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  1. elemental


    in 2037 i willl die from heart disease at 62. see you all at the wake
  2. elemental

    Is sex on the 1st date ok?

    i don't have as much respect for a girl who gives it up on the first date. not saying that i would turn it down, but a second date wouldn't be happening.
  3. elemental

    Last Meal

    you don't know what your missing
  4. elemental

    Last Meal

    funny, somehow i used to have that nickname about 5 years ago
  5. elemental

    Last Meal

    i like your meal but will have to add some crab and any other seafood i can get my hands on. mmmm.. oxys
  6. elemental


    here's a perfect solution. give it to me and i'll hold onto it for you.
  7. elemental

    New board record!

  8. elemental


    mine comes from a combo of things. 1. my side business is called designelements 2. my love for chemicals 3. i may be a bit mental (so i've heard)
  9. elemental

    Anabolic Discussion Game?

    ed or eod injections get pretty annoying. and all the eating. injectable protein would be nice. every 2hrs take a shot. i can deal with that as annnoying it would get.
  10. elemental

    Good Protein Source

    not crazy about chili, but i am sick of tuna & chicken so it should taste dammn great.
  11. elemental

    999 bottles of beer

    what the hell count me in.
  12. elemental

    workout routines

    thanks bros
  13. elemental

    Finally some good news

    great to hear bro.
  14. elemental

    updated pix-4weeks out

    god damn boy!. i feel like crap now. keep up the excellent work.
  15. elemental


    it drives me crazy when a girl masturbates for me.
  16. elemental

    Lets see Relationship ?

    just fuck her. be her side piece so you don't ahve to worry about her doing it to you.
  17. elemental

    What does everyone currently weigh??

    6' 200lbs and counting. up from 190 3 1/2 weeks ago. yeah man
  18. elemental

    injection technique

    i here ya choke. i have about 3 weeks left w/my prop and i'm panicking already