Vote for me please... Flex bikini model search!

Wow...I went through the Photos online and you have my vote for sure. Love the tats and you have a great look for Flex Mag.
37 people viewing this thread lol just got ya 25 more thats over 100 i think just from me im sure your near the top steph.
Been away from the board for a few days, so I made up for it with 50 votes :thumbsup: Good luck steph!
Sweeeeet! Thank you all! :D

You know my dad had the balls to ask me if he could give one vote to a blonde a few rows down from me?? I told him he could vote for whoever he wants in the next round of judging! LOL...
of course you have my vote very nice are a very pretty girl.with a body to die for...WOW.....
Only one more day to vote!!!!

I found it easiest to open up several tabs/windows and post the url in each of them and just take turns going down the line clicking through the steps voting non-stop.

I appreciate all the time everyone has put into helping me out. I've got your backs anytime you need me to do the same!