The Deca Curse


New member
Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the possibility of having permanent impotency from running a single high dose cycle of Deca. Is this a possibility or is it likely that the body will rebound after a while and things will eventually go back to normal?
I read through some threads and did not see this info but IF it is indeed in another thread I apologize for the repeat Q&A session.
What type of high dose are we speaking about? I am currently on a NPP/Test cycle and I probably get more hard now than before on a daily basis! LOL
I am 46 and nothing hurts with 600mg of DECA EW. odd how u get old and use to pain. When this cycle ends I am going to cruise with 25mg EW of DECA ... pain sucks.
It seems like everyone responds differently to nandrolone(deca). I have never had a problem with "deca dick", using nandrolone in doses as high as 600 mg. a week. I ran test-e @250 mg. a week along with it. Over the years, I read many posts on other forums saying that other guys never had a problem with deca dick. When I used primobolin at 400 mg. a week my libido went sky high.

I think it is related to how sensitive your hypothalamus is. The hypothalamus is a master gland right behind the pituitary gland. It has bundled nerve endings running to all the sensory organs in your body and regulates your testosterone level based on the feedback it receives. Some people have more sensitive hypothalamus glands than others.
yeah deca fucked my cock up long time agao, back in the Norma hellas nandrolone days lol, always run testosterone higher than deca
Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the possibility of having permanent impotency from running a single high dose cycle of Deca. Is this a possibility or is it likely that the body will rebound after a while and things will eventually go back to normal?
I read through some threads and did not see this info but IF it is indeed in another thread I apologize for the repeat Q&A session.

you will be fine brutha! if your dick hasnt already turned charcoal black and fallen off that is lmao
So I appreciate the input but while I did not run Test with this Deca and went up as high as 750 per week before cycling down, are you all in agreement that in time (despite not having run test) things should return to normal?!
I use a good bit of Deca for my joints and stuff and I've gone pretty high. I've never had deca dick and I've been on for years at a time. It's a risk for sure though
So I appreciate the input but while I did not run Test with this Deca and went up as high as 750 per week before cycling down, are you all in agreement that in time (despite not having run test) things should return to normal?!
Not sure if it will resume to normal operation, but with an educated guess proper pct or a cruise dose of test you should be fine (hopefully lol).
Deca hurts me, gives me horrible cramps. Now oddly enough I switched to NPP and taking 600 mg a week and things are fine. I am running 400 mg of test pp a week, along with 60 mg anavar Ed and like someone stated earlier, I get as hard, if not harder than ever. I'm trying to run test as low as possible because I desperately need to build up my tendon strength in my rotator cuffs due to several sugeries.
I was 26 and on 600 mg deca a week 750'mg test six weeks in now that I think back both were legit product but mr happy died for 2-3 mths and I was engaged to a beautful younger girl thank god she stayed around
I'm on a gram of deca and a gram of sus per week right now for 2 more weeks. Then I'm backing down to 750mg deca and sticking with a gram of sus. My dick is still rocking.