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  1. CzarShel

    Am on dbol for 1.5 weeks now,

    I hope your taking some antiaromatase with that dbol a friend of mine just got out of Gyno surgery ended up costing him 4 grand. (ouch)
  2. CzarShel

    all pro steroids illegal

    Ha yeah I got that same email, also noticed they were selling them, however I've heard the ban is comming from other sources as well, darn :)
  3. CzarShel

    i gonna be away for a while

    Good luck man, Its hard to kick but if you do your body will thank you with added strenth and performance
  4. CzarShel

    My workout day

    Hey bro it sounds like your on the right track, if your goal is to put on some weight try throwing in a pizza 1 slice an hour or so wolnt fill you up but will give you lot of cals and protein, I started slacking for a while and dropped 15 pounds I didnt want to drop so now I'm on a 2 pizza and 8...
  5. CzarShel

    PC Problems

    If you move your mouse back and forth fast it looks like a tripple dip icecream cone, lol
  6. CzarShel

    I hope we get some more Methyl-1-Test back here at MC you get 90 caps for 24.99 instead of 60 Capsules per bottle. But I do have some raw M1T Powder I'm useing however it tastes like burnt plastic, I tried to put it in a solution of alcohol, and a PEG 400...
  7. CzarShel

    disturbing tren dreams

    I've done some heavy tren cycles and I didnt get any neat dreams I dont think not anymore than usual anyway. :D
  8. CzarShel

    Are there any comp diet books ?

    Diets are kind of tricky as I've seen allot of different people react to them totally different, I've seen people cut from 4 meals a day down to one and add 15 pounds. And others bump up their calories and meals and loose weight so diets have to be somewhat individualized that's prolly why their...
  9. CzarShel

    The Pregnant Question...

    Oh yeah its possible especcally if you catch her at the right time.
  10. CzarShel

    Science of Superhuman Strength

    "Science of Superhuman Strength" This show is really cool it was on the Discovery Science Channel today from 4-5 pm central time Hopefully they will show it gain this week, I mentioned it before its really good.
  11. CzarShel


    I have some good friends over there in Afghanistan working hard and taking things very seriously. The CIA director of terrorist ops (somebody Mr. Black in Virginia ) told the CIA in Afghanistan to bring back Osama bin laden's head The CIA operators took him seriously and ordered our an ice...
  12. CzarShel

    How was everyone's holiday?

    It was me and my girls 1 year going out anniversary, on the 6th I got her a small diamond ring but I was way sick, I've been sick for like a few weeks now and with no med insurance I'm screwed. Totyally killed my cycle, setme way way back on my goals. Cant go to the county hospital cause if I...
  13. CzarShel

    No source Posting

    Hey mikeswift thanks for grabbing that one, good catch !
  14. CzarShel

    Steroids and immune system response????

    Well I know when steroids increase protein synthesis, it also increase protein synthesis for bacteria (sometimes causing infections) BUT it can cause a higher immune response for those with healthy immune systems. The trick is getting the higher immune response without taxing your immune...
  15. CzarShel

    Antibiotics for pin infection

    sirben187, is right a broad spectrum like azithromycin (Zithromax) is good but can be hard on your kidneys, so if you taking something that's already taxing your kidneys you might want to opt for something else. Plus Z-Pack, Zithromax, Azithromycin, ect. is very expensive Renal Insufficiency...
  16. CzarShel

    Antibiotics for pin infection

    Amoxicillin and Penicillin are OK as far as I know and I should know. Actually I should check, but they should be OK.
  17. CzarShel

    everyone welcome our newest site rep

    Welcome Bro's ! It will be a pleasure working with you I'm sure :)
  18. CzarShel

    strange email from nigeria

    It kinda shows the level of intelligence over there, I could write a better scam than that. I guess they don't have the educational standards we do here in the west.
  19. CzarShel

    strange email from nigeria

    I used to get the same SCAM email from the CEO of a major oil company who needed to get 18 million dollars out of the country but needed the help of an American and would pay 4 Million for their help (Yeah Right) I wonder if anyone had ever fallen for that?????? We should send some American...
  20. CzarShel

    synthenol or MCT info

    I hear allot of "About the sites pain SYNTHEROL is one of the less painful oils" "Pain - obviously, any site shot hurts. The pain will minimize the more you inject, until it will not hurt any more. Site Oils hurt, but not as much as site injections with, lets say, Sustanon." " you'll get used...