What are you most interested in trying?

Hypothetically, IGF. I like GH, but in order to run it the way I want, I need 6 months, and some serious money. I will incorporate IGF later in the winter- I need to add some serious size for next season.
I would love to try IGF and a real good bulking cycle. If I had money right now, I'd probably do the IGF right away.
igf+slin...same as brew. i haven't touched either yet, and i'll run the igf before both at the same time.

i'd also like to try a bulker with super high test, just to see how it'll work for me. so far i haven't gone too risky with anything, mainly stayed @ 700mg/wk.
slin is some awsome stuff guys but please please do a shit load of research befor you start I get to start slin again on Nov 1st I bridge with slin every other 4 weeks I ran it in Sept off in Oct on in Nov ! I can't wait
I would be interested in hearing NOT only what your choice would be, BUT what age brackets are we speaking in.
For example, how many OVER the age of 35 are or would be willing to dabble in "gear". NON COMPETITIVE personnel.
How many here under 35 dabble, or will be dabbling.
I'm only curious as to this because I feel that the choice of gear may be age related.
I'm over 40 and don't think I would be able to try anything now.
Unless there was a "safe" method for this group.:confused:
Id love to run R3 IGF-1 and slin. Got the slin, need the IGF then a lot more research before starting
chaos legion 24 said:
I would be interested in hearing NOT only what your choice would be, BUT what age brackets are we speaking in.
For example, how many OVER the age of 35 are or would be willing to dabble in "gear". NON COMPETITIVE personnel.
How many here under 35 dabble, or will be dabbling.
I'm only curious as to this because I feel that the choice of gear may be age related.
I'm over 40 and don't think I would be able to try anything now.
Unless there was a "safe" method for this group.:confused:

The key is being knowledgable at any age group. Hypothetically, I am in the under 40, over 30 group and I do compete, so for me its still about staying in good health, but also putting on mass in the offseason.
Also goes for cutting- as long as you know what you are doing and have done their research , you should be ok. Its those that don't that scare me or rather don't listen to reason.
i like it!! i have never been with one ether but its on my list of things to do!!!

BiggerStronger said:
I dunno...a red head would be fun. I don't think I've ever been with one...lol

I want to try some GH, IGF, Tren Enanthate...