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    teedubgee update

    damn, bet it was hard seeing her go. lol but I always remember the quote "for every smoking hot chick out there, there is some guy who is tired of her shit"
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    Jean Pierre Fux before and after

    yea, happened with another pro who is dead now. Was that older guy who started lifting in his 40's or 50's, forgot his name. he tore a pec doing a shoot with the guy.
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    Simvastatin can damage muscles in high doses

    what exactly do they mean by "muscle damage"?
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    The random thread, say what ever, rant!

    i bolded the problem keyword in this entire post. :D anyone who eats at McD's kinda had it coming.
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    Normalsucks upadate

    lol, now he's gonna be having trouble with cuban chicks. you dont hit and quit a cuban chick! Lol
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    Music (This is going to be a good thread)

    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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    Rockstar Recovery Drink !!!!

    Ive tried this. I liked it. Its water based instead of carbonated water based.
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    14 Day Blast - 21Juggernaut - Vids Inside

    moving some huge weights there.
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    How doctors are bought off by medical device makers

    Yea, hard to shell out three grand times however many you" need".
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    Latest edition to the driveway

    Nice c6. Stock?
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    NJ Supplement Firms Guilty of Criminal Contempt

    Did they think the feds were joking? Or did they actually think they were smarter?
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    Need Energy

    I think the mdrol is your fatigue culprit. That's a high dose too
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    My veins

    I love it when they look like roadmaps on your forearms
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    60 Minutes Says Steroid Allegations Against Lance Armstrong Are Truthful

    If drug tests are the golden say all standard...then lance is not guilty. I didn't say innocent. But no positive test, no conviction
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    What music?

    Heavy...otherwise I would just listen to mainstream gym radio top 40s