Troubles maintaining weight


New member
I would say im pretty lucky in the way that if i wanted to drop weight or increase weight my body responds pretty well both directions depending on how i adjust my diet...problem i have though i trying to maintain a weight... for example. Wife had a baby i had fuck all sleep ate shit at stupid hours and only trained half assed a couple times for a week.... i dropped over 3kgs which is 7 pounds i think...then i need to compensate that week of shit with full strict eating 6 times a day with intense training and by day 7 i will back 7 pounds heavier again.....

Does a week off make such a difference to u guys aswell? I know the super heavies can fluctuate that much i a night but im only 104kgs (229pounds) but am 6'3
I fluctuate a couple pounds up or down every week maybe more actually! As for a week off , what do you mean does it make a difference in that you can lose that much if u don't train a week?
Stress can make you loose a lot of weight. That happens to me also. I am not sure if it is water weight or a combination of muscle and fat loss. It seems to come off quick but it is slower going back on. It is just part of life and you just have to live with it.
Bro 7 days of no sleep, training, shit diet and baby on the way, dropping 7lbs vs sleeping, training and eating right the next week gaining it back? Welcome to LIFE bro! I promise you the 7 lbs you dropped that week was NOT muscle if your put it back on 7 days later. Stay off the scale!