitor yourselves. Does everyone have an "understanding" with their doc? Or do you just wing it?
Still no replies on the bloodwork question. Really would like to know about this.

Meanwhile I have all my bloodwork from my TRT doc and I am pretty sure I figured out what my problem is vis-a-vis ED issues: my prolactin level is WAY above max range and about double optimum!! Prolactin, I just learned, is the "sexual gratification" hormone. It deactivated dopamine, which is the opposite, it promotes arousal. So the prolactin is telling the Sarge he just did a great job and he needs to rest up and take it easy...... I know Test aromatizes to estrogen; does it cause the pituitary gland to secrete more prolactin also? Or is this unrelated?
I still would like to know how you guys that do this on your own monitor yourselves. Does everyone have an "understanding" with their doc? Or do you just wing it?

yes my doctor knows i juice, and they do the blood work there, which means more business for him, so he is more then happy to draw my blood and charge my insurance company an arm and a leg lol,
Never read anything about test and prolactin. Tumors, stress, and antipsychotics are the main reasons. Or hypothroidism or thryroid problems. How does your doctor think you developed high Pro levels?
Raysd21, I wish I knew. The knucklehead never mentioned it! I got copies of my bloodwork to take with me to urologist Tuesday and have been scrutinizing it and trying to learn what it all means. When I read what prolactin does I knew right away that's what my problem is. He must have suspected it or he wouldn't have ordered the test, but it was never discussed!! So I'll ask the urologist about it Tues and ask him to prescribe Dostinex as well as what could be causing it. All this time the doc, the nurses in the clinic (very embarrassing to discuss ED with cute, young nurses, btw) have been focused on estradiol level and managing that. THAAT has been on the high side but never out of range. Meanwhile, based on the ever increasing ED has probably been caused by a steadily rising prolactin level! Or at least that's what I believe now.

I've been sleeping like a rock lately, too, which I attributed to the test. It's probably the prolactin... So I'll solve one problem and reintroduce another......
Do you have any food allergies. Are you eating a lot of something in particular. See if you are gluten intolerant. That can cause problems in the pituitary gland. Oh and there is an herb chaste tree berry that might help. It might be called vitex also. A B6 and zinc deficiency can cause elevated prolactin. Supplementing might help or a diet rich in foods containing vitamin B6, such as potatoes, bananas, wild salmon, chicken and spinach. Foods high in zinc are seafood, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, mushrooms, nuts, beans, spinach, and beans.
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You just described a lot of my diet! Although we have had trouble with the wild salmon here (here being Las Vegas area): the last batch we bought (frozen) was bad so we've gone back to buying the fresh, which is farm raised. My multi vitamin has B6 in it, but I've read that one has to "megadose" B6 for it to have an effect. I was supplementing zinc for a while but it gave me bad heartburn, gas and bloating, so now just what's in the multi (25 mg).

I wonder about my blood sugar; back in July I was "pre-diabetic", with level of 97 (100 or maybe 110 is the diabetic threshold, IIRC). I disremember the units of measure on that one. I've read that test will increase insulin levels and should therefore help with high blood sugar? I'm not sure if I have that right... Going to have to get that checked out again, too, I guess.

As for food allergies, I am lactose intolerant, but I stay away from it or take lactate. I doubt that has anything to do with it. The only things I eat a lot of consistently are eggs, egg whites (more egg whites than eggs; usually one or two full eggs a day and close to a half cup of egg whites added in) and chicken (roughly a pound a day, maybe a little less - basically a chicken breast a day). A buddy just found out he's allergic to eggs - I have no idea what symptoms he had, I'll have to ask him.

You don't see anything there that is suspect, right? I could increase spinach, put that in salad more than lettuce... besides that I eat fairly well, including most if not all of the foods you mentioned.

I am again amazed at the knowledge base here... And further: How is it that bodybuilders know more about hormones than doctors??? I find that F-ing incredible. I called the doc who did bloodwork on my back in July or August when I first got my test level checked. Not only did he totally blow me off but when I called today to get a copy of that bloodwork I got the runaround from the chick at the front desk!! Wanted to know what I wanted it for and told me the medical records person would call me back by the end of the week (!!) and we could "discuss" what records I wanted.

I already made that perfectly clear, I told her: I want the bloodwork that was done the last time I was in there. I've only been to this guy maybe 3 times, it's not a very thick file! She said she'd have the person get back to me today but still haven't heard anything. I tell you, I won't be going back there again.
There is a correlation between eating to many egg whites and creating a biotin deficiency. But eating the yolk is supposed to counter that. If you eat two or more raw egg whites a day for several months, it is possible that you will develop a biotin deficiency. Biotin deficiency symptoms are hair loss, scaly skin and insomnia. And hyperprolactinemia is associated with low zinc, iron, and biotin levels. But that's a stretch man. Almost every BB would have some issue then. I put in 20g of egg white powder in with my whey two times a day. But something raised your levels. IDK man. The doctor is just interested in prescribing you drugs and curing you he doesn't necessarilly care what caused it. He has 50 other pateints a day to deal with. Have you lost a lot of hair recently?
Nah, no hair loss to speak of. And the egg whites get cooked: I either crack an egg in the pain and the fill it up w egg whites from a carton, making what looks like a giant fried egg, or else scramble them up with mushrooms and salsa. So if it's just raw egg whites, it's a non-issue....

