I'm sure everyone has seen these, but I'll post them again...

Back in 1999....


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jaywooly said:
Can anyone tell me how to shed about 50 pounts of fat overnight?

Sure...buy a 10oz bottle of magnesium citrate (preferably cherry flavored) from the drugstore. Drink half of the bottle....wait 15 minutes, then drink the remaining half. DO not eat for 8-12 hours...and you will shed the pounds! ;)
i think this is a great idea, about a year and a half ago presser and all the mods had their pics in the stickies and it REALLY gave some serious cred to those mods and of course presser...

as for advice, i don't give much but my only pic is in the members forum...

Hey folks who posted their pics thanks a bunch.
I can definitely see the hard work and it motivates me to work out and get into better shape. :)

Lets hope the rest of these mods and reps jump on the boat and post some pics too.

Hey guys im not a fitness model or body builder or spectacular.
But i started this thread cause i wanted to see who was giving advice. I thought that id post some pics. I am very self conscience about doing so but I would appreciate it if you could be kind enough to help me out. Offer some advice.
MY goals are to lose 5-10 lbs
and to build some muscle. Especially my legs they are ridiculous.


I have managed to come across some pics from a few months ago. They were taked prior to football and I beleive I was about 265 in them. I'll have my girl work her computer genius as show me how to post them.

I'm currently looking for some "before" pics when I was about 225 a couple of years ago.
Fitchick, first thing i would say stop being so hard on yourself. Be positive.

Secondly, if ya wanna work on your legs i would say to incorporate SLDL, walking lunges, and squats into your leg reigmen.

As for pics the only ones i can come across are some natty pics of me when i leaned down to 205 to boulder.
fitchick...i gotta agree with the young fonz on this one...stop being so hard on yourself....the key to any type of progress is how you set your goals and how you view your self image and abilities towards achieving those goals...work at it and I'm sure you can do exactly what you want to....train hard and you can make things happen.
Hey Fonz and Md
Thanks for the advice. I am working on training alot now.
the one thing that i have really improved is my diet as well as incorporating water into my lifestyle.
I have an ellipitcal now which i have been using alot that i think will help my legs. I cant do squats or lunges cause i have really bad trouble with my knees. I work in a physio clinic though so i have been doing some rehab at work when i get the chance.
Is there anythign else i can do???
I do calf raises holding weights
I do my elliptical
I do Theraband strengthening and sidelying leg raises
Any other suggestions ?

By the way missy is my hero :) I think im gonna put her pic as my desktop so i get motivated to stick to my program haha
fitchick...Missy is an inspiration to a lot of people....when you set a goal and are determined to reach that goal the rsults are amazing....I know several women who i have shown her pics to and they have completely changed their routine and level of motivation...good luck hun....you can do it. M-
Thanks you guys! When I was trying to lose the weight...I would get discouraged very easily....luckily I had a great trainer that kept me motivated! Looking at her everyday was enough to make you feel guilty for thinking about cheating on your diet...LOL

Here's her pic...BTW...she's 45 yrs old and has 2 kids


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Hmmmmmm, what did u do to your knee??? I have had reconstructive knee surgeries on both of my knees and I have been able to work my way back up to squating.

Can you do extensions, lying leg curls, leg presses?

I would rehab them and slowly work your way into trying to do the exercises with just your BW as the wieght.