Test E


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Been on test E for about 2 months now, with a little deca mixed in for the joints.

1g of test E, 400mgs of deca.

I've never done just straight test E. I've always used prop, sus250, Or a decanate blend.

Anyway, since this is my first time with test E. Things are a little diffrent. First, it keeps getting better. With each month that passes by. This is my second month and i finally feel like super man.

Also, It seems that test E gives me more of a temper than anything else...

can anyone comment??
normalsucks said:
Been on test E for about 2 months now, with a little deca mixed in for the joints.

1g of test E, 400mgs of deca.

I've never done just straight test E. I've always used prop, sus250, Or a decanate blend.

Anyway, since this is my first time with test E. Things are a little diffrent. First, it keeps getting better. With each month that passes by. This is my second month and i finally feel like super man.

Also, It seems that test E gives me more of a temper than anything else...

can anyone comment??

Never heard of the temper thing being more of a problem with E, but I agree..... it seems to take forever to really kick in (4-6 weeks) but smooth and steady sailing once that happens, or so I'm told. I have no real world experience, I just like making this shit up as I go along.:satan:
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Wow, 1g of test? Why so much? Have you been off for a long time?
Lol.Did you just say 1gram of test and it is your first time running it?When I have gone up to a gram I have noticed I had to control the temper a little bit.Probably from the high bp from running a gram.But yeah it will make you the man in the gym after it kicks in.
I ran a gram a week last offseason.This offseason ran 750 and got the same results minus the bp.Then I bumped down to 600 and didn't even notice a difference.Ran deca this offseason at 300mg.Man my joints loved it.Bumped it up to 450 thinking I'd get better results and within 2 weeks the old deca dick set in.Needless to say I quit the deca right away.Gotta keep the wife happy:)My joints were hating me for it within a couple of weeks.Long story short-MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER.
1g of test a week is alot, especially with long acting esters. I LOVE Enanthate, personally it is my favorite of all tests, then again I love PROP too... hahah... i'm a big fan of test e 750mg/week along with 50mg of prop ED for 20 days... still light on the bloat side but after 20 days (the enanthate starts to kick in), and the levels stay strong all cycle long.
lol.. hey guys. I weigh 260... And I've been running 1g for years... Just dont get much till i get atleast 750.

I always run test at this level... er, maybe i run prop at 700... just cause its a pain getting more.

Did i say im fing strong as hell right now? lol
If you came off long enough, you'd probably get the same results from 500mg, even at 260 lbs.
Many more people than you think use 1 g or more. Most just won't tell you that.

I've never noticed any added rage at 1 g unless I am running tren with it, but, everyone is different. Keep it harnessed and use it at the gym!
dont like the tood when im with the kids or the wife. But man... nothin better when your a bouncer at a bar-lol. Dudes just f-ing look scared shitless... cause they know im fing out of my mind. At one gram.. couple shots of jack, I am.
hit 385 on the incline bench yesterday. Im going to try and get 405 on there. Its the first time i've ever really tried to increase the amount of weight on the incline. Usually its all about flat bench. But i keep getting injured... So im just doing a couple sets on flat and consentrating more on incline.
normalsucks said:
hit 385 on the incline bench yesterday. Im going to try and get 405 on there. Its the first time i've ever really tried to increase the amount of weight on the incline. Usually its all about flat bench. But i keep getting injured... So im just doing a couple sets on flat and consentrating more on incline.

good, incline IMHO produces a much more impressive chest and helps prevent injuries. I use alot of machines for press movements. Great muscle stimulation and overload w/o fear of injury.

405lb incline is just as impressive as a 495lb flat.
thanks for the replies.

Vert!! dude, i saw your pic on myspace.. .fing a dude... your delts look good!

my flat bench is lagging behind... I have sharp muscle pain deep in the peck when i go over about 365... scares the crap out of me, so i've started slowing down on the flat bench.
Wow slim, you're only 260? I thought for sure you'd be closing in on 300 by now! lol
My fuse gets shorter on Test E more so than on anything else I've used over the years so I imagine that at 1G you'd be feeling it ;)
I've never noticed any difference between test e and test cyp, and I've used both in high amounts (up to 1g). Tren seems to make me a little more irritable, but nothing I can't handle.
saudades said:
I've never noticed any difference between test e and test cyp, and I've used both in high amounts (up to 1g). Tren seems to make me a little more irritable, but nothing I can't handle.

Yeah.... I am curious as to what might be the cause of this for those that claim to notice a difference. From what info I've gathered, test is test, regardless of the ester (ie. prop, cyp, e, etc.) I've also heard arguments concerning the water retention differences between long esters (like cyp and e) as compared to prop, but again, this does not seem possible from a chemistry standpoint. The ester should determine the half-life of the substance, not the sides..... correct? A gram of prop/week is = to a gram of cyp/week, is = to a gram of e/week..... no? Anyone have any opinions here?
normally im pretty calm. I dont even get worked up when using tren. It could be that i just have a lot of stress in my life right now.

but its kinda weird how all of a sudden I cant control my temper. I've used all the other esters at this level and never had a problem either.