Women and site oil


OK so I've read the protocol for men, but do any of you know of women body builders who use site oil? And if they do, what their doses would be? 1ml per muscle head seems too high for a woman. I want to work on my delts. I train them twice a week which helps, but they definitely plateau.
Also, do you have to be ripped to use site oil or can you be at a higher body fat percentage?
Never heard of a woman using SEOs. BigA would be the person to know.
OK so I've read the protocol for men, but do any of you know of women body builders who use site oil? And if they do, what their doses would be? 1ml per muscle head seems too high for a woman. I want to work on my delts. I train them twice a week which helps, but they definitely plateau.
Also, do you have to be ripped to use site oil or can you be at a higher body fat percentage?

Plenty of women use it.
Dosage is dependant on your size. if you are huge (for a woman), then the standard dose applies.
If you are smaller (fitness type), then halve all the dosages. The rest of the protocol stays the same.

It doesnt' matter how lean you are, as long as you are lean enough to see the injection sites properly.
Plenty of women use it.
Dosage is dependant on your size. if you are huge (for a woman), then the standard dose applies.
If you are smaller (fitness type), then halve all the dosages. The rest of the protocol stays the same.

It doesnt' matter how lean you are, as long as you are lean enough to see the injection sites properly.
Hey! Thanks I really appreciate your response! I had a feeling a lot of women were using it, esp competition females. Right now I'm big enough standard dose would apply. Thanks so much. I know lots about kinesiology/anatomy so I know where to inject even though I can't see striations/each head with low body fat. I wish I had known about this stuff when I was super lean and going for figure it would have made all the difference.
Thanks Big A! you know your shit!