Testosterone and trying to conceive

I'm gonna have to disagree with Presser, as I run my HCG protocol quite differently.

I run HCG throughout the cycle, once the test has kicked in and is at elevated levels of course. It is nothing like the doses that individuals who use it during PCT use. I mean, I commonly use 500IU HCG weekly while cycling ~1g test and a myriad of other compounds.

It has never steered me wrong and I have always recovered VERY rapidly from all of my cycles.

If you'd like to know about dosage protocols involved in testicular atrophy prevention, as opposed to treatment after the fact, please don't hesitate to ask.

So you run 5000iu's a week throughout the whole cycle?
Fuck man, this is depressing. for a couple years ive believing i could have kids while cycling for long periods. now my fiance and me are trying to have a baby with no luck. we have been trying for a year. SHIT!!!!! im gonna go get tested as well and see if there is still hope. man im gonna cry. i feel like an idiot!
I don't really care to have kids just yet, I'll be the 40-45 year dad lol. I'll probably be 60 at their graduation
when I hang out with my nephew is when I realize how much I want a son, when I hear peoples stories of boys hitting on there daughters I realize how much I dont want a daughter, bc Im a psycho and will beat the shit out of all the boys than prolly have serious heart issues in my 40s
Fuck man, this is depressing. for a couple years ive believing i could have kids while cycling for long periods. now my fiance and me are trying to have a baby with no luck. we have been trying for a year. SHIT!!!!! im gonna go get tested as well and see if there is still hope. man im gonna cry. i feel like an idiot!

bro we been trying for a long time now and as i said before we are seeing a fertility specialist since our insurance covers Invitro Fertilization, but first they have to see where problem is

I went last friday to go Cum im a Cup and I couldnt do it, Talk about depressed , cause i was so eager to know my sperm count, but i couldnt get comfortable enough to cum there in a fucking cup sitting on a fucking toilet. I thought it would be a better set up but it was just a cold fucking bathroom and i washed my hands with cold water and from there my cock just froze to death,lol

Anyways they gave me the at home kit since i live so close to the doctors , so ill cum at home then run the sample up there a few minutes away

I am also sorry ur having problem brutha! My wife and I have wanted kids for a few years now but so far it hasnt happened naturaly. I hope you have better luck then we are bro
when I hang out with my nephew is when I realize how much I want a son, when I hear peoples stories of boys hitting on there daughters I realize how much I dont want a daughter, bc Im a psycho and will beat the shit out of all the boys than prolly have serious heart issues in my 40s

Yea, I hear you there, I have a few nieces and nephews and they are the reason I want AND don't want kids lol. When they are being good, I want kids, but when they are being little assholes I don't want them
All you guys saying you heard all these stories of guys knocking up their women on cycle, you sure do all take those women for their word. Just cause she's pregnant, doesn't mean its his.
hahaha little assholes, and yeah Dreww thats why they ahave a swab kit lol
All you guys saying you heard all these stories of guys knocking up their women on cycle, you sure do all take those women for their word. Just cause she's pregnant, doesn't mean its his.

lmao now that is funny shit, and yeah if my wife came home today and said guess what im pregnant, a DNA test would defiantly be in order,lol, even though i been clean i just dont think i can have kids yet as i dont think im fully recovered so yeah i would freak out
All you guys saying you heard all these stories of guys knocking up their women on cycle, you sure do all take those women for their word. Just cause she's pregnant, doesn't mean its his.

Personal experience bro??? LoL, I really hope not or I'd totally feel like a dick
yeah I saw that, figured by now u did the at home kit though

nah it takes a good month to get a new appointment brutha, so im waiting until the wife is done school as she is a Teacher and will have off soon so we can get this cum in a cup project done