Training for my 1st show - bikini

Lil Lifter

New member
hey everyone! :wave: It's been a long while since I have been on line. Hope everyone is well. I am still working and training hard. In fact I recently decided to do my first bikini show. Yay! It's really for me to kind of see where my body has grown from all the training I have done and what better way than prepare for a show. I am about 8 1/2 weeks out from the show. I started my dieting about 2 weeks ago and have already lost around 3 1/2-4 lbs. My hubby is helping me with tweaking my training and I have a dieting meal plan in place. Excited to see how body reacts to this diet and extra cardio and tweaking of my training that I am doing. We are kind of playing by ear for now on how much cardio I need because I am small already and don't want to lose too much too early with so much time left. Anyways, that's what is new with me. Any input and suggestions are always welcome. Im a little nervous about it but all in all excited to see how things go! :D
Good info to hear and like you said the best way to tell what you have done to your body is diet down and see.
i am not an expert bikini person but all the females that i see doing it spend a whole lot of time on the stair stepper.
Hey girl!! Welcome back! Very excited to hear about your show. I may've missed it, but when and where is it? Are you going to post progress pics? Good luck.
Small waist is key. Tight and firm butt and hamstrings. Watch the back, dont let it get to muscular. Posing is SO important in bikini also. Darker cooler siuts are best.
Congrats on taking the next step in training. It takes a lot of guts to step on stage for the first time, but like you said it's one of the only true ways to see what you've done with your body. I wish you the best
Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I will post some pics soon. Diet going well! The low carbs makes u more tired for sure! I'm pushing on and forward! Im excited to see the changes! :)
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Thanks Nuk! I have a couple of friends that compete as well so they are going to help with posing. I thought Id wait a little bit on the suit so i know what size to get. Lol :) excited to start looking for a suit tho. Thanks for the advise! I will take all I can get! :)

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Hey Silk! Hope u are well! It mid March in St. Louis. Yes. I'll get my hubby, exbeanpole, to take some pics and I'll post soon.:)
Sorry guys I'm just too busy reaping the benefits of her training to take pics right now! :satan:

I'll take some pics this weekend, that should be right about 7 weeks out.
stay under 10 carbs a day and you will lose way more than 3 pounds in 2 weeks, I know its hard, and I cant personally do it but it works very well. My buddy found some Jap company that makes zero carb pastas and alternatives, he even found a 0 carb peanut butter and cinnamon spread on there (pretty sure all on amazon) so research that, as I should as well and it should do wonder. He went from 284 to 242 in 6 weeks (6' 4 1/2")
:wave: Hey guys! I'm still here... working my ass off prepping for my first bikini show. lol This Saturday will be 4 weeks out. Coming fast! Training is going pretty well. I'm doing lesser weight but high reps and I've been doing cardio twice per day for around 3 weeks and seems to be helping shed the body fat. :cardio: Diet going pretty well. I think Ive gotten used to having no flavor. LOL :laugh: I've been doing one cheat meal per week which I have enjoyed. But I know that is gonna go away very very very soon with so little time left before the competition. Seeing the changes in my body are so exciting! :pleased: My suit has been ordered and it should arrive next week, which I am super excited to receive. Can not wait to try it on! I've got some of the other things scheduled and lined up; just prepping away to try and minimize my stress level for show day. Been practicing as well for the on stage presentation of me! I'm having fun with that! :) All in all it's hard work and a ton of discipline but I know I can do this and am proud thus far of myself! Yes, i'm tired and all that, of's a good thing I have an awesome hubby that knows and understands what I am going through. He has been a tremendous help for me more than he knows! Im a lucky lady!

I should have pics up this weekend so you all can see my progress over the past few weeks. I still have some hard work ahead but Im certainly headed in the right direction! :thumbsup:
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Diet diet diet... Tight and sharp!!!!!!!

And of course color, last year I FINALLY paid for the real deal air brushing... Worth EVERY penny
Good for you! I'm really excited for you and can't wait to see those pics! You're a lucky girl to have such a supportive hubby :) what color is your suit?
Good for you! I'm really excited for you and can't wait to see those pics! You're a lucky girl to have such a supportive hubby :) what color is your suit?

I had to laugh. Only a female would ask what color is the suit. (just teasing you Silk) Good luck with the show. Having a partner who
knows what your doing and going thru is invaluable. Any idea what your body fat is/will be? Main thing is have fun with it.
Oh yes, I already have my tan appt set up evening before show by the "official" show tanner. Not gonna be something like that to throw me off. lol :)