Wesley vs. Squat Police


National Strongman Competitor
Ok so I finally put together new video...

This one is based on strength and explosive techniques for Leg Day..

I remembered to finally wear my MC Shirt here and there, and of course Prescription Nutrition...

I'd like to hear your guys feedback, honest feedback, if this one came out like crap, tell me, if you like it, you can say that as well...I trust the members here like no where else to give me legit feedback..

thanks and hope you enjoy and I do have a video this spring coming out with a 60"+ box jump and a 4-4.2 second 100M sprint...If anyone knows Kevin Levrone tell him I'm up for a race ;)

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/A9vJKA_h7m0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
wow loving the routine..them atg looks supper hard i cant get that low ever..the rest look just as hard to be fair.. good legs u get there bro
The hold time I was watching his video. That all I could look at.. Lol.. Dam the man is thick.

Yeah if im being honest, thats all i kept staring at as well, lol, then I kept thinking ...is this shit photo shopped somehow in a video,lol, those fuckers were RETARDED LOOKING..in a good way ofcourse
I have to agree with the photo shopped thoughts. I think it was photo shopped, otherwise how the hell could you
keep the bar in place on the no hand squats with those freeking traps. lolol I was laughing, your traps were bigger
then the guys in the mma movie "warrior" (his kept getting bigger as the movie went on). You know they are freeky
when you cant take your eyes off of them. (do you notice people breaking eye contact to keep looking at your traps??)
Wes, very good video. That high jump was frickin impressive. Thumbs up bro. Didnt see anything to improve on.
(if I saw something I would say) I love it when you see the the bar springing up and down with the weight on it.
Thank you guys for the kind words...Much appreciated!!

Im all ears how I can make these videos better for the future...As you can see my video skills are not amazing..but I am trying :)

My traps are real LOL...I can't photoshop, I can barely make a video haha!! I do have a trick to training them that I personally developed years ago..I will do a video of it soon to explain. I use it for myself and all my clients with 100% success. 90% of my trap training is with 135lbs or less, I usually actually hold a 45lb plate in each hand, I will explain the motion you need to hit them just right...It works very well. I also do them and calves 2-3x per week minimum.
Dude you are the man! This is the first video of yours I've watched and I'm going to try to watch them all tonight. Bro you are fucking sick strong. Makes me feel kind of pathetic, but damn is it motivating!
Thanx Dude :) That means alot coming from you! From all of you guys, I truly respect your guys opinions on lifting, so thank you all :)

Hey Alpha, rather then wait for the video, I will try to explain as best I can the concept..

The primary exercise I do is 45lb plate raises. So grab a plate in the center hole, I always hold it with the last 3 fingers of each hand, so you are "NOT" using your thumb or pointer finger I guess you would call it.

Now hold each plate so that the smooth part of the plate is against your legs (the side with the lip and the markings of the weight should face the outside.)

Stand straight up, point your ass out with a slight arch in your back.

You are going to slowly lower the plates down the legs, they will drag on the the sides and front of your leg. Think about a "hitch" on a deadlift..If you can't visualize this, then picture standing straight up holding a barbell, pretend you're descending into your deadlift but stop and placing the barbell directly above the top of your knees...This is where you want to lower the plates down to, all the while focusing on the stretch of the traps...

As you slowly stand up (ass still pointed out, back arch still in place, head up) begin to shrug the weight up. if you do this correctly you should actually be pulling your traps up tight and high, almost squezing your shoulder blades together and when the traps are as high as you can raise them, holding tightly and squeezing there for 10 seconds each count..

Make sure you breathe in and out during each rep..I do 3 sets of 20 reps of these...

Also, I incorporate 135lb shrugs on a camber bar...same motion, only when you do these in the front, I lean forward a little and get the same range of motion like you if you were lowering the bar to deadlift. I will wear straps with these and I will do 2 second pauses at the top, and I will do reps of 40-50...for 3-4 sets.

I might even do reverse camber bar shrugs, same idea, this time bar behind your ass, and i actually squat down a little and drag the camber bar up as high as I can, most times your ass will get in the way, this is why I tend to do more from the front angle..

All and all, I have found over the years, many people think a "shrug" is an up and down motion, but it is really an up and back motion and getting the traps as high as you can and squeezing.

I find this technique has worked for everyone who I have used it on, and most guys add an inch or two to the traps in a 2 month period because they have been hitting them wrong all along...

Anyways, I will make a video in the near future..In the meantime hope this helps :)
AWESOME video! Proffesional, informative, and the presentation was well laid out in a way that showed how each movement can be beneficial in reaching different goals. Well done sir!
as far as traps. I did heavy for years, sets of 10. Nothing special on my traps. I started sets of 20, still heavy and they grew some.
I am now doing sets of 20 but squeezing at top for 5 seconds. Couple of people have commented on my traps since using the squeez.
Funny, I had to lighten the weight a little the more I did them, I think because I started squeezing more. I am going to start trying your
tips, makes sense. I am holding you to the inch or two in 2 months. lol Thanks Wes. (sorry to hijack post)
Damn Wes...looking huge! Awesome video. These might be just the thing to give some motivation to hit it harder in the gym and with diet. Been slacking off with the training lately...mostly because of work, but also me just being lazy. lol. What does your diet look like these days?
my traps are huge on shoulder day. My traps used to be huge on shoulder day. Thanks for ruining an asset...
Wesley thanks for making these videos. I have watched quite a few and they are very helpful. I am extremely impressed with your strength for your bodyweight and your explosive strength. Most people who can lift as heavy as you are very slow and cannot jump high. You are such a well rounded athlete! Also, thanks for the tips on traps training. I'll be incorporating it into my routine. In your OP, did you mean a low 4 second 40 yd dash instead of a 100M?
Hate to keep going back to traps. lol Wes, since you work them 2 to 3 times a week how many sets per workout. Also I assume
you started you high jump low and just worked your way up?