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  1. Dean Destructo

    Start with BLAST or Cruise level?

    Test Only Long and short Ester. I have been off for 4 months. Should I start with a blast or front load? Or should I start small and ramp my way up? Highest level so far is 1 G test /week.
  2. Dean Destructo

    2 19 nor at the same time?

    Tren E is not for any noobs, that is for sure. You have to be on point. Fluctuations in blood levels are going to make the sides come out the most.
  3. Dean Destructo

    How to SQUAT LOW BAR

  4. Dean Destructo

    Recovery Intrusive Deadlift

    Yes. You can always add other , lighter , less taxing variations of the dead. I say the go to would be the Romanian Dead is the best. Snatch grip is up there.
  5. Dean Destructo

    Got a new power rack with pins!

    This set up survived Hurricane Michael.
  6. Dean Destructo

    TRUMP 2020! It is crunch time.

    WELL. FACEBOOK censored my ad for my Trump stickers. I never thought that I would get censored in my life in that way. That is some messed up stuff. Any ideas on getting these babies out there?
  7. Dean Destructo

    TRUMP 2020! It is crunch time.

    Well I am a big Trump supporter. I know a lot of you have noticed my absence. I have been greatly effected by the border crisis and I am working on doing my part in that. Also, I am very earnest about the 2020 election. I got on Ebay and noticed that ALL the Trump 2020 bumper stickers were MADE...
  8. Dean Destructo

    Two Ways To Fight Baldness Caused by Steroids

    Sourced from the castor bean (Ricinus communis), castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid—a type of fatty acid found to fight inflammation. When applied to the scalp, it's purported to enhance the health of the hair follicles and, in turn, promote hair growth (as well as protect against hair loss)...
  9. Dean Destructo

    Test + anything, or just higher Test question?

    Those with a higher sensitivity to progestegenic gyno symptoms I would recommend a very low test amount. Some where in the low TRT zone. My guinea pig experienced extreme bloating and sore nips from anything higher. That was with caber and high dose B6. I found it better to just lower the test...
  10. Dean Destructo

    Two Ways To Fight Baldness Caused by Steroids

    Dutasteride + Rogaine + Derma Stamp = Hands down the best protocol for me. I also soak my scalp in castor oil when I notice accelerated shedding.
  11. Dean Destructo

    Advice for first cycle

    DO NOT DO YOUR FIRST CYCLE WITH A PROGESTIN. You have to learn to keep your estrogens in check first. It would be crazy to have to deal with prolactin as well on your first go. Drop the insulin, that is just ridiculous. Ignore our advice and I guarantee you end up with metabolic syndrome lol...
  12. Dean Destructo

    Test + anything, or just higher Test question?

    Also if you are going to run a progestin like Deca I strongly recommend reversing the doses, i.e. 600mg deca 400 test.
  13. Dean Destructo

    Test + anything, or just higher Test question?

    Are you prone to progestin gyno? That is the main question.
  14. Dean Destructo

    17aa Steroids Toxic??

    DNP is not healthy in any way and is 10,000 times more destructive and dangerous than an AAS or PED. How do you know DNP didn't cause your liver issues!? You don't, you are guessing by time frames of use. Let me tell you that you are shutting your cells down. You are abusing your cells with DNP...
  15. Dean Destructo

    17aa Steroids Toxic??

    DNP is poison.
  16. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    One should not be more "toxic" than the other. It is not the initial amount of the compound that causes toxicity, but the buildup of oxidation in the liver. So I would say off the top of my head that they would be the same toxicity wise. It would really depend on the dosing and duration. I would...
  17. Dean Destructo

    Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

    Makes sense though. Since DHT is the most active version of test.
  18. Dean Destructo

    Nolva vs Clomid

    Nolva does help liver values due to the fact that it is an estrogen , albeit much weaker than E2, respectively. It still exerts positive estrogenic effects, while ,IIRC ,clomid does not.