What Exactly causes Test Flu

Ok my last littlie 200mg Kicker of test prop/with fina did give me as medium sore lump but nothing I haven't seen before and although slightly sore nothing I haven't had before. It took it a day or two to get sore, I think it was more technique rather than content.

And it won't stop me from doing another 200mg's this morning before my run/walk.
strider said:
Thanks QOD..lol

The only prop I have ever done that hurt was made by QV. I did 400mgs in one day and it stung for a while like 2 days.

very little hurts anymore, the pain tolerance has risen a lot since...well nevermind! lol

BA huh? I can see that since its harmful and thats one of the side effects of direct contact or skin contact and absorption so injection would really make it do that.

However I am positive it was some bad Enthanate I had from a certain someone.

a high BA content does make the shot a little more sore:( i was using a certain UG labs product for quite some time, great product, high BA....every damn shot, i would be in pain for 3 or 4 days and grow a "horn" where ever i injected. it was great stuff though, very "over-proof":D

i started winstrol V a few days ago, im on my 3 shot today AND dropped the NPP i was using at the same time...im already paying for it....my joints are SO freaking sore:( ive never had a problem with my joints and winstrol before, but ive always used oral winstrol....this is a whole new ball game:D not to mention the fact that once that NPP is out of my system, my synovial fluid is toast anyways.....i will be drier than a popcorn fart in hell;)
".i will be drier than a popcorn fart in hell" by QOD...

Now thats funny! Yeah winny never really gave me sore joints but max weight decreased so i did not injure myself.

I am using a mix of prop, enthanate, and cypionate and it actually hurts not bad BA content just sore .

maybe it was my technique, glutes are getting hard to reach or I just keep getting dirty shit from everywhere...god you cant get decent shit anymore, time to open my own lab and make it sterile like it should be..and a lower BA content too.lol
strider said:
".i will be drier than a popcorn fart in hell" by QOD...

Now thats funny! Yeah winny never really gave me sore joints but max weight decreased so i did not injure myself.

I am using a mix of prop, enthanate, and cypionate and it actually hurts not bad BA content just sore .

maybe it was my technique, glutes are getting hard to reach or I just keep getting dirty shit from everywhere...god you cant get decent shit anymore, time to open my own lab and make it sterile like it should be..and a lower BA content too.lol

that would be all well and good sir....but.....

the more compound in a product, the higher BA content is needed to help "bind" it to the ester........right????????

which takes us back to me being sore for days and growing horns:satan:
CzarShel said:
From what I can tell its just if you get too much at one time avalable in your system ......akkkk flu

I have to agree with you. I believe it's the sudden high intake. I've gotten test flu from Cypionate and Enanthate. Lasts for about 48hrs and then don't get it again even when shooting the same batch.
DragonRider said:
I have to agree with you. I believe it's the sudden high intake. I've gotten test flu from Cypionate and Enanthate. Lasts for about 48hrs and then don't get it again even when shooting the same batch.

both cyp and enanthate are designed to release slowly into your body, so you wouldn't be noticing anything for a couple of weeks. (at least)

i still think it has to do with the BA content and/or the propionate ester itself.

and i still love/hate propionate;)
I guess im the only genetically messed up one huh?

I get a soreness from BA content but thats all, like test prop.

Now some may agree and diagree with me on this which is perfectly fine since its yet to be actually proven. BA is used as a solvent and a anti bacterial growthy additive in sterile injections. simply but if there is abcteria from the powder, oil, water etc ba either kills it in small amounts and also prevents it from adhering to anything and growing.

BB is a solvent but actually an ester whic is the binding agent, to make super high concentrations of solution. BB is actually 3 times more toxic that BA since its a benzene ester.

Chemistry is my favorite and physics, I did 5 years and worked for a few labs. Now since its not proven that BA causes test flu, its almost certain what does is the sudden addition of a foreign substance with the body athat causes the body to react increasing white blood cell count and attacking and dissolving the foreign substance hence Test flu.

I have never gotton test flu even at 5ml of test prop in one day, sore yes flu NO!

some enth that was made from an overseas guy powder gavce me a sickness i have never felt but you guys describe as test flu. lasted 24 hours but the pain was welted and lasted 4 days.

after it healed EQ in the same spot and nothing, no soreness, no pain no lump!

so I guess its an up in the air thing no one really knows for sure but speculation really.

who else has not gotten the "test flu" from high doses at any one time?