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  1. Glen Whitestone

    Mc igf

    Oh man, I have only been doing 40mcg once a day. 20 in each arm. That should last me a little over 3 weeks. Should I up the dosage????
  2. Glen Whitestone

    Mc igf

    No bulking or injection site size gains or what????
  3. Glen Whitestone


    Its going okay I quess. Sweet pumps, no big results yet but it's my first IGF. Could of picked up some more first hand the other day. I was cruising on 322East right through that cobweb town!
  4. Glen Whitestone


    What is it? It sounds like one of those legal suppliments a company puts out that has a name that would name one think it is a steriod but really be tribulus, zinc and grape seed oil and crap like that. Did you see it in an add in the back of a muscle mag or what bro? Otherwise it is anadrol...
  5. Glen Whitestone

    I Don't Get St. Patrick's Day

    What about Bagdad florida? You know Bagdad FLA? If I move somewhere, its going to be away from natural disaters and crowds of people. Myself, I was a city guy until I got a job commuting to NYC every day and all around Jersey. Now I am thinking about a shack high in the plains of Montana or...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    So I Stepped On An Elevator...

    Well bro, now if you could only get past the sniffin' butt stage! Catch ya' later man, catch ya, later man. Girls don't want to hear that shit bro!
  7. Glen Whitestone

    IGF cycle question

    I get a bad reaction to test for some reason bro. I have tried several different legit products. I show good results but for some reason after a few weeks I start really breaking out on my back, face and neck. Anything else I am okay, don't know why. Last time I dropped the test and I was okay.
  8. Glen Whitestone

    I Don't Get St. Patrick's Day

    Florida sucks bro. I visited an Army buddy in Pace. The minute you step outside night or day you get swarmed by bugs, there is not shit to do but fucking fish, and it is the redneck capitol of the world bro. I mean don't get me wrong, some areas are okay but the others are infested with...
  9. Glen Whitestone

    IGF cycle question

    No, I will score some decca in a few weeks, for the mean time I have started IGF and want to start the d-bol alone then drop it and start the decca.
  10. Glen Whitestone

    IGF cycle question

    So I have started some IGF. I have some averbol 25 as well that is just collecting dust. This is injectable d-bol. I know not to run just d-bol but what would its effects be stacked with IGF? Worth while or a waste?
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Besides protein???

    I agree with SC for the most part. Still you can get some good suppliments to help you, but they are suppliments, not wonder drugs. Creatine, BCCA's, Whey are all good. Nothing else really. Get some name brand shit but don't buy anything that is advertised by big names, all you do is pay...
  12. Glen Whitestone

    I Don't Get St. Patrick's Day

    Well, some other snakeless islands are Hawaii-it was naturally until a brown tree snake population escaped somehow from captivity and started the thrive on the island. There is iceland, greenland, New Zealand, Easter Island, and Im pretty sure there are a few I missed. I remember that from...
  13. Glen Whitestone

    UI to mcg

    Is one ui equal to 10mcgs? How many IU's of igf a day is an average dosage?
  14. Glen Whitestone

    Why Most People Annoy Me

    BTB likes the summer time high school cheerleader car wash personally!
  15. Glen Whitestone

    Why Most People Annoy Me

    I can't even stand pan handlers for charity. I hate going into the supermarket on a Saturday morning and there being some different group every week collecting for something. I will donate to charites of my choosing but with these people who knows what the fuck they do with the cash. When I...
  16. Glen Whitestone


    I had it happen once but I was only into one. This girl I was fooling around with who lived in West New York. She had her friend who was a big banged up that wanted to join in. I did but it was nothing to be proud of. The friend Kind of looked like Heath Ledger except it was a she.
  17. Glen Whitestone

    anyone else notice...

    Who, what me, join your internet gang? Well, you know judge, I mean, your daughter, as far as her needs are concerned I cannot begin the meet them. Why can't I just be a connect-a-guy, "a friend of ours"? I am afraid of commitment.
  18. Glen Whitestone

    anyone else notice...

    Shit just makes me sleepy. Sleeply like a new born baby, I take a snooze after work, then sleep for 9 hours and still don't want to wake up. I never had an issue with being a lazy fucking bed wart before. I feel like woman.
  19. Glen Whitestone

    Russian girls

    In a Jerpardy fasion: What did Ed Gein say?
  20. Glen Whitestone

    Russian girls

    That's Pat Bateman! I have that scene on my answering machine when people call my house! Hey, I want you guys opinion on something; my new business card.