What are your comebacks for AAS?


New member
When someone says something about how gear kills people and causes liver disease and brain cancer and all of the other bullshit lies about gear....without going into the whole bit....what do you say to bust their asses?

I hate getting into cause then i look like a roidhead....but i figured some of you guys have some whitty one liners that i could borrow....i got a guy who just alway goes off about it.....i just wanna see what ammo i could steal from you bros....thanks fellas
cant really think of anything that wouldnt make it obvious lol most people dont know the first thing about gear. i usually let it go in one ear and out the other.
I don't say anything either. I'll just let them continue thinking whatever it is they think. :cool:
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i go off and say how bad other things are
like people that do narcotic drugs and people who smoke and drink all the time
i think thats worse for you than doing gear
I just say its never been proven to kill anyone, just like pot.

Most people, whether they have evr smoked pot or not, know for a fact it doesn't kill you yet its illegal. So it gives them a reference.
Tell him to go research the number of deaths from cocain and heroin and drinking, then tell him to research it on steriods. That would do it.
I usually say if you abuse any drug it will kill you. And then tell them to shut up and rage on them a little bit.
I normally say that steroids are a thing of the past thanksto sports nutrition, if somebody knows I just say I get multiple tests done by the doctor regularly so I am probably healthier than them
I've never had anyone ask me, probably 'cause I'm not as big as you guys are. Seriously though, people here are extremely tight-lipped about it anyway. I know there are some guys who are on or have used at my gym, but they don't say a thing. I wear my MC tank to the gym, and it seems like a few of them recognize it, but they still won't say anything. I would expect that if anyone did ask me, it would probably be some dumb kid out of high school (no offense, Malic or any other highschooler here) who isn't really there to train.
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hey i just got out of high school!.....i just say that theres a hell of a lot more people that die from lung cancer and liver disease caused by smoking and alchohal in a week than there are in a year from juice abuse. if that doesnt work tell them to shut there mouth or you will make sure it gets wired shut.
I probably should have said "still in high school," but I edited my post, and I would stress the "not there to train" part. I suppose there are plenty of adults that would try to preach to me about AAS, but they pretty much leave me alone at the gym.
I refuse to get into a pissing match with anyone over the topic, even if I am right or make betterpoints or actually change his views...what do I get? Some dumbass wanting to know where to get some.
I refuse to get into a pissing match with anyone over the topic, even if I am right or make betterpoints or actually change his views...what do I get? Some dumbass wanting to know where to get some.
Bignick said:
i like that....i like that alot

Glad you liked it!

Hahaha it works for me but then again I've preached health and fitness for so many years that people just assume I'm all natural and would never touch anything. They're just not smart enough to know the difference that caring for your health and body could involve something illegal. IGF-1 for instance and a lot of what we all do will probably extend our lives and make us younger, fitter, healthier than our non-exercising/drinking/smoking counterparts who are the same age.
i ask them to see the study they are referencing, since they are usually only parroting some idiot newscaster broadcasting solely for shock value, that usually shuts them up..

i have actually had this debate with doctors (close friends) and asked to see the studies they were referencing.. it amazes me how indiscriminately a medical professional will share their opinion as fact and i just love calling them out on that..

Just agree with him - let him know that you agree with our society that treats nicotine and alcohol as good, in fact the largest nicotine and alcohol dealers are congressman, but AAS is certainly horrifying and no different from heroin or crack cocaine. And the people who use AAS are no different from heroin and crack addicts
Funny shit B2S. I might actually try that. I go to school with the "medical" type and they are always 'suspecting' something. Anyway, I bet potato chips and soda have hurt 100 times the people AS has, yet we still give those to kids!!! Cigs, beer, the list is long, but the junk food kills me. There is a direct correlation between that crap and heart disease. Big Business I guess. :angry:
I just ask them to name one steroid for me and we all know they can't then I ask them how can you judge something if you don't know what it is called ?????HUH at this point they feel really stupid......The point is up and it's GOOD THE YANKEES WIN THE YANKEES WIN!!!!!