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  1. M

    Jack LaLanne dies at 96

    He was 96??! Wow... I guess I should start using my juicer again. RIP Jack.
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    prescription nutrition review

    I'll piggy back onto your post. I received my sample packs today (thanks! ). So far I've tried the chocolate hydrolyzed whey. It did not mix well and definitely had some bitterness to it... but definitely stomachable...especially knowing that it has 0g sugar!
  3. M

    did the spin bike for cardio today

    Spin bikes hurt my balls.
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    No more Tuna!

    I have to agree with nuk on this one also. I think the last time i ate tuna was probably 6 months ago.
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    Miami Heat

    I don't think they could be stopped this season....
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    I think this topic has been covered in the past....
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    ready to pop????

    That is going to STINK when it pops..
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    Do you believe in ghost?

    I guess I'll contribute. So this one time at my old house, I was sleeping and had a dream that I was trying to open the bathroom door, but felt someone holding on to it. I finally got out to open and found a young woman standing behind the door. She gave me a cold and frightened stare. I...
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    Liquid's m1t

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    some FOOD for thought..........

    Maybe you're on to something here.... I've actually developed wheat allergies from working as a baker for 4 years.
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    gh igf research

    Okay noob question here.... So to maximize the effects of igf1, one would need to take insulin?
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    Jock itch

    Yeah, vag goop is no good for your itching boys for sure....
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    Jock itch

    Good luck to you friend. I HATE the jock itch.
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    Jock itch

    Use the lamasil af cream liberally like twice a day after shower. Shower twice a day. Change your undies twice a day. It'll be fine in one week.
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    Lurker Newbie saying hello

    purrr... No, I love to destroy the poonani ™ when ever I get the chance. Got two kids to prove it. No not the kids between my legs. Feels like I have to cover all the bases round here.
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    Lurker Newbie saying hello

    Yes this would be my first cycle. Messed around with andros when I was 20 or so and remembered stopping because of itchy nipples. So is long ester test depot the way to go for a first cycle?
  17. M

    Lurker Newbie saying hello

    I trained regularly from 17-21, then life happened and got fat. From 21-27, I trained sporadically but I've been training religiously for the last 6 months. I'm definitely feeling the effects of getting older (not recovering as fast, aches and pain lol..)
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    Lurker Newbie saying hello

    I guess it's time to come out of the "lurker" status. I've been a lurker for quite a while, since the "zip lip" email days (forgot my old user name). Anyways, I'm now 27, going through separation possibly divorce, and need to get my ass back into shape. I'm 6' 210 lbs, and probably about 17-20%...
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    Chris 250?