Women/Kids Affect Training


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You all know about my divorce. Thanks to Dude and other, I have hit the weights harder and the women, lol. I do have a 6 year old son, job and such. How many of you guys have wives and children and how do you prioritize your training around them. Im sure you have days like me that getting to the iron seems like an impossibility and I feel like I have to "make it up". Time managemnet is key but curious how you guys do it
I'm lucky enough to have dodged that bullet to this point. I do have a girl that's always ear fucking me about spending too much time at the gym, but like I tell her, the bottom line is that the gym was there before her and will be there after her.
I tend to get up early enough to get my training done in the morning and I'm ready to go to work. Sometimes I'll come home to have lunch with my woman or I might pay a visit to my kid at school and have lunch with her and her freinds. It really makes her day. After I come home, we find an activity to do (library, board game, swimming) after dinner.

All in all, I get my training in while everyone is asleep and the gym is somewhat empty. It seems to work out well...so far.