My workout day


New member
hey whats going on guys...
alright, critique my day, and if you have time tell me on how I should improve and what Im doing wrong.

here we go,

age: 20
Weight" 180lbs
BF%: To be honest Ive never really measured it, probably at the average level of someone at my age/size.

Goal: to bulk to about 190-195lbs... I have a real time gaining weight, but hopefully you guys can help a little and tell me how I should change my routine so here we go!

breakfast @ 11am:
1 egg + 2 egg whites + 3slices of low fat whit ebread (2 of them with strawberry jam on) + 1 banana and a cup of cholate milk

12:00: 2 scoops of whey protein + creatine

20 mins later: Gym

2:30: 1 Steak with white rice along with some tomoatoes and cucumbers on the side.

6:00 2 scoops of whey protein

its about 8:15pm, im still so damn full... maybe I should cut the shake serving into 1 scoop each time?
What am I doing wrong diet wise? Im not sure what else i'll be able to take down tonight... doesnt seem like much.

ok, now, what I do at the gym....

today I focused on Tri's and only Tri's... is this a mistake? Should I be doing Tri's and Bi's (no not trisexual's and bisexual's) in the same day?

(please excuse some of my terminology)

- Tricep pull down (used with what looks like a rope? Back is flat):
rep (weight) per set.

10 (50lbs)
10 (50lbs)
9 (40lbs)
6 (45lbs)
9 (40 lbs)
8 (40 lbs)
10 ( 35lbs)
9 (35lbs)

- Arm Extension:
9 (60lbs)
7 (60lbs)
9 (50lbs)
8 (50lbs)
13 (40lbs)
12 (40lbs)

- 1 handed pull downs (each arm)
10 (30lbs)
8 (30lbs)
10 (25lbs)

- French Tricep Curl:
10 (30lbs)
8 (30lbs)
16 (20lbs)
16 (20lbs)

- Tricep Pull downs with Bent knees and medal bar
9 (100lbs)
8 (90lbs)
9 (80lbs)
11 (70lbs)

- Tricep Push downs (with air machine):
19 (85lbs)
10 (85lbs)
10 (70lbs)
10 (70lbs)
10 (70lbs)
10 (70lbs)

- Dumbell Pull ups (each arm- 1 leg is bent at knee on bench)
10 (40)
10 (40)
10 (40)

that was it for the day....
so, suggestions on how I should change my diet/weights?
I know that was a lot of reading, I appreciate it bro's!
You are definately not getting close to enough carbs & calories in your diet for bulking. You could bump up the protein a bit too.

What Should You Eat To Bulk?
Here's a sample diet you can modify. (6 Meals a Day)

Meal 1:
2 Eggs
2 Slices of Whole Grain Toast with All Natural Peanut Butter
A Banana
A Protein Shake With Skim Milk

Meal 2:
Instant Quaker Oatmeal (Any Flavor)
A Chicken Breast with Salsa
Your Slices of Tomato & Cucumber on the side
Nice tall glass of water and a multi-vitamin

Meal 3:
1% Cottage Cheese
1/2 Cup Brown or Wild Rice
Protein Powder w/water or skim milk if you must

Meal 4:
Fresh or Frozen Veggies (I'm lazy, I go for frozen)
Can of Tuna Mixed with Ultra Light Kraft Mayo

Meal 5:
Steak or Chicken
A Baked Potatoe
Broccoli (I love it Steamed & it takes only 5 minutes to make)

Meal 6:
Light Snack (Ex. 1 Cup Air Popped Popcorn)
Protein Shake w/water (No, Not With Milk This Time)
1 Tablespoon All Natural Peanut Butter

Take your creatine in between meals or whenever is convenient. This type of diet will bump up your calories close to where you want them to be.

What Kind Of A Workout Plan Could You Do Each Week?
I posted this in another thread. It should help you get started on planning out your workouts for the week. Focus on a few muscle groups each workout and only workout a certain area once a week to allow them to recover. Here's a sample week:

Monday: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Tuesday: 45 Minutes Cardio

Wednesday: Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs

Thursday, 45 Minutes Cardio

Friday: Legs, Legs Legs!

