Urgent help needed!!

Very good advice here!! Steroid use is not advised at your age. Period. For any person of any age, implementing any AAS is only advised or even considered after reaching your natural potential and hitting a plateau with training and diet. Diet and Training are the keys to any success in fitness and bodybuilding. Supplements are exactly what they say they are....They supplement in areas where your natural diet and training are lacking. Until reaching this natural plateau, these tools will not be beneficial to anyone. You can do this!!! 100% Diet!! 100% Training!! 100% Dedication!!!
Get it!!!!

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Very good advice here!! Steroid use is not advised at your age. Period. For any person of any age, implementing any AAS is only advised or even considered after reaching your natural potential and hitting a plateau with training and diet. Diet and Training are the keys to any success in fitness and bodybuilding. Supplements are exactly what they say they are....They supplement in areas where your natural diet and training are lacking. Until reaching this natural plateau, these tools will not be beneficial to anyone. You can do this!!! 100% Diet!! 100% Training!! 100% Dedication!!!
Get it!!!!
Allmax makes good products. They also sell alot of individual supps. I've got their glutamine, and luecine. Aminocore is not really a preworkout more like an intra workout. Green coffee bean extract or just some caffeine product would be nice with the aminocore. Allmax sells caffeine pills for $8. Just be carefull of any "fat burner" it is basically like every form of super concentrated caffeine in a pill with dandelion root as a diuretic. You will lose weight granted from that at first but it will mainly be water. I would supplement with an individual caffeine product maybe with some rasberry ketones, ala and cla are supposed to work well together. That's about it. But in the end it's gonna come down to clean eating and cardio especially the last 10-15 lbs which is barely what I see you losing. And since you are trying to build muscle also, I wouldn't rely on the scale for my results more of like a guide. Good luck and for gods sake keep us updated...preferably with pics.:satan:
Allmax makes good products. They also sell alot of individual supps. I've got their glutamine, and luecine. Aminocore is not really a preworkout more like an intra workout. Green coffee bean extract or just some caffeine product would be nice with the aminocore. Allmax sells caffeine pills for $8. Just be carefull of any "fat burner" it is basically like every form of super concentrated caffeine in a pill with dandelion root as a diuretic. You will lose weight granted from that at first but it will mainly be water. I would supplement with an individual caffeine product maybe with some rasberry ketones, ala and cla are supposed to work well together. That's about it. But in the end it's gonna come down to clean eating and cardio especially the last 10-15 lbs which is barely what I see you losing. And since you are trying to build muscle also, I wouldn't rely on the scale for my results more of like a guide. Good luck and for gods sake keep us updated...preferably with pics.:satan:

Thanks for the advice. I will keep everyone posted with pics. I do use amino core for intra workout and it works great. I would have stopped my clen usage today but I have heard that it doesn't work that way. I have to taper. I took 75 mcg today and it is my highest dosage.
I am presently taking Aminocore produced by allmax nutrition for my preworkout and kaizen whey protein. Plus i already started my first cycle of Clen before i started this thread. So i can not just stop taking it now. I have to taper down now. Are there really metabolism boosters out there?! I didn't know lol. I just finished working out between and it was glorious!

What did you workout today? Whats your routine?
What did you workout today? Whats your routine?

I don't have any set routine and that's why i need help. Today, i just did 10 sets of 95 pound squat. 15 reps. I can squat with more weight but i decided to do this because i heard a high rep workout burns more fat. after this, i did a bunch of crunches, russian twists, straight plank for one minute and plank with my two sides for 30 seconds each.
You could do a split routine with supersets. To keep your heart rate up do 2 exercises at the same time like 8-10 exercises total. Just go back and forth. The most common split routine is back/bicep, chest/tricep, legs/shoulders, 6 body parts done on separate days over 3 days. You could also pick up a heart rate monitor and watch if you really wanted to get accurate. It will have a heart rate monitor with 3 zones a "resting zone" "fat burning zone" "cardio zone" for your age and sex and weight and what not. But that's a little advanced. I would ditch the crunches and elaborate ab exercises for cardio. You basically work your abs on every single exercise you do. You don't burn belly fat by doing ab exercises. You just strengthen your abs. Cardio and diet burns all fat.
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You could do a split routine with supersets. To keep your heart rate up do 2 exercises at the same time like 8-10 exercises total. Just go back and forth. The most common split routine is back/bicep, chest/tricep, legs/shoulders, 6 body parts done on separate days over 3 days. You could also pick up a heart rate monitor and watch if you really wanted to get accurate. It will have a heart rate monitor with 3 zones a "resting zone" "fat burning zone" "cardio zone" for your age and sex and weight and what not. But that's a little advanced. I would ditch the crunches and elaborate ab exercises for cardio. You basically work your abs on every single exercise you do. You don't burn belly fat by doing ab exercises. You just strengthen your abs. Cardio and diet burns all fat.
no wonder i haven't been able to see progress concerning my tummy. I do all these ab exercises but it doesn't seem to help much. I will have to do some research concerning the supersets as i do not really know much about that. I can invest on a heart rate monitor if it will be good for me. Which exact one should i get? for cardio, are you talking about threadmill? i hate going on the threadmill hmmmmm Thanks!
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Welcome to MC- I believe everyone has given you food for thought here and they are correct.
Lots of things to do before you consider that level of supplementation.
Looking forward to your contribution to the forums.