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  1. crankin'stein

    Anabolic Freak column this month.....

    You have to be kidding bro..... Most of the advice I see coming from Dave is great if not brilliant! He knows his stuff man.
  2. crankin'stein

    Energy balance

    Absolutely my man. I just had a long talk about this point with my sister tonight. You have to take into account your BMR and what your calorie balance will be at the end of any given day..... Not just how many calories you consumed....
  3. crankin'stein

    MC Lottery!!!

    US RESIDENTS ONLY???? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE.... AND THE ROYAL MOUNTED POLICE WILL BE LOOKING INTO YOUR SO CALLED LOTTARY......... BWAHAHAHAHAHA ok.... I am just jealous cause those are some great prizes, from some great sponsers!!!! A BIG THANKS TO THE SPONSERS!
  4. crankin'stein

    Just arrived...plz adivise

    I definitely agree with MM. You should really start by getting your diet and training in check to lose the fat you want to lose..... Do not do a deca only cycle! Start with the proper diet and training.... If that is setup right and the results are too slow, then try adding some ECA to...
  5. crankin'stein

    Me last year at the Olympia

    You are looking amazing my dear!!
  6. crankin'stein

    You asked about my gym

    MAN..... Don't forget about the stick with a piece of rope and a 5 pound plate attached to the end, for your forearms....... Can't get popeye arms without it....
  7. crankin'stein

    You asked about my gym

    I was just teasing buddy. It looks great!! Get some heavy tunes cranked in there and go to town.... :)
  8. crankin'stein

    You asked about my gym

    That is freaking awesome!!! I would love to workout there.... The hardcore atmosphere is the best! oh but if you built the equipment.... I suggest a spotter in case the bench falls apart...... ;)
  9. crankin'stein

    IF test is Test?

  10. crankin'stein

    IF test is Test?

    Yeah I think I tried it once...... errrr I mean.... nevermind...
  11. crankin'stein

    DMM Checking In...

    Great to have you here! Welcome to MC
  12. crankin'stein

    stop compalining about your small penis

    Kayaks too..... And they work fine.... just a little tipsy.... WAIT A MIN MR....... ARE WE STILL TALKING ABOUT BOATS???? :D
  13. crankin'stein

    Have some food for thought!

    You have a very good point there.... Sometimes we just forget they anybody could be reading what we are typing..... So just remember to be careful how much you say on the open board...
  14. crankin'stein

    Bump for our sponser!! They are good people!
  15. crankin'stein

    monday's the big day!

    Nice cycle. Good luck with it
  16. crankin'stein

    Whats the biggest pin you've ever stuck yourself with?

    I've done 21G and did for a while.... that was quite the build up of scar tissue...
  17. crankin'stein

    Super Concentrated Suspension

    Why dose everyone want all these high concentration gears??? Just inject a little more volume.... do some spot injections and make it worth it or something....
  18. crankin'stein

    Cycle update

    Good job! And good luck with the cutting
  19. crankin'stein

    stop compalining about your small penis

    OH OH.... *puts up hand!!!* DINGY DINGY!!!
  20. crankin'stein

    Who has the courage to.......

    Well then quite PM'ing me for pics of my bare ass...... FRUITY?? Whatever do you mean?