Today and a question and a picture


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I tried drag curls, and are are your hands supposed to be wide or narrow? I was kind of playing with the spacing but didnt know which way was better.
Im trying to flex the traps a little but hard to do that and take a pic, but thats where I stand as of today, stomach needs trimming still as well as putting on size everywhere
Im using this practically as a week 1 photo, I have been doing some stuff to cut a little fat and 4 days ago started the building process and during that the fat will continue to drop, Id like to see good improvements by mid to late may
You've got a good start and all the supplies to make your goals
Thanks man, MC igf 1st bottle almost done with the second one to go at 50mcgs 6 days a week. applying to abs
Today after doing bi's I did 5 1/2 miles on the bike (trying to do cardio 5 days a week)
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Thanks man, MC igf 1st bottle almost done with the second one to go at 50mcgs 6 days a week.
Today after doing bi's I did 5 1/2 miles on the bike (trying to do cardio 5 days a week)

Sounds good, you'll be able to add size and the IGF will help trim down the fat too, that's basically what's happening with me
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Sounds good, you'll be able to add size and the IGF will help trim down the fat too, that's basically what's happening with me

yeah as long as no injuries and I stay healthy I should be good. I was a little embarassed to put this pic up bc I only like to post pics of when I feel im starting to look good and this is not one of them but fuck it I will be able to look back on it now.
On the drag curls..or any curls for that matter..I just do them where my hands and arms would fall naturally...just at my sides I guess...
I've never done drag curls, have you ever tried arm blaster curls? Those fuckers hurt but work like crazy
On the drag curls..or any curls for that matter..I just do them where my hands and arms would fall naturally...just at my sides I guess...

cool thanks man

I've never done drag curls, have you ever tried arm blaster curls? Those fuckers hurt but work like crazy

what are those? I dont know the names of half the shit I do lol
whats your diet like ? what are you plan on using...

Hey Chris, I have a pretty loose diet in comparison to most of you, but for the most part I eat pretty clean. Thats not to say that once a week I dont have pizza, and usually lunch or dinner every once in a while (more than twice a week) will include pasta with cheese or like yesterday my wife made pastillos with ground turkey and american cheese. I pretty much keep the protien high and dont worry about the carbs, and 80% of my diet is low fat. Breakfast is always healthy. Im eating probably 5 times a day right now.
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Thick. It looks like you have the same little fattyness? at the bottom of the nipples. I dont know if mine is fluid (light gyno) or fat. Do you think yours is a lttle gyno or fat??
Thick. It looks like you have the same little fattyness? at the bottom of the nipples. I dont know if mine is fluid (light gyno) or fat. Do you think yours is a lttle gyno or fat??
its not really either it was from how I was posing it pinches the mid chest a little, I will have more pics coming up as the weeks go by and il pose differently and ul see what I mean
i do drag curls narrow, it stretches me better, we all have diffrent mechanics, finding your sweet spot is the key, as for the nipple issue, i dont think there is an issue, just looks like your holding alot of water bro, happens to me when i go off and my diet sucks. your thick bro, you look like a power lifter right now. when all your supplements come in and your full blown, just keep your water intake up. like 1-1 1/2 gallons a day, drink until all your doing is taking a piss every 20-30 minutes. it'll push the water out from under the skin, helps alot. and you dont have to rely on any type of drug to have the same effect.

time to get yoked
i do drag curls narrow, it stretches me better, we all have diffrent mechanics, finding your sweet spot is the key, as for the nipple issue, i dont think there is an issue, just looks like your holding alot of water bro, happens to me when i go off and my diet sucks. your thick bro, you look like a power lifter right now. when all your supplements come in and your full blown, just keep your water intake up. like 1-1 1/2 gallons a day, drink until all your doing is taking a piss every 20-30 minutes. it'll push the water out from under the skin, helps alot. and you dont have to rely on any type of drug to have the same effect.

time to get yoked

Thanks man, Yeah I need to up my water intake a bit, the green tea I make gets me drinking that instead of water sometimes. I drink distilled which is good for going right through you and pushing toxins out, fighters use that type while cutting for fights. I was 199 yesterday with that pic, 5'9". this am I was 197. U can see that syst I have under my right pec too, I thought he was mamybe refering to that as I read but than saw he wasnt.
Thanks man, Yeah I need to up my water intake a bit, the green tea I make gets me drinking that instead of water sometimes. I drink distilled which is good for going right through you and pushing toxins out, fighters use that type while cutting for fights. I was 199 yesterday with that pic, 5'9". this am I was 197. U can see that syst I have under my right pec too, I thought he was mamybe refering to that as I read but than saw he wasnt.

yeah its all just water bro, why dont you hit it hard bro? are you just wanting to acheive a certain look? or do you have a set number of pounds your thinking you wanna gain?

reason im asking bro, is just cuz i guess in my head im always thinking, if im gonna put my body threw this i might as well try and gain as much as i can, and look as good as i can.
just qurrious
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