weight room accomplishments

  • Thread starter Thread starter WeirdAl
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I've been GOING to the gym regularly for the past few weeks.

After a really shitty year, that makes me happy cus bad habits die so HARD. The workouts themselves have been great too! I'll put more detail in my journal once I get into a really good groove. :)
I got 315X8 today too Al. Great job. Looks like a joint workout effort needs to be in the works. Al, Mid, Rad, Shug, Saks and anyone else interested in a VA/NC colaboration
I pulled 415 last week on deads. I have been doing deads for less than a year so I am happy. Out of the gym, however, I had one of the hottest girlfriends at Rive Gauche (nightclub in Chicago) on Saturday night. Hell, I am trying to compete with these impressive numbers posted on any level that I can...LOL. Keep up the good work, all!
just remember, this isn't a competition... but I'm using other's numbers (especially natty boy saks' :D) to motivate me!

BTW, after 315, which felt really good, I went to 225, lol. I only have a spotter for 1 set.
Made my first bench attempt at 545 last night.... I didn't get it, :(

But I was close. :)

On a good note though I got 2 solid lifts at 500 and 34 reps of 225. I'm going to credit my IGF/Tren/Sust/EQ/Creatine/slin - (Weekends only) regiment and the extra olive oil calories I've been getting. I've set personal bests on just about every exercise this cycle and it sadly will end next week...

I must say, I've had the best pumps while on IGF (aside from my first cycle) and will likely try it again.

Thanks for all the help everyone! & LA thanks for helping me fine tune my experiments!

- skwood
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never really maxed out...only dumbells...on deds i have pulled 465 x 3 with no chalk or straps....squatted 460 x 2 ...dont like that barbell thing.....i wish i had you fellers around here to lift with...everyone around her is a pussy! pretty sad when i put a 120 lbs dumbell a certain way on a rack and when i come back for it the next week it is still there in the same spot.

congrats to all tho
WeirdAl said:
just remember, this isn't a competition... but I'm using other's numbers (especially natty boy saks' :D) to motivate me!

BTW, after 315, which felt really good, I went to 225, lol. I only have a spotter for 1 set.

I am glad I can motivate you Al! Ususally I do not have a spotter untill the heavier weights too. Everyonce in a while though Shug and I can get on the same schedule. I think that is why I got 350X3. I was confident that I would not get pinned under the weight.
Damn you guys are strong! I benched 225 once for 22 reps at 202. Interestingly my max at the time was like 365 for 1-2 or 315 for like 5...i have more muscle endurance i think than absolute strength.
leg pressed 1015 for like 8 solid reps the other day.
Military w/ 265 for 3
"pretty sad when i put a 120 lbs dumbell a certain way on a rack and when i come back for it the next week it is still there in the same spot." - LOL

I know this was not meant as a joke, I guess I laughed because I can relate. Though I have a good lifting partner. Our gym is full of pansies.
I went up to the 110lb dumbells for flat press. Really good for me. I was thrilled. they don't go up higher then that at my gym! Guess I will have to bench
FYI, I WILL hit 505 on deadlifts this week! I got 485 last week (up from 465 the previous week), and afterwards got 505 up, just couldn't get my shoulders back and my chest out. Tried a 2nd time, and only got it like 2" off the ground :D
Congrats Al! I tryed 495 X2 yesterday and could hardly budge it. After a whole lot of swearing and kicking things, I decided to try 475. It would have been a PB for me but I only got it about 2". I am so damn weak I can't stand it:(
Maxed out on flat bench @ 385 week before last! Barbell Rows 315 for 12reps, Max Deadlift 495...haven't maxed that one out in like 6 months though, will trry next week! for 545lbs
I maxed deads today. Unfortunatly my lower back is mad at me now, but I pulled 465 today. 10# heavier than my previous