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  1. CzarShel

    Possibly a bi-polar girlfriend...

    Oh yeah and no that's not OCD, OCD people usually have low serotonin activity in the brain and they have symptoms like chronically washing their hands so much so that they crack and bleed from dryness but still they keep washing them, the most common OCD symptom is picking, where OCD people pick...
  2. CzarShel

    Possibly a bi-polar girlfriend...

    Sorry I wrote a Psychology textbook and a informative book on interrogation and cohesion few years back.
  3. CzarShel


    It's a supplement/drug I've never taken it nor see a use for it except to maby boost up the potency of some other drugs. What Is It? In India, practitioners of traditional Ayurvedic medicine have long used the herb Coleus forskohlii to treat asthma, heart disease, and a range of other...
  4. CzarShel

    Jaywooly, please don't do this ever again

    Looks like that guys wings actually flap! or maby thats just the sound they make.
  5. CzarShel

    I think I did it!

    Sounds like you might have some mild Test Flu symtoms, trust me if you up the test dose real fast you will get sick as hell for like 24 hours and youll definately know why the say "Test Flu" I been there 3 times last year, stupid me.
  6. CzarShel

    What are you most interested in trying?

    IGF and or GH but you guys know how the girls drain your pockets.
  7. CzarShel

    Kick off orals a waste?

    I get impatient and the older I get the more of a head start I want i know its a bad habit, but wada ya gonna do eh.
  8. CzarShel

    roid rage! Yah right

    I havent been in a fist fight since 4th grade, partaly because nobody will fight me, partaly because I have a cool head even when on roids.
  9. CzarShel

    when should i

  10. CzarShel

    Great Joke

    Heres what I used to do in high school I d get a threded screw and pull the head off a barbie and put both in my pocket........Then I'd go up to some chick and say "hey wanna screw?" if she said yeah, then your in but if she gets all offended pull out and hand her the screw like it was a joke...
  11. CzarShel

    [B]Gear and Flu shot??[/B]

    yeah we are allready 100% out in my state
  12. CzarShel

    Possibly a bi-polar girlfriend...

    Bi-Polar is a general psychiatric term meaning you have a mental illness that that is episodic, or that is sometimes on and sometimes off, I think its most often used to descript people with Major Depressive or Schizophrenic episodes, most chicks are very left brained and chicks approach logic...
  13. CzarShel

    Pumpinstein returns.

    Welcome Back Bro!
  14. CzarShel

    I should introduce myself

    Welcome to MC Bro sounds like you have a very good start with size and hight like that we'll probobly see you struting down a run way some day soon. Glad to have ya.
  15. CzarShel

    How wide are you all?

    Right now I'm 22in wide 5ft 11in tall and weighing in at a sorry 200 after screwing around and droping 60 pounds over the summer, more defined though.
  16. CzarShel

    secure forum gone?

    Removed for the time being ;)
  17. CzarShel

    2004 NPC Mountaineer

    Looking good bro congratulations! :thumbsup:
  18. CzarShel

    No Pain No Gain

    Eat as much as you possibly can, and get a couple of nights of good sleep, you need the protein and nutrients in the food to repair the muscle tissue and make it stronger, and during sleep is when most of this growth and repair take place. Don't over due it give the muscle time to repair but at...
  19. CzarShel

    Hey how many of you non-felons are regesterd to vote

    Yeah the one in the yellow looks like she could really suck one out with that big ol mouth :D
  20. CzarShel

    Hey how many of you non-felons are regesterd to vote

    Now this is one ugly bitch rite here........