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  1. 3

    Im starting to not believe in PCT

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    lower back pain

    you are probably getiing what they call a back pump if you are using the following supplements deca sustanon or dbol. I try to get more water seems to help me out.
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    Muscle Milk

    FYI to all I ran it by top level competitor and ifbb pro Colette Nelson. I asked her the thoughts on rtd protein and she replied that a very good friend of her's dexter jackson uses 4 metrx rtd shakes a day when getting ready for a show. I guess if dexter uses them that much there must be a...
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    Muscle Milk

    I just tried some Rtd of muscle milk. This shit sucks!!! I took it when I was leavin the gym and 20 mins later on the way home I almost shit my pants. I had to pull over and use a gas station NEVER AGAIN!!!
  5. 3

    Aruba girl case dissmised!!!

    I am sick of people in the law getting away with murder.I am watching the news now and the natilie halloway case has been dismissed. I hear this kid in is ny now. I hope to run into him to show him his daddy being a lawyer/judge in aruba holds no water here. It is a real shame that girl and her...
  6. 3

    SYNTHERGINE Liver aid

    Nothing is ever a complete waste it does serve functions in your body. Research it before you ditch it totally.
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    My chick is cramping

    I have personally seen many pros pass out minutes before going on stage from dehydration.Stay hydrated!!!! Doesn't mean you have to drink like a horse but sip it the morning of and keep walking to keep burning.
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    SYNTHERGINE Liver aid

    Me personally I like onions and bacon over rice with my liver LMFAO...
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    Site enhancing oil question.

    I disagree on nasser only cause he always looked flexed never had a relaxed pose. To me it looked like he had implants cause even when he was sleeping he was flexed. I met up with both ronnie and levrone at the NOC in new york and they placed first and second. In the points levrone was just...
  10. 3

    SYNTHERGINE Liver aid

    Never used synthergine before as u can tell. I don't know dollars to cents which makes more sense also heard but never used NAC for the liver. Believe it or not the best form for both the kidneys and liver is free Water.
  11. 3

    Feeling down LOL

    Cause I was in the green and then I was in the red. I wasn't sure why i was brought down to china town thats all
  12. 3

    Site enhancing oil question.

    I will read up on it. I miss levrone I know he would have beat ronnie if he stayed on board. They were neck and neck for along time. Dam shame.
  13. 3

    Feeling down LOL

    why what???
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    Site enhancing oil question.

    I understand your point bro not looking to ruffle any feathers here but I'm just giving my opinion just like you are giving yours.I am looking to make friends here not enemies. Sorry if this offened you in any way I just feel it's not needed and takes away from the chiseled look of yester years
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    The Future is Near!!!

    Great news I have kept in touch for awhile with two great people in the sport. Dave Palumbo and Colette Nelson. They are truly open and honest people and give it to you straight. I am sitting down with dave and colette this sunday to enhance my future in this sport. Be ready for shocking results...
  16. 3

    Site enhancing oil question.

    I have always been able to spot a pro or amatuer who uses. Look at erine taylor/markus ruhl/derek anthony/quincy taylor/Guy Grundy shall I go on. They will never take top spots with oil enhancements.
  17. 3

    Var instead of dbol?

    do not post sources and prices
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    how to best use this stack?

    I just revisited your first post Here is what you do.... 200mg of test 2 x a week 6 weeks 100 of eq 2 x a week 6 weeks 20mg of dbol for 4 weeks tren 100 every other day for 6 weeks Diet Keep the carbs low so you can avoid blowing up and keep the protein high.
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    Finally my gear

    Don't go crazy play it cool even steven is the way to go.
  20. 3

    Cycles for non-BBing sports?

    Justin Gatlin was using too. He was the guy that beat micheal johnson's times in the 400 at the last olympics. I feel there is no difference between creatine glutamine and protein and aas. They all enhance performance wether a doc gives them to you or you get them at a vitamin shop. Think about...