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  1. L

    PSL Arrived!

    I do not know much about Proviron. What does it do? Its an oral?
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    Joint Pains

    Thanks GRU. I usually pop a few Advil and always take more than what the bottle says. Based on my weight as well, more is better and I feel more relief.
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    Joint Pains

    Thanks guys!!! Yea Presser, I should up my water since I am probably not drinking enough during the day. I seem to drink more at night. And I am on Test Prop as well - 600mgs/week. I am just noticing more now. Could be the more weight I am pushing as well and hitting the gym hard. What is this...
  4. L

    PSL Arrived!

    Just wanted to get some feedback now I am in a few weeks. What can be expected now at this combo with these dosages? Any vets with experience. 500mgs / NPP and 600 mgs Test Prop every 7 days. (1.25mg and 1.5mg EOD) I am noticing more fullness and I seem to be gaining some weight. My strength...
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    Joint Pains

    I find it odd that I am experiencing MORE joint pains now on cycle then when I wasn't. I am waking up more stiff. I stated this and feel its odd only because I am on 500mgs of NPP every 7 days. I thought NPP/Deca would help in this area??? Thoughts?
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    The Deca Curse

    What type of high dose are we speaking about? I am currently on a NPP/Test cycle and I probably get more hard now than before on a daily basis! LOL
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    Purity Source Lab Review

    PSL is top notch!!!! What is the Test 400 exactly? Is it a blend? I am on their Prop.
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    PSL Arrived!

    So tonight was a noticeable difference! Even with this slight pull/strain in my left bicep, I hit chest and triceps tonight. I have been eating so much more as well. I think increasing the dosage was a key move. I felt really strong on chest. And honestly, I have mass in my chest, but it was...
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    PSL Arrived!

    so far so good with that Mountain! Not sure if its because of the Prop....but to be honest, I am like in rabbit mode! Its always on my mind! LOL
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    PSL Arrived!

    Thank you Joz for all of your help. I am training hard for sure. I actually had to skip biceps this week since I was trying a routine that allowed me to work them on every training day! You pick one isolated exercise and do 10 structured sets. Well it was working great, but I think I strained my...
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    PSL Arrived!

    Just a quick update. Into my 3rd FULL week now doing EOD. I am not really counting that first week since I only pinned twice. So it was only 200mgs of each at the time. I started to see a lil bit of strength increase about 2 weeks ago. On certain movements. And I was starting to feel a bit...
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Doing good brother! I am now updating my PSL thread since we have moved on to a cycle. But, I would most likely pickup more SARMS for the PCT and Bridge time because of the great results I saw in 8 weeks.
  13. L

    PSL Arrived!

    Yes! Shaking well is a must! :) Things have been good. I am actually very happy and surprised about the pinning. Injects have been smooth and painless. No soreness anymore as well. I am feeling more pumps and have seen weight increases on many movements. So I am heading in the right...
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    Stop Eating Brown Rice

    Good stuff!
  15. L

    Pinning Schedule on Short Esters

    Thanks Pumped. Definitely know it's all about personal preference. But I look to you vets for good advice and tips in this game. What you say makes sense. I've been lucky with this gear that these shots have been so smooth with zero pain or soreness. High quality stuff. When I do increase the...
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    Pinning Schedule on Short Esters

    Hi Pumped, what would be the advantage of that? I am taking them together. A total of 200mgs EOD. I would imagine this would be preferred so there is no daily pinning. But what is your reasoning since I am all ears.
  17. L

    Cheat days on cycle?

    That is what I was talking about. I know if some guys are prepping, that would foolish to interrupt the progress. But in a non-cutting cycles or bulking, why not. And should say cheat MEALS, not DAYS. LOL
  18. L

    PSL Arrived!

    Cant wait!!
  19. L

    How to Bridge and Cruise on your Steroid Cycle

    I was looking at HCG on PSL. Dont know much about it. Does that start after the last pin too?