What does everyone chest work out look like?


Hardly a Newbie
My chest is far behind the rest of my body. I need to put some mass on it. So im up to try anything, lets hear some ideas
1 warmup set with 50% max
3 sets of 12 flat bench
3 pick up sets wide chest
3 drop sets declines
3 sets butterflys reps to failure
60 second rest in between sets
then i do pushups to failure
well bro..my is basic but simple..
Pulllovers 3 sets 8-10
Flyes 3 sets 8-10
Bench Press 3 sets 8-10
Incline flyes 3 sets 8-10
Incline Bench Press 3 sets 8-10
but it works for me....good luck bro...
A little different everytime, but generally it is 3sets of flat bench followed by a set or two of Dbell presses. Then there is 2-3 sets of Inclines finished with a set or two of close grip bench. Usually around 8 sets total with reps between 6-10. I really mix it up though and maybe replace one of these exercises with dips or decline or dbell flys etc. My chest is my best feature, I am concentrating on the lower body. Trade you some calves for some pecs.:D
decline dumbbell flys
slight incline dumbbell presses or flys
universal type pec machine
cable crosses

I start with flys because my gym only has dumbbells up to 100 lbs, so this pre-fatigues my pecs if I'm doing presses. I also do a lot of fly type exercises to keep my tris out of my chest workout. Occasionally I'll throw in flat bench to mix things up.
My goal is to stay in the 6-8 rep range... After I fatigue my chest with flys, I usually get 8 the 1st set, then 5-6, then move down in weight. If I don't fatigue, I usually just get bored first. :)
I've been doing a light day, heavy day.
light flat 3x24
light incline dumbell 3x24
light cable cross or flies 3x24

next chest day
heavy flat warm up/8/8/4/2/1/8
heavy incline 4x6
heavy flies or cables 4x failure
I do this for six weeks then change up.
CJWolford said:
3 sets incline
3 sets flat bench
3 sets decline
3 sets flys
3 sets cable cross

and then pushups to failure ...

thanks i don't have to type mine out.. looks the same.. only mine has more weight on it.. lol
well I gt shit for my llast chest work out but as WeirdAl can atest
it works for me this was my work out when I was trying to build up my upper chest

incline press
warm up set 12 reps @ 185lbs
1 set 10 reps @ 205
1 set 8 reps @ 215
1 set 6 reps @ 225
1 set 4 reps @ 235
1 set 2 reps @ 245
then back the other way up in reps and down in weight
incline dumbell press
1 set 8 reps @ 65lbs
1 set 8 reps @ 70lbs
1 set 8 reps @ 75lbs
1 set 8 reps @ 75lbs

peck deck
3 set 10 reps @ 120lbs slow and steady

then push ups till I die ! lol
you want your chest to grow? try this... Begin with incline, warmup then 3 sets increasing weight everytime. Bring the bar to your chin and press it. The last set you get 5 or 6 good reps then force 2, have your partner help you on these. Then 3 sets heavy flat dumbells, 3 sets incline flies to failure then if your feeling up to it through in 2 sets of crossovers. everything i do is forced reps and it really has helped my gains. but thats just me and everyone is different, but i guarntee you will like...
decline flyes(warm ups) 3 x 35,45, 50, 50
Incline barbells press 1x175x10, 1 x195x8, 1x225x7, 1x??x5
dumbell press 1x70x10, 1x80x8, 1x95x8, 1x110x6, 1x120x??
Some kind of flat or incline dumbell fly

Been concentrating on upper chest for the past year.
Warm up sets before everything
Incline 3 sets to failure I'm using a weight that I can only lift 6-10's
flys 3 sets of 10
dips 3 sets to failure
Flat bench with a light weight, and do high reps until failure. Usually around 40 reps.
decline flyes(warm ups) 3 x 35,45, 50, 50
Incline barbells press 1x175x10, 1 x195x8, 1x225x7, 1x??x5
dumbell press 1x70x10, 1x80x8, 1x95x8, 1x110x6, 1x120x??
Some kind of flat or incline dumbell fly

Been concentrating on upper chest for the past year.
Has it helped your upper chest?
Each week I rotate my routine but here's the jist:

Incline bench: 2 sets of 5 reps
Flat bench: 2 sets of 5 reps
Flat bench dumbell flies/pec deck: 2 sets of 5

I've change it up quite a bit from my previous workout and I'm seeing some gain.
Just did chest and tris tonight, and it goes a little somethin like this:

Flat bench: warm up, 10, 8, 6, 4, failure (increasing weight each set)
Incline: 3 sets-10, 8, 6

Decline: 3 sets-10,8,6

Flies: (cable or dumbell) 3-4 sets

Dips: 3 sets of 10

I also throw in lat pull downs, & tri extensions

I try to mix it up a little.
Damn.......maybe I should up the volume of my chest workout, I do

3-4 sets of flat dumbell presses
3 sets of an incline press
3 sets of flyes
juggalo said:
Damn.......maybe I should up the volume of my chest workout, I do

3-4 sets of flat dumbell presses
3 sets of an incline press
3 sets of flyes

no you shouldn't. That my same exact workout and my chest is my best bodypart. According to the readings I've been doing on ISSA online, anything more than that is overtraining. You should take each one of those sets to failure.
I do...

3 sets of flat bench press - I'll usually go 12,10,8 getting about failure each set (adding weight each time)

3 sets of incline press - same deal, adding weight going 12-10-8 til failure each set

3 sets flys - same deal, adding weight, going until failure

3 sets deline press - same thing