What to do when you travel?


New member
So my lady and I went on a weeks vacation out of state, and the question came up as to do we take the gear with us or not. Being very new to the AAS scene (she's running low dose HGH and I not on a cycle) we elected to leave it at home and not have any stress regarding the matter. My question is how do you handle traveling out of state, specifically on a plane where everything is subject to search or xray? I don't want any specifics as to how to hide gear in your carry-on or anything like that. More or less, do you plan vacations around your cycles so you don't have to take anything with you or do you carry on as usual and take your gear with you? Thanks in advance.
I travel a lot for business. Luckily sometimes I fly in the company jet and I just take everything on there which is nice. The other times I fly commercial I just take my test in one shot for the remainder of the week. If I leave on a Monday, I'll take 750mg (or whatever blend you have, mostly 3cc's) testosterone. Same goes with anything else EXCEPT any fast acting drug. As far as orals I take all of them with me. Pressed pills are easier, I just toss them inside a supplement bottle that looks similar. For example, my winny and dbol I get is pink pressed and I toss them inside a B12 pill bottle becasue they look similar but just slightly larger. If I can not find a similar resembalance I don't take it at all! As far as my Muscle Chemistry adex, nolva bloat or the similar I just take it. Always check your bags, never carry on.
For me it isn't a problem since I have a legal prescription. I just put the med and syringes into my checked baggage. HGH, I pretend it's insulin that has to be mixed, plus I bring my glucose meter along. (Hey, they don't know, and the meter helps.) Orals like dbol, I'll put into vitamin containers, for example, pink dbol goes into a b12 vitamin bottle because b12 tabs are also pink.
I have not had this come up yet because I tend to drive rather than fly, but I will be purchasing a glucose meter in the near future. Thanks!
I have traveled many times in the past and have been coached but a few Professional Athletes. I have traveled to do Competitions out of state and so I have to take everything on a plane. Oils and Orals. I was told by every pro I have talked to that when they travel; they preload all syringes and then put all orals in one bag. This is what I did and then I was told to put them in my boot or shoe and bury it in the bottom of my bag that I check. You never want to carry anything on obviously. I have done this many time and I would say 7 out of the 10 time I have a thing in my bag that it was searched and everything was intact and good to go. The fact of the matter is what will they do waste their government dollars to stop you and you may have a script? Nah they arent going to waste their time and if they did they yes I do have a script and I left it at home.
Personally, I would never take the chance of flying commercially with gear. I just got back from a month long trip. No way I could go an entire month without any test... I had someone that I trust, mail it to the condo that I was staying at. I had it all bubble wrapped, and packed up, very discretely. Had tracking numbers so I knew when it arrived. Went to pick it up with no problems. To me, that's the safest way to handle traveling with gear.

Traveling in a car? I just drive safely :-)

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I am on holidays out of the country now. I do know that in German airport staff get paid extra for finding illigal substances and i do know that they can see the vial in your luggage . Ofcourse the chance of some one noticing the vials is very small . I don't know what will be the consequences if they catched me with a vial of test , i can't find any info about laws in our country . I did spoke to a friend policeman that if they see it and if they open the bag and find steroids i get a big money fine for sure and probably they will put it in my record so i tried to stay on the safe side and just ordered some gear in the country i went to holidays . In 2 days it was on my door . I did took my powder SARMs mixed with oil and filled in a nose drops bottle but i decided not to use them as i wanted to party and train minimum , just to maintain .