Young and old: differences?


New member
I have question to more experienced ( i mean 30+ years old ) Guys from here :) I think there is a lot of Freaks who are in Bodybuilding sport for 10+ years :)

Do You Guys see a lot of differences when You were 20-25 years old, and right now when You are 30+ years old? I mean differences in diet ( i.e if you was young you can eat more kcals than now and stay lean etc. ), training ( recovery time etc. ), respond to AAS ( less sides from high doses etc. )?

What's Your experiences? :-)
I'm in my 50s. An analogy... Think a sports car like a 1968 427 Corvette in 1968. In 1970 you could beat that thing all day racing this guy and that and it was ready for more then next night. Now 30 years later it's still fast and looks good but it will break easier if you pound on it hard to often. Back to the bBer, that goes for drugs and training and diet. HAve to be more careful and slart about things. Toxic drugs like tren and anadrol go away. Lighter mroe user friendly drugs like Primo and Anavar come in. Doses go down. In training reps go up. You lift heavy seasonally not year around. High rep training with control and mind muscle connect is more important. Getting bigger and bigger at 50+ not really making sense anymore. Focus goes to longevity. Cycling moves closer to optimizing performance. Diet is habit. Usually by then there is a set routine. Tweeking this way and that to add a little mass or drop a little fat is harder in away because of age but easier in a way from knowing the body so well and the discipline from the past.
yup he pretty much summed it up right there

when I was in my 20s the goal was-move this weight even if you get hurt (you recover quicker)

now the goal is-get in a good workout DON'T GET HURT (takes too long to recover)
Being 54 I too agree with Glyco. I however have always been partial to all around size because it was always difficult for me to pack on what I consider good solid mass. As I have aged, I have taken a smarter approach to my trining and recovery. I try to train smarter and I now really appreciate recovery time. In the old days I had the privlage of training with Tom Platz and Ron Tuefel where I used to live. I learned alot from both of them and that has stuck with me for years. There is no way that I could or would try to train like I did with them due to injuries sustained over the years. As Dorian stated, "Try to get in a good workout and dont get hurt."
something else that I've noticed is as I get older I tend to stick more to machines (Hammer Strength) they take the stress off your joints and put it on the muscles

the goal is to build bigger muscles not to cause wear and tear on the joints
Perfect responses. The best part as Presser can attest to is by now most of us have built a shit ton of muscle. Now we just sculpt and bring up weak points.

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Thanks for answers :-) A lot of nice, experienced Guys on Muscle Chemistry. At last i found nice board to take a lot of advices :-)
by the looks or it there is over a hundred years of training posting on this thread and thats a good thing..also its real real good that guys can come on this board and ask a good honest question and not get blasted like on other some one asked what is EOD..straight away a vets pops his head in and answers..and not with some bull shit lame nonsense but an honest answer just like the guy wanted.

for me when i was training say 20 years ago it was about get to that gym ill/hungover/injured what ever just lift some i lift clever eat clever keep my head down and get on with it. yes every thing gets harder and i mean every thing...knee ache joints injury takes weeks not days to recover from hell some u dont ever recover from but u just have to change your focus..hell i cant do deadlifts press behind neck yeah it pissed me of..but to be in the gym fit is much more inportant than one exercise..
fat is a bitch to move but atleat now i have the knowledge how to move it and with a few adustments and tweaks you can drop that fat..

from colors the film i think.
young bull says to dady bull.
lets run down there and grab us on of them cows and fuck it.
dady bull says
no son lets walk down there and fuck em all..