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  1. B

    Looking to make some big moves with the NPC...

    Congrats. This should be really good for your future shows. Being involved with all these things and making a name for yourself should help you with the political end of bodybuilding.
  2. B

    Need Bicep Routine

    I have the same problem with my biceps and I think genetics are solely to blame here. I've been hitting them more often (about 2x per week) and the only thing I'm gaining is mostly strength. They look a little more defined, but that's it. I'll keep at them for now and see what happens.
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    Da Fuq is This?

    Come on guys. He's a doing a combination bench press and shoulder raises. lol.
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    Disgusting Girl

    Well, football might not be in the long future, but she could be a great female athlete in other sports. Hopefully she keeps up with it as she gets older.
  5. B

    Best qualities for a gym?

    1. Has heavy weight. 2. Not too many people. That's about it for me. lol.
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    Finally getting my raise...

    congrats brother, that is awesome news!
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    The GYM will be over run with newbies soon

    idiots in the gym piss me off. lol. I hate seeing kids fooling around, adults taking up space on machines/benches, and strange workouts that disrupt the serious lifters routine.
  8. B

    Super DMZ??

    I stopped because I got really sick and finally starting to feel a little better...I'm going to Vegas over Thanksgiving weekend and will pick it back up on Monday. I haven't lifted in about 5 days, but I have been doing some cardio to try to stay in shape. Last few weeks I've been extremely...
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    Anyone know what the RSS feature is on forum home page listing is

    ah cool...yep should be easy for people to subscribe to a forum and have the newest posts pop up in their favorite podcast application.
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    Anyone know what the RSS feature is on forum home page listing is

    I don't even see the rss button to look at it. Where is it located?
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    Do Myostatin inhibitors work for you?

    No problem...still at the same doses and still no vision issues. I'm up about 5 lbs total and down a 1-2%bf since starting about a month ago on the ostarine and a little over a week ago on the S4. Not sure if the S4 has made a difference or not.
  12. B

    Anyone know what the RSS feature is on forum home page listing is

    It should put the format into xml/rss format so users can read posts in a news reader or podcast reader. I guess the benefit is users can subscribe to it and have posts come up in their reader.
  13. B

    Seven states qualify for secession from union...Will the south rise again?

    I keep hearing about the Illuminati and Agenda 21 from various people...I've heard/read up on both and although some concepts seem believable some very much do not. My co-worker also keeps mentioning the reptilians (look it up. lol) control everything too. Am I crazy for not believing these...
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    A decade!

    Welcome back! Time does fly...
  15. B

    Ketogenic Diet. Pre-competition Diet. Dieting to Lose Fat Not Muscle

    Good info. Keto diets generally make me feel like crap and I normally crumble after a few days. lol.
  16. B

    Thanksgiving plans??

    Going to Vegas...
  17. B

    Best bodybuilding friendly careers?

    I.T. aka computer systems can be a BB friendly career. I am able to work from home a couple of days per week, and switch my schedule up to fit in work outs, eating, etc. Some companies may not like the BB image, but luckily I work for a technology company that's primary focus is on training, and...
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    Warning! guys are relentless.
  19. B

    Sorry been sick this week.

    In the same boat...I got sick a couple of days ago and just trying to get better. I hate getting sick. Luckily it only happens once or twice a year, but its just terrible. I feel like I turn into a big baby and can't cope. lol.
  20. B

    Poundstone Versus Biceps

    I'm no where near his size but I'll sometimes do 2/3 or 3/4 range curls just to mix it up a little bit. The good thing about not locking out is your muscles are constantly under tension and usually feel the burn/pump a lot more. Not sure if this equates to a better bicep workout, but it seems it...