Ostarine Dosage


New member
First off, I'm sorry if I sound stupid ,as I'm very new to this and this is my first time doing anything. I just took my first dose of Ostarine (bought from the Muscle Chemistry Store above) and the bottle says: 30ml/35mg.

Does this mean for every ONE MILLILITER that I take there is 35 MILLIGRAMS of Ostarine in it? I just wanna be sure I'mtaking it right because iI just took one milliliter of it in a dropper and, obviously, it was a very small amount. Is this is right, then that stuff must be strong. I'm sitting in the gym about to get started on my back workout and i Ihope this stuff is all of what its cracked up to be! Thanks in advance guys!
That is right. 1 ml= 35 mg. It probably doesn't seem like much because it's in a liquid solution.

What are your goals?
Well.....I think the term is "recomposition".....(that's a new term to me)......basically burning fat while building muscle at the same time. I decided that I'll take it immediately upon wakeup at 4:30am since the first rep lifted will commence at 5:30am and its literally impossible to forget. I train 6 days a week and off on Sunday so on Sunday I'll set an alarm at 4:30am and take it and go back to sleep. I also bought some ZMAs to take before I go to bed. I train pretty damn hard so whether this works or not will be without question at all.
starine is designed to help users increase muscle gains. The muscle mass gained from its use is quite similar to when you’re using steroids. However, since this supplement is a SARM, it doesn’t carry adverse effects as compared to when you’re going to use anabolic steroids. As a result, you’re going to get the muscles you want in a safe manner.
Even though Ostarine and other SARMs aren’t fully approved by the FDA, it’s still reasonably easier to get them from the market as compared to anabolic steroids.
First off, I'm sorry if I sound stupid ,as I'm very new to this and this is my first time doing anything. I just took my first dose of Ostarine (bought from the Muscle Chemistry Store above) and the bottle says: 30ml/35mg.

Does this mean for every ONE MILLILITER that I take there is 35 MILLIGRAMS of Ostarine in it? I just wanna be sure I'mtaking it right because iI just took one milliliter of it in a dropper and, obviously, it was a very small amount. Is this is right, then that stuff must be strong. I'm sitting in the gym about to get started on my back workout and i Ihope this stuff is all of what its cracked up to be! Thanks in advance guys!

Yep. You got it. There is 30mg’s in 1 ml or 1cc on and oral syringe

Team MeccaGear!
First off, I'm sorry if I sound stupid ,as I'm very new to this and this is my first time doing anything. I just took my first dose of Ostarine (bought from the Muscle Chemistry Store above) and the bottle says: 30ml/35mg.

Does this mean for every ONE MILLILITER that I take there is 35 MILLIGRAMS of Ostarine in it? I just wanna be sure I'mtaking it right because iI just took one milliliter of it in a dropper and, obviously, it was a very small amount. Is this is right, then that stuff must be strong. I'm sitting in the gym about to get started on my back workout and i Ihope this stuff is all of what its cracked up to be! Thanks in advance guys!

As long as you eat and lift, it'll live up to the hype. The gains for me were slow but steady and lean.

My friends, most of which lift a few don't, used it as well enjoyed it. One friend of mine, doesn't really lift he was never into it. Well he begged me to get him aas. I told him no reason haha he ended up buying Superdrol, that stuff gave me good gains, but him, not really. But he lifted once a week and didn't eat much. Where as I eat steady and lifted hard, daily.

Point being you get what you put in, the compounds aid you, they don't do the work for ya.

Figured Id add that for any newbies or whatever, I come across a lot of people who don't realize you still have to put in work, but I'm sure you know that lmao I just enjoy ranting and oreaching to the choir ��
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