Who hides this from the wife/girlfriend

Who hides the AS use from significant other

  • Hide from significant other

    Votes: 27 34.2%
  • DO NOT Hide from significant other

    Votes: 49 62.0%
  • Mind your own business CC - WTF

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Too Pussy-wipped to tell you

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
my ex knows ive done it doesnt like it that much but if we got back together shed be doing my injections haha shes going to be a nurse next year. good luck on the baby by the way mike.
I think all you dudes are crazy. When child support and the right bitch is involved... she will use illegal drug use to stomp on your asses in court.- sorry.. just trying to warn you.- tell no one.
NormalSucks said:
I think all you dudes are crazy. When child support and the right bitch is involved... she will use illegal drug use to stomp on your asses in court.- sorry.. just trying to warn you.- tell no one.

Im with you Normal, i mean im nowhere even close to being married but no matter how great things are at the time there is always a chance that she will use it against you, married or not so i never tell my girlfriends ANYTHING. I only tell them i eat right and train hard, which is truthful, i just you know...didnt add in that last part.
I just broke up with my misses after 14 months this past week.... she used to hit me with the 'pin' all the time.. and after we broke up she told me she never liked my use??? WTF??? Anyhow, she did a bunch of stupid shit, I in turn did a bunch of even stupider shit and now Ive had to clean house... just cause I have no idea whats comming next ya know! She might try something, if she does, Im prepared! Heres a new one.... I know having empty vials might be of some illegal nature, but are having 'flip caps' illegal??? Ive got a whole cup full, I kinda collect them... they wouldnt be paraphenialla would they?
Well southern i wouldnt be very worried unless you have kids. But, to be safe... Why keep that shit around??
my gf knows about it....she dont particularly like it,but she knows.

shes happy knowing im not just learning as i go along..likes the fact i know what im doing...now if i can only get her to be that cooperative in the room we's be great!!

From my exwife to the 5 girlfriends I've had since thenAll have been my needle jockeys.Once they see how it makes MR.HAPPY stay up "ALL NIGHT LONG",over and over and over again,they don't want me to get off the juice.
A lot of people know I use but I've never met anyone of them in person only here on the board ;). Never told anyone about my use off of the board excpet for a very close friend who lives far away so if I was to ever be found unconcious on my bathroom floor with a pin in my ass there would be a lot of confused people.
mike haha you crack me up haha my close close friends know that ive used most of them are on too much shit and overtrain and never get anywhere cause they dont listen. but what do ya do. My ex that i will prob be getting back with knows we are very close and shes gonna be a nurse soon so i wont be pinning anymore :> haha.
I don't see how I could hide it from my wife. I inject her with my test so I think it is ok for her to inject me. It would also be very hard to hide the GH in the fridge.
that's a good point Kdog... but I bought a mini fridge that I keep under my desk at work and I keep my IGF in a little box at the back, no one at work even knows I have a fridge under there but just in case I keep it hidden within the fridge too. I was a little nervous last cycle because I was storing my HCG in a pin and finally got bold and just left it in there.
My wife knows and didn't care..... but now she wants another baby so she doen't want me on. Hopefully I knock her up quick :)
we're trying to get pregnant too so I hope I knock her up quick and can get back on a big cycle, I'm going to bulk while she's pregnant so we can both gain 30lbs!
99% of the public,including gf's, dont understand aas use, thus any loving GF would be completely against the use since they could kill you right? lol therefor i deny all the time, but she pretty much knows by looking at me that it connot be possible without aas but nevertheless i never admit to it bc if i ever do, "its killing you'"dont get roid rage""youre only mad bc ur using drugs" ect. she knows im very intelligent and would do the research but i dont expect her, my parants, sibs to understand AAS the way i do.
HOW did others convince their GF's wives, that they are fairly safe??? did you make them read anabolics 2005 lol
Uwantafight2- Just tell them you have good genetics-lol.

Although, My GF is moving in soon. I might have to change my stance on "never touched the stuff" cause of the bruising. I plan on doing ed injections, with a lot of diffrent crap- Including site enhancing oils. There's no way im going to get away with it.

Usually when im just injecting 3x a week it wasnt a problem. If I had a big bruise on my ass, Id just walk backwards-lol, or put a towel on...haa haa. Id get the funniest looks from her.
uwanafight2 said:
99% of the public,including gf's, dont understand aas use, thus any loving GF would be completely against the use since they could kill you right? lol therefor i deny all the time, but she pretty much knows by looking at me that it connot be possible without aas but nevertheless i never admit to it bc if i ever do, "its killing you'"dont get roid rage""youre only mad bc ur using drugs" ect. she knows im very intelligent and would do the research but i dont expect her, my parants, sibs to understand AAS the way i do.
HOW did others convince their GF's wives, that they are fairly safe??? did you make them read anabolics 2005 lol

I think a lot of them told their significant others up front when they met them. You have to be honest in a relationship so it is hard if you have to keep something like AAS use from them. My wife knows I'm on HRT, but she still doesn't like it if I take any "extra." It is hard to educate about AAS because of all the bad/incorrect media about them. People just believe what they are told because they don't want to think about it.