Wife is pregnant with Twins!

Metal ur back? Holy fuck i missed u bro lol
Just go easy on the politics this time around haha
So steroids don't make you sterile? Lol


Well either they didnt make me sterile, or my Fertility Doctor is juicing up my speciman with his own junk! lol, If the babys are Indian then I'll let yall know!
Congrats Brutha been there a few years ago, took us 8 rounds but we got our miracle blessing. Wife's been after me for one more so back to the fertility doc we go, good thing is he loads me up with hcg and fsh to build my count.
Congratulations again, a true gift.
Congrats Boss.. Hope you get that baby boy you wanted. And maybe 2
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Metal ur back? Holy fuck i missed u bro lol
Just go easy on the politics this time around haha

Thanks man, and lol politics? I'm not touching those with a 10 foot stick, unless very provoked. I honestly have been trying not to listen or watch anything with it, bc i'm trying to not care anymore lol "Don't care 2012" Metal85 for office
That is great!!!
There is hope for us old guys!!! :-)

lmao, yeah there is,lmao,

It took me a long long time to get my sperm back though! So for you younger guys who think you dont want kids now, think again, cause if u meet the right women and she wants kids, then your having kids! So make sure to not abuse gear if u do decide to ever do it!

That was my Public Service Annoucment for the day
lmao, yeah there is,lmao,

It took me a long long time to get my sperm back though! So for you younger guys who think you dont want kids now, think again, cause if u meet the right women and she wants kids, then your having kids! So make sure to not abuse gear if u do decide to ever do it!

That was my Public Service Annoucment for the day

Lol.. Sounds like an anti-Bob Barker saying of don't have your pet spayed or neutered..
Here we go Dude! Another price is rite move on here like the lotto..
So for you younger guys who think you dont want kids now, think again, cause if u meet the right women and she wants kids, then your having kids! So make sure to not abuse gear if u do decide to ever do it!

one of the few reason i dont just take everything under the sun.

i heard the same thing about diapers buy them now, i had a coworker who had half a room full when his child was born.

i also heard on the news about 2 weeks ago there is a global diaper shortage because a factory blew up.

congrats man! You said that you have been trying for a while...

if you have a boy just make sure you get some goggles:thumbsup:
Lol thnx and I have a daughter who's 16 and driving with a permit already lol just waited a while I guess in between kids lol
I have a daughter that is 16 also and is on her driving permit. My new girlfriend wants a child with me and I love kids,,, I have a 7 year old boy also. I flip/flop between it though. I want to retire at a decnet age. Fell as if more kids come, then Ill be working until Im 80!!!
Congrats man, my wife wants another one, but twins run in our family. Im not sure I could handle 3 lol, my 2 yr old runs me down as it is now. I told her if she wants one tho it better happen soon, i'll be 34 in Dec and when I hit 35 im doing the ole snip snip