The Dude at 4 weeks filled out

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I took Chris's advice and had the guy doing my diet look at me after cardio and weigh me. 203lbs and flat and depleted. Way too much for where I'm at. So today he said to eat a sub on wheat but keep it clean, and white meat chicken tenders from Publix as well as chicken with ravioli and eat my other carbs and protein. I did. He told me I might spill a bit in my problem areas, but not to worry. I was very strong, very thick, and had great separation. I feel like a new man!!
Took some pics as Chris requested.






dude... your there man!

Thanks bro, but I'm definately not there yet. I need ever bit of 4 weeks. I've spent a small fortune on this and still without MuscleChemistry's support I couldn't have done it. My wife and I have made huge sacrifices for 16 weeks for this. I've been to this show before and there are real freaks that show up.
I'm going to bring the hardest, driest, and leanest package I can. I can only bring my best, but you can be sure that I WILL bring my best.
Thanks bro, but I'm definately not there yet. I need ever bit of 4 weeks. I've spent a small fortune on this and still without MuscleChemistry's support I couldn't have done it. My wife and I have made huge sacrifices for 16 weeks for this. I've been to this show before and there are real freaks that show up.
I'm going to bring the hardest, driest, and leanest package I can. I can only bring my best, but you can be sure that I WILL bring my best.
you know it my man, bring it, bring all that you got champ... that all you can do, go with everything that you got and then some. we're all more siked for you then you are even for yourself!
Man, that definitely worked for you, you look a lot better. I know you think you'll need the full 4 weeks, but the next 2 are going to be the defining ones where the legs will finally cut up to match the top. You're looking good though bro
What show are you doin? You're full and vascular, but you're right, you'll need every bit of the next 4 weeks. You got this shit, especially with someone like Chris giving you advice. Best of luck man, kick ass for MC!
What show are you doin? You're full and vascular, but you're right, you'll need every bit of the next 4 weeks. You got this shit, especially with someone like Chris giving you advice. Best of luck man, kick ass for MC!

I'm doing the Southern States in Ft Lauderdale. My legs are always the last to come in totally as is my lower back. I'm still retaining water from the high sodium intake as well as the current drugs.
In one week everything changes. I expect to dry out very quickly and harden up quite nicely. As I said, I spent a small fortune and I'm 110% dedicated.
As far as vascularity and fullness, you guys haven't seen shit. There are a few things I learned while paying all that money for my Biomedical Science degree. My main concerns are getting as lean and dry and not spilling. Apparently carb loading won't present much of a problem.
you have come a long way! Still got to get those glutes in. Great Job!!

Thanks bro. Yeah I've got to step it up somehow without losing muscle and get the glutes and hams much tighter. Lots of things are changing from here out as planned so I'm not going to do anything other than what my guy tells me.
I'm actually very frustrated that today is leg day and I can't do my cardio, so I think I'm going to pick up the pace and really blast them to get to burning off some calories.
You and Chris have helped alot!! Any advice you can give is much appreciated.
Yeah, you look better in these pics...Better look overall, than being flat. but with that being said. You still need to get leaner, the goal is to be looking downright sick when your flat (becasue your lines are so deep, and your so lean) in pics. I would say, you have time to acheive that goal, with 4 weeks, your lean enough now, to show up ripped at the show. Is the southern states weigh in on friday or sat morning. Because if you where 203 now, you could lean down to below 198 weigh in as a lightheavy, then carb up if your weigh in is a friday night, or afternoon (even better). Then fill out and go onstage 5-6 pounds heavier, with all those sick deep lines, and cuts. and look like a big lightheavy. It is possiable. But, im not down there with ya, so do what your training thinks is best...what do you think ?
also, your chest looks waaaay better filled out...more fullness, more depth...
Yeah, you look better in these pics...Better look overall, than being flat. but with that being said. You still need to get leaner, the goal is to be looking downright sick when your flat (becasue your lines are so deep, and your so lean) in pics. I would say, you have time to acheive that goal, with 4 weeks, your lean enough now, to show up ripped at the show. Is the southern states weigh in on friday or sat morning. Because if you where 203 now, you could lean down to below 198 weigh in as a lightheavy, then carb up if your weigh in is a friday night, or afternoon (even better). Then fill out and go onstage 5-6 pounds heavier, with all those sick deep lines, and cuts. and look like a big lightheavy. It is possiable. But, im not down there with ya, so do what your training thinks is best...what do you think ?

I'm doing a little more cardio and Clen, but trying to keep from getting to flat. I definately need to be leaner. Unfortunately Friday is all the bullshit stuff. Weigh ins are Sat morning then prejudging starts Sat at 10am. I start carbing up on Thurs. If this was any indication, I don't see me getting to below 210. This was with only 1 high carb meal addition and one fatty meal addition (the white meat chicken tenders) and my weight jumped to 217. Two days of carbing up even with diuretics will likely have me at 215. I'm not going to worry about class. Just show up the best I can. The guy doing my posing won the over 40 last year and said with last years guys I could've won the Heavies as I am. I'm not counting on that though. My plan is just to follow the course and listen to my diet guy. Drug plan is set and I just need to get leaner and dry and I think with the switch at the end of this week I will look alot different.
When did you stop the higher carb day every 5 or 6 days? I don't want it to interupt me getting the striations I need.