When do you use straps?

Shrugs, especially on IGF, it gives me terrible forearm pumps.
I only use them when doing deads (315 lbs. and above), shrugs (275 lbs. and above), and bent-over barbell rows (185 lbs. and above).
GOLDENEAR........I'm curious as to whether you use straps when you deadlift.....

It's my understanding that you can't use them in competition - this fact has me a little nervous about entering powerlifting comps myself - but I can't imagine your deadlift routine without them

I know there's no way I could make it to 495 without them, much less going heavier than that
Junkyard Dog said:
I use them when my wrists are fried. Mainly during upright rows and shrugs at max weight.

#540 is my max on shrugs (set of 10). I tried more than that and pulled a muscle in my neck. Have not tried more since then. No need really!

same here...pulled a muscle in my neck last night doing the same thing....it hurt like hell, but i still went on and did other exercises..today...it's just hard to turn my head to the right...bah! it'll get better in no time!
Just for major shrugs from time to time. I can't get comfy with them on deadlifts for some reason. I love the marks they leave, lol.
I break out my straps when I open the refrigerator door.....


Back day is the only time they come out of the bag. Deads, shrugs and rows are when I usually need them.
If your goal is purely muscle hypertrophy, then using straps is not a problem, as you can get better forearm growth from working them directly. However, if you interest is in strength then I think that strap use should be very limited. I personally never use straps or a belt, just because my goal is to develop whole body strength, not just in a single lift.

If you are interested in increasing your grip strength so you no longer need to rely on straps, then IronMind has some products that I like. Apollon’s Axel, Rolling Thunder, the grippers and some pinch grip tools too.

Nope, don't use em. If your grip fails with out them, throw some grip work into your routine, like farmers walk.
I am more concerned with finishing a set than having my grip fail before I finish working the muscle.. I use them lat pulldowns upright rows shrugs cable rows My forearms are strong but there comes a time when you get stronger than your grip I believe in most people. and the goal if your a bodybuilder it to isolate and work the muscle and if straps helps its all good