workout programs

freight train

New member
What you train yesterday or any day lets get some different views on training.Mine was back doing the y3t training this week was heavy week :

DB ROWS 4 X 6-10
DB ROWS 4 X 6-10

Lets see, Last workout i did chest and tri in this order:


Incline bench: 5 sets til failure
Decline bench: 4 sets til failure
Flat bench dumbbell flys: 4 sets til failure
Cable Flys 4 sets til failure


Cable push downs with ez curl attachment 5 sets til failure
Seated pushdowns 4 sets til failure
Cable one arm single reverse grip pushdowns 3 sets til failure each arm
Rope pushdowns 3 sets til failure

thats it, in and fucking out, and I ALWAYS train every body part til failure, I never count reps i only count sets,
Today I will be doing Back and Biceps, and I am throwing my traps in with back today, i alternate my traps with back sometimes and with shoulders other times. Today though traps are going in with my back routine:

back and traps

Heavy Dumbbels shrugs 5 sets til failure
Seated one arm pulls 4 sets til failure
seated cables pulls with wide grip 4 sets til failure
Bent over dumbbell rows 3 sets til failure
Lat Pull downs 3 sets til failure
Lat straight arm push downs 3 sets til failure


Seated machine curls 4 sets til failure
Incline bench dumbbell curls 2 sets til failure
Seated Bent over curls 4 sets til failure
end with Seated curls 4 sets til failure (same as i started with)

No i don't do hammer curls, lol, never have

and yes i do the weirdest shit, but I've been at it for 20 some years and i just know how my body responds day by day, and i change shit up a lot lol

in my younger years i did all the free weight heavy shit, and if your a newbie, yes YOU need to Squat heavy to get big period! You need to get under that bench and kill it, but me , i train for longevity now and my routine would not be good for younger guys lol,
The older we get the more you get in tune with your body an what works an what doesnt,gives you that muscle maturity i believe,tonite i hit hams,calves an abs

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The older we get the more you get in tune with your body an what works an what doesnt,gives you that muscle maturity i believe,tonite i hit hams,calves an abs
Chest and Arms

1 x 12
1 x 10
4 x 8
4 x 4
2 x 2

Incline DB:
4 x 10

Close Grip:
3 x 12

DB Curls 4 x 8-10 with
Overhead Extension 4 x 12-15

Seated Hammer Curls 4 x 10 with
Lying DB Extensions 4 x 12

Bench: rest as much time as needed between sets, the rest of the workout is 1 minute between sets.
Training legs today what your favorite leg workout or exercise,mine is the 100 rep leg press at the end of workout,start with feet 6 in apart do 20 reps point toes together 20 repsput feet wide an high do 20 reps put feet low an wide 20 reps put feet normal 20 reps ,that 100 reps an that done all together only break is to change foot position
What you train yesterday or any day lets get some different views on training.Mine was back doing the y3t training this week was heavy week :

DB ROWS 4 X 6-10
DB ROWS 4 X 6-10


Great workout.

So I am three weeks out from my first show and my upper body is already stage ready, but I can't get my legs to separate. With three weeks left, what are some quick wins where I can put the pedal to the floor to get that separation to come in. I feel myself getting weaker. Any workout tips? I know the high reps, etc. but any best exercises to help with that.
Great workout.

So I am three weeks out from my first show and my upper body is already stage ready, but I can't get my legs to separate. With three weeks left, what are some quick wins where I can put the pedal to the floor to get that separation to come in. I feel myself getting weaker. Any workout tips? I know the high reps, etc. but any best exercises to help with that.

Females always have a hard time trying to separate their lower bodies, and its always the last to come in, my wife did a few shows and it was always much the same at first , until she learned to say closer to show shape down the line, but she had the same issue her first go around, my best advice is loads of high rep exercise for the legs, and just try pulling as much water out as possible, of course a no brainer and not much help to you but i wanted to say that your not alone, most females are like this and it generally always comes together right down to the last minute with your carb and water deplete phase along with resting your legs the last few days and keeping them elevated and off them as much as possible! your last leg pump should be about a week out
update, i just peeped out your pics, and i have a feeling your legs are fine! lol, i haven't seen them, but theirs no way your upper body can look like that and your legs be that far behind! you look great! Wouldn't mind seeing the total package head to toe though, hope i didn't get someone in trouble who let me see your pics through pm lol, whoops, but yeah you look great hun!
Females always have a hard time trying to separate their lower bodies, and its always the last to come in, my wife did a few shows and it was always much the same at first , until she learned to say closer to show shape down the line, but she had the same issue her first go around, my best advice is loads of high rep exercise for the legs, and just try pulling as much water out as possible, of course a no brainer and not much help to you but i wanted to say that your not alone, most females are like this and it generally always comes together right down to the last minute with your carb and water deplete phase along with resting your legs the last few days and keeping them elevated and off them as much as possible! your last leg pump should be about a week out

