What Exactly causes Test Flu

how long does the flu usually last?

i'm on my second week of prop & i cought something--felt horrible all day yesterday.
I don't think its only the prop ester. When I got test flu, it was from going over 2g of test eth. I think it has more to do with a sudden and drastic hormonal change.
I saw this post and had to add this , it seems appropiate here.
I recently did 750mgs of enth and for the very first time I had a reaction similiar to that.
flu like symptoms, felt chilled , painful injection site, wore out down with no energy like being sick but no fever, no runny nose and no upset stomach. lasted for 24 hours the back on my feet again and doing fine
The site is still sore after 5 days, but I know its not the BA or BB in it its a containamination problem
seems more likean impurity, since most tests (test base for suspension excluded) is (*% or so pure leaving a small impurity for the body to try to compensate for.
I went to the doc and he explained to me this is common for some guys who "homebrew or buy powders" since most are pre-made bu companies they remove it and most are underdosed because of this.

Now i dont know the truths to this I am simply speaking from what he explained and how i percieved it.

Never hjad any sysmptoms from prop,susp,enth,or cyp or even omna, or sust or test250 or any others. first time with this enth, however I have heard from a certain place guys are having problems like i mentioned and you have mentioned too.

I believe its a small containamination problem, or even a bacteria, within th test it self that causing it, any similiar reactions with repeated dose?

if not then its simply you if so its your mix, i discarded the whole batch and made some from a different powder it I am not having the same problem.
sterility and such are exactly the same as well as environment too..
so maybe thats it, but I had to let it all out here..Sorry!
I got it from a big dose of sus250 had it like you said for about 24 hours, but I kept doing the sus250 and no problems after I got adjusted.
For some of you that are worried about BA content, or painful injects from BA, I read from another board that you can pull your AAS in the pin and the pull in a good amount of BW, shake up the pin, let it settle, and the push out the BW up until the point were there is nothing but AAS left.The BA will seperate out and be dispersed and suspended (somewhat seperate) in the BW when you shoot out the BW.Not having any painful things from my end, but thoiught I would share...sounded like a good idea to me.Not sure if this would help with the flu though..

sounds good anyways...the BA is a solvent that acts like a binder to the molecule of the test or whatever esther your using and if you get rid of it that may weaken your solution.
also the bw can cause a worse infection that the test flu.
I only know of one who tried it and had an abcess removed since BW also has BA in it too but in much lower doses of course but also and i quote

"you asked about the BW in my solution as a BA removal bro heres what i think. the process of doing so as i have used it causing some very distinct pain and i felt the dose was lowered, dont believe everything you read bro"

maybe its just that. it seems as if that might be the case, try it bro and let me know too.
Like I said, it sounded interesting, and some have used it to my knowledge, not that I am advocating it. But I do shoot quite a bit of BW, with IGF, which also contains some BA (little), and never had a problem.In this case though the BW is used to flush out the IGF.But of course in the aboved mentioned you are not shooting the BW, just using it to seperate, and squirt out excess BA.I can see were the BA is needed as a binder, so I guess it is possible to weaken the solution, but wondering if it is only the excess that is seperated off, and the binding action has already taken place.What do you think?

Honestly, I dont know bro. I would think so but with this kind of thing its really unknown for guessing. I wish i had a lab i could test it and see, or a guinea pig..lol

sounds like something interesting to find out though. as for test flu i guess it could be a lot of things, the good thing is its not long term or seems very harmful just shoot it on a day you dont have to work or train the next day..lol
i think we should all agree. propionate is PAINFUL and it causes the flu.....but it sure works great;)

B-12 will supposedly cut back on the pain aspect as well as the flu....i didn't work for me, it may work well for others though.....
neither have i bro.. I know huh go figure..lol sust pain never happened, prop pain .. little nothing to get all sick over..lol

but seriously, its all good some do and some dont, but i suppose it a hormonal change, bacteria, or even foreign substance in the body but non hamful that it reacts to and raises temp and gives the flu like symptoms..

actually who the hell really knows, it goes away and it works right?

no pain no gain!
gotta love QOD. The enth i got may be dirty before i even made it, not good i will never use that ****** again.

anyways everything else felt great done prop 4oomgs and it was nice, i felt great too.
it's high amounts of BA that causes test flu. This is mentioned in BTPB. I have even got test flu off of enanthate when taking 8cc's / week and I definitely didn't have any prop in the mix.
strider said:
gotta love QOD. The enth i got may be dirty before i even made it, not good i will never use that ****** again.

anyways everything else felt great done prop 4oomgs and it was nice, i felt great too.

400mg propionate didn't hurt? the BA content didn't hurt???????

DAMN.......you are my new hero;)
Naw the BA did not hurt? neither did the prop afterward, well not much.

I've injected some stuff before that really hurt, like 100 proof Smirnoff voda (dont ask I was young)

but no it didn't hurt in fact I did another 200mg 1ml of the test prop mixed with some EQ today and it was fairly pain free.
Thanks QOD..lol

The only prop I have ever done that hurt was made by QV. I did 400mgs in one day and it stung for a while like 2 days.

very little hurts anymore, the pain tolerance has risen a lot since...well nevermind! lol

BA huh? I can see that since its harmful and thats one of the side effects of direct contact or skin contact and absorption so injection would really make it do that.

However I am positive it was some bad Enthanate I had from a certain someone.