Var-cycle Help!


New member
Hey fellas iron back here with another cycle question
im taking everybody's advice and not doing Tren right now but this guy i can get my shit from probably ahs the best prices for human grade shit i have evr heard of, and i was thinking of getting soem VAR.
Im looking to put mass on bigtime and i am not that big of a fan of dbol, so i was thinking of getting VAR J/w if anyone has any expereience with it if so what was it like what was ure doasge and did you put size/lean mass on???
Im thinking maybe Test E, EQ, and Var for first 4-6 weeks,,,,thoughts?

sounds like a great cycle, for LEAN gains and quality muscle. Don't expect to gain a lot of weight like you would with other cycles but the EQ will give you quality and vascularity and the Var will make you strong. All that with a solid test base and you should be very happy with the results. I've been on 50mg of Var a day since mid June and I love it. I went up to 80mg and then 100mg for a short time but didn't notice a difference. What are your doses for the test and the EQ and what length you talking about here?
Im thinking 12 weeks test 10 only 21,,,before i tell the dosages i was considering, why don't u tell me what dosages u suggest for a dude my age???

Im 5;11, 21...pretty strong for my age honestly....i train with DC style of training....what u suggesT?
I didn't look at your age, my bad. to be honest at your age I wouldn't suggest any gear at all, you've got a ton of natural test running through your system and the best thing for you right now is a good diet.

there's nothing more anabolic than FOOD.
i agree with mike but if you are planning on going ahead anyway a nice cycle of eq at 400mgs test at 500 and var at 40mgs would work fairly safe