That is really good advice about the elevation and rest. I will keep busting out those reps. I was a large girl back in the day and my body just doesn't want to let go of the "old" fat on my legs. I agree once I burn it off I will be able to maintain it. Its just my upper body is awesome and my legs MEH!!! Well, its about progress and not perfection...every show I will become better and better.
update, i just peeped out your pics, and i have a feeling your legs are fine! lol, i haven't seen them, but theirs no way your upper body can look like that and your legs be that far behind! you look great! Wouldn't mind seeing the total package head to toe though, hope i didn't get someone in trouble who let me see your pics through pm lol, whoops, but yeah you look great hun!

LOL. No you didn't get your friend into trouble. I really appreciate that! My upper body most definitely over powers my lower. When I am closer to the show I will share some progress pics.The posing pics I have in my suit are dark...but your friend does have them... :wink:
I trained chest and back yesterday. I usually do a 12,10,8,6,4 on reps for each work out with occasional max-10 rep sets/failure sets... but yesterday I did all 5 reps:

Flat Bench Press, 7 sets of 5 reps
Incline Press, 7 sets of 5 reps
Dumbbell Flies, 7 sets of 5 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers, 7 sets of 5 reps
Chin ups, 4 sets to failure
Mid-Row, 7 sets of 5 reps
Bentover Barbell Row, 7 sets of 5 reps
T-bar Row, 7 sets of 5 reps.

Today I'll do the same thing with arms/shoulders:
Clean and Press: 5 sets of 5 reps
Standing Dumbbell press: 7 sets of 5 reps
Front Dumbbell Raise: 7 sets of 5 reps
Lateral Raise: 7 sets of 5 reps
Upright Rows: 7 sets of 5 reps

Here's where I'll do a different set:
Barbell Curls: No rest, start at max 1 rep, take off weight, 2 reps, repeat up to 10 reps
Incline dumbbell curls: 7 sets of 5 reps
Concentration Curls: 7 sets of 5 reps
Barbell Skullcrushers: 7 sets of 5 reps
Pulldowns: 7 sets of 5 reps
Dumbbell One-Arm Tricep Extensions: 7 sets of 5 reps
Wrist Curls: 4 sets of 10 reps
Reverse Wrist Curls: 4 sets of 10 reps
Also freight train who's forum were in probably might have some of those best kept secrets for you as he has trained quite a few females i believe and always gets his people into tip top shape, so i would certainly check back to see what he has to say
Great workout.

So I am three weeks out from my first show and my upper body is already stage ready, but I can't get my legs to separate. With three weeks left, what are some quick wins where I can put the pedal to the floor to get that separation to come in. I feel myself getting weaker. Any workout tips? I know the high reps, etc. but any best exercises to help with that.
Ok yes high reps but make sure to squeeze for 2 to 3 sec,sissy squats are great ,single leg ext with 4 sec negative an 2 sec hold,lunges work also..on the leg press do single leg with your body turned to the side so your right foot is pointed at 10 o clock an left foot at 2 o clock let me know if that helps!!!!
good stuff bro, holding your contractions is super important, see i knew freight train would come through as thats probably the most important part i left out lol go figure
I need to post my workout for freight train to review! Here is my back bi's and abs day... I just copied and pasted an excel file I made a while back

[TABLE="width: 850"]
[TD]90 (preferably) to 120 seconds rest periods between sets (moderate weight)
[TD]Pyramid up in weight on each set… Except for Abs and obliques[/TD]
[TD]12 Minutes on the stairs post workout[/TD]
[TD] Set #1 [/TD]
[TD] Set #2 [/TD]
[TD] Set #3 [/TD]
[TD] Set #4 [/TD]
[TD] Dumbbell Bent-Over Row: 4 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest 30 seconds on final set and drop weight and do 5 more reps… do it again… and again. Done. [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Wide-Grip Cable Pulldown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Seated T-Bar Row: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest 30 seconds on final set and drop weight and do 5 more reps… do it again… and again. Done. [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Straight Arm Pulldown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Barbell curl: 4 sets of 12-15 reps, Super set w/ the below vvvvvvvvvvv[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Barbell Reverse Grip Curl: 4 sets of 12-15 reps[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] Dumbbell Incline Curl: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] One-Arm High Cable Curl: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Decline Crunch: 3 sets of 20-30 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Dumbbell Oblique Crunch: 3 sets of 20-30 reps, Rest-pause on final set [/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD]Lbs: Reps:[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
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