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    You will laugh!

    That was funny shit haha.
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    Proviron and its effect on women.

    Ya i few weeks on it can't hurt the wife,its nice when there all hot and horny.
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    Here's a link to Supermannpc's prejudging pics guys.

    You got what it takes to be on stage,and you still look great just keep at it,i know how hard it is i competed many times,and i judge.You still look unreal very proud of you.
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    Deca Pecka

    Shit i feel ya,and a little test or proviron.
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    stopped gaining added ground beef

    Yes meat,cheese,nuts,or Weight gainer haha.No cycles were natural here haha.
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    Blue Tops vs Hygertrophin

    Shit there is lots of fake Blue tops,i do know there is some good blue tops out there with ND as a sticker on the box.
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    SpanishFly pics

    She is in very good shape.
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    Fake 10 ml Deca Durabolin (Organon)

    Deca should be in amps if made by Organan.But some people that live over seas put 10 pre-loads in a vial them sell them as it takes up less room.
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    Couture and Chuck 4

    Ya they fought enough times no need for it again.
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    Anyone heard of Thanktropin?

    Red tops are very strong from what i have been told,but i have never did them ,i only did Kefei,and Saizen 150iu.
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    Good for you bro,they will likely test for rec drugs,but don't ask for them back not worth it just stay safe and clear from the tabs.You can always get more when you get back home,not worth losing you job for the tabs.
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    Help with Label maker

    Good to know this.
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    some of these outch!

    After seeing my old training partner get a bad injury from bad form it hard to watch this stuff.
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    pre workout?

    I like eca's or Helios.
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    AXIO, NEW...old.... GONE

    Lots of people lately said the gains are not the same with Axio,but i never did the lab.
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    motivational video

    Now i feel small.
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    The Pro's juicing regime!?

    If you want to know just compete and ask them back stage at the show most are open with it .I asked many.
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    Most Painful Compounds

    Prop has always did it for me. :cry:
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    Question on Powders!

    Thanks mbitton.