Eswol you nailed it for me brother. I almost get a divorce every couple weeks on it! It really makes you so consumed with bodybuilding it's all you care about. I just have all these crazy songs I listen to at the gym in my head. Hardcore rock. It makes me snap at the smallest things. I could drop a fork and I will yell wtf!!!! Throw it in the sink and by this time my face is beat red. Now imagine when my wife complains or something that's actually more aggravating! Lol. It's tough to control it. Other than that I get night sweats, sweat all day and am always hot.
I do cardio with no problem. My body changes almost daily with size, vascularity, hardness and new muscle striations. Gives me great sense of well being. I have to relieve myself with sex or masturbation at least three times a day. Strength and intensity at the gym is at a whole new level. Watch a branch warren video and that's how I workout. Sure I'm forgetting something but the good out weighs the bad as long as I can stay married. I can be really mean and the next day I realize it and spend a week apologizing. Until a week later and it happens again. :/
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