I haven't heard of biotin yet, will have to read up on that.

Thanks a lot for the thoughtful insight so far! I go see this urologist tomorrow, and having learned what I have so far I am starting to think that may be a dead end... but maybe not, who knows? If I'm going to get help from a doc I think it may end up being an endocrinologist. We'll see.

I just now heard back from the med records chick at the doc's office, and she's faxing the bloodwork to tomorrow's doc. I'll get a copy from him tomorrow. I'm really hoping prolactin level is on that bloodwork so I have some sort of a reference. It would really be nice to have a baseline from when everything was just grand, but who goes to the doctor when they feel great???
You know what? The scaly skin might apply; my back itches almost constantly. My wife remarked the other day that my back was rough (like a rash) - but not scaly. I associate it with dry skin on account of living in the desert for almost 2 years - but maybe there's more to it? I dunno. Might have to look into that, too.
I just read up on biotin deficiency a little bit, and I don't have any of the symptoms described, so I doubt that's it. I won't rule it out, though.
I havent done this personally, but I know guys that have went online to LabCorp and found a draw site(somewhere you can go have blood drawn) and order your lab work online. Then, set up a date and time to draw your labs and pay for it out of pocket. Usually can find a coupon online to save some as well. But, this is what I've heard. Haven't had to do this personally because this is what I do for a living. I'm a lab Tech.

I'm thinkin Presser is right on target with your issue. Its probably your prostate enlarged which the Urologist will be able to tell you once he rapes you with his finger... Pray for a small hand DR. LMAO!!!!! Anyway, ask the Urologist which supplemments will reduce the enlargement of the prostate. Then, come back on here and post it for all of us buddy.

For now, I know Saw Palmetto is a good prostate support but dont know if it reduces an enlarged prostate or not...

Update: urologist was a complete jackass. Barely listened to what I had to say, cut me off partway through and grabbed bits and pieces and ran with it - he clearly didn't want to take even 5 minutes to listen uninterrupted. Bottom line is he ordered an ultrasound to check for enlarged prostate which he didn't expect to find, I guess based on PSA number, which is 1.0.

That is up from 0.7 when I started this in Feb, and one of the things I learned from this doc visit (and I got this from a pamphlet in the exam room, not from the doc) is that DHT is what causes the prostate to enlarge. So Test aromatizes to estradiol (estrogen) and also converts to DHT. DHT also causes acne, and I have a fair amount of that. So I think I need a 'reductase blocker' to prevent conversion. But WTF do I know??

Urologist also ordered bloodwork to check prolactin and estradiol levels; I handed him bloodwork showing estradiol level, so I have no idea why he wants to see that, other than the fact that he didn't look at a single sheet of the 15 pages I filled out while waiting. I will definitely follow through with ultrasound, and maybe with bloodwork too.

I'm getting pretty close to buying what I think I need on my own and trying to arrive at the right combo. No one else seems to know watt they're doing; I at least have a vested interest in getting things sorted out. Also, I'm moving in a few weeks (across country), so will have to start from the beginning finding a doc who will listen and accommodate. I'm not real hopeful my old PCP there will be the guy to go to. I may try him first, but not real hopeful, like I said.

- - - Updated - - -

Update: urologist was a complete jackass. Barely listened to what I had to say, cut me off partway through and grabbed bits and pieces and ran with it - he clearly didn't want to take even 5 minutes to listen uninterrupted. Bottom line is he ordered an ultrasound to check for enlarged prostate which he didn't expect to find, I guess based on PSA number, which is 1.0.

That is up from 0.7 when I started this in Feb, and one of the things I learned from this doc visit (and I got this from a pamphlet in the exam room, not from the doc) is that DHT is what causes the prostate to enlarge. So Test aromatizes to estradiol (estrogen) and also converts to DHT. DHT also causes acne, and I have a fair amount of that. So I think I need a 'reductase blocker' to prevent conversion. But WTF do I know??

Urologist also ordered bloodwork to check prolactin and estradiol levels; I handed him bloodwork showing estradiol level, so I have no idea why he wants to see that, other than the fact that he didn't look at a single sheet of the 15 pages I filled out while waiting. I will definitely follow through with ultrasound, and maybe with bloodwork too.

I'm getting pretty close to buying what I think I need on my own and trying to arrive at the right combo. No one else seems to know watt they're doing; I at least have a vested interest in getting things sorted out. Also, I'm moving in a few weeks (across country), so will have to start from the beginning finding a doc who will listen and accommodate. I'm not real hopeful my old PCP there will be the guy to go to. I may try him first, but not real hopeful, like I said.