Saturday/Sunday: Off or Light Cardio if you want

That will give each of your muscles plenty of rest and allow you to lift heavy and really target them when you work them.

What Excercises Can You Hit Your Muscles With?
Search around here on Muscle Chemistry in the Excercise Routines Forum to find out what excercises you can do for each of your muscles.

Or Check This Site Out: The Excercise & Muscle Directory

Good luck bro' Keep us posted on your progress!
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You need to eat MORE. Try a more consistant spread out of time for eating. Try every three hours, 50 grams of protein in each meal. Also, 8PM-11AM is 15 hours without a meal. You should eat first thing when you get up, and last thing prior to going to bed. Although, right before bed - it should probably only be a protein shake with fat free milk (or better yet, water). No need for the carbs so close to sleep.

These tips, you'll get your 190-195.

Lastly you ask if you should cut your last shake down to one scoop. One scoop wont make or break an apetite, IMO.

If your at meal time (every third hour) and for the life of you you cannot eat a solid, down a shake - no matter what. Hold your nose shut and close your eyes if you have to.
thanks for the reply guys...
I was able to get some more food down after 8ish.... specifically about 3 or 4 home made patties.
I wish I could eat more, but when I take my protein shakes I feel full for a good 3-4 hours... When I eat its cause I force myself... thats why I asked if I should cut down the amount of protein in each shake but have more shakes throughout the day.
Keep em coming guys
oh, also, about doing 3 muscle's or so a day...
I usually spend about 1.5hours in the gym when I workout a single muscle (examples: Triceps)
When you guys are focusing on say Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs are you in there for a g ood 3-4 hours or do you just not over exaust each muscle?
I don't know how you can spend 1 hour & 30 minutes on one muscle alone. 3 or 4 excercises at the most is enough to tire my muscles out completely. Lift heavy, slow and controlled with full range of motion.

Here's a Sample of my Shoulders/Chest/Triceps Day.
(Keep in mind I don't know if all these are the official names, it's just what I call em')

- Bench Press
- Cable Fly's
- Dumbell Press
- Pec Dec (Machine Fly's)

- Tricep Pulldowns (Using the rope with the 2 knobs)
- Overhead Tricep Extentions
- Dips! Dips! Dips! (Make sure you go ALL the way down!) It also hits the chest if you lean forward slightly. If you can't do these yet, look for a machine called "The Gravitron". You can add a counter weight to make you lighter. So you can lower your body weight by say 20 - 30 pounds to start out, then work up to lifting your entire body weight.

- Dumbell Shoulder Press
- Lateral Dumbell Raises (Just hold dumbells and lift your arms straight out to the sides)
- Machine Shoulder Press

My workouts all take me around 2 hours to do.

I mix it up each week and never do the same workout twice in a row. You'll learn lots of variations and different excercises you can substitute. I just shoot for 3-4 excercises with 3-4 sets each.

This works out to 9 - 16 Sets for each muscle. In your post, I counted you did 34 Sets for Triceps. That to me sounds like the weight you're lifting is too light. After a solid workout, there's just no way my muslces could do one more set of anything. Heavy, Slow, Controlled Lifts. 4 - 10 reps MAX if you're looking for Bulk & Strength gains.

Oh, one last tip about being able to eat lots (You should be doing this anyway). Drink TONS of water, it will keep your stomach expanded the whole day. Get in some hard workouts and you'll be begging for a huge steak and saying keep em' coming after you're done :)

Good luck'
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thanks bro, im gona focus on going slow and controlled from now on.
gona go give bicep/back/shoulders a try today and see how it goes.
Hey bro it sounds like your on the right track, if your goal is to put on some weight try throwing in a pizza 1 slice an hour or so wolnt fill you up but will give you lot of cals and protein, I started slacking for a while and dropped 15 pounds I didnt want to drop so now I'm on a 2 pizza and 8 eggs w/ ice cream diet lol, I can always walk (not to mention tren) any fat off later.
heres a cool site I found that has helped me wok some stuff like "Meat Lovers" Pizza Hut pizza into my diet: