What is your preferred method of cardio?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
The dreaded cardio, I prefer HIIT for fat loss either on the eliptical or on the stairmaster 1 to 2 minute all out sessions followed by 2 minutes of steady pace, it seems to work best for me burning fat even if only for 20 to 30minutes at a time. What are you guys tried and true methods to get rid of that stubborn midsection? I think I need a little ECA for a boost but hate feeling jittery and I have been caffeine free for like 8 months now.
Short rest between sets keeps me super lean! I sweat through 2-3 shirts in one workout
Short rest between sets keeps me super lean! I sweat through 2-3 shirts in one workout

I do the exact same thing and people always ask how much cardio I do....Only to be told I dont, but I only rest 60 seconds or less between sets. Only thing I know that keeps me lean...
horizontal cardio with the wifey is all the cardio i get and need...then of course posedown session for 15 min in bathroom mirror while heartrate comes down...sometimes longer when on tren and body takes forever to cool down
punching bags , power cleans , sprints 40 m dashes makes be blow out of my ass after few sets lol
Jumping rope, prowler, light jogging, sprints, or just more lifting. I think the less cardio I do and the tighter my diet is the better I look.
Jumping rope, prowler, light jogging, sprints, or just more lifting. I think the less cardio I do and the tighter my diet is the better I look.

Jumping rope is Honestly the absolute best cardio i have ever done in my entire life! We use to have to Jump rope during summer football camp and part of the morning routines were jumping rope for 60 seconds straight, then box jumps immediately following, then jump rope again for 60 seconds then higher box jumps on the box to the right which was a good bit higher then the first box, then 60 seconds jump rope, then back to the shorter box but with little baby weights in each hand, which killed ya!

Anyhow, i forget the exact ration, but i remember jumping rope for 3 minutes straight I'm almost positive was equivalent to running 1 mile, i think thats the break down, I use to know what it was , i just know i was always amazed at the ratio
oh yeah, and then immediately following the box jumps we would run over the olympic pool, and do 2 man to a raft paddle races up and back , man i use to be in killer fucking cardio condition lmao, not anymore! lmao
I like the regular old treadmill. My whole body is moving, but I don't feel that I'm stressing anything. Next would be the bike where you sit back and the pedals are in front of you. I don't mind cardio. I watch bodybuilding videos and get high on endorphins. Cardio and more food works better for me than tighter diet (less carbs) and less cardio. I really enjoy my time in the gym.
i always liked the bike and elliptical when i did do cardio, well what very little i have done, and only cause of a show or something lol, but i haven't heard to many guys here say elliptical
LOL, thats a given! The best 2 minutes of a cardio ever! lmao

2 minutes can seem like an eternity with the good pace!
Ho, wel, I have an idea: the tabata sex workout! 20 seconds hard fuck, 10 seconds cuni, finger or whatever slow pace. X 8
i always liked the bike and elliptical when i did do cardio, well what very little i have done, and only cause of a show or something lol, but i haven't heard to many guys here say elliptical
I love the elliptical when doing HIIT its actually my preference 20 minutes balls out on that thing doesn't hurt my knees and it kicks my butt into overdrive.