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  1. viciouscycle

    No sleep on Tren A experience

    Welcome brother, sleepless nights, sweating buckets and some crazy ass vivid dreams are all normal on tren..oh and the fucking tren cough..hopefully you never get that!!
  2. viciouscycle

    A Kilo of Growth Hormone

    If I knew where to get it I probably would :)
  3. viciouscycle

    If you only had 1 form of test?

    EOD actually running it with Mast P 150mg eod and Tbol 2 weeks in and feeling good!
  4. viciouscycle

    If you only had 1 form of test?

    Cyp is my go to test, had issues with some bad enanthate and will never touch it again. Just started running some prop @ 150mg eod and I am loving it, definitely my new favorite for cycles.
  5. viciouscycle

    Cloud's 12 week trenbolone ace/test prop shred with 3Js Nutrition Network

    You may find 12 weeks is a bit long on tren, I'm usually burnt out by 8 weeks. plus by then my cholesterol levels are so out of wack i gotta come off for a bit. but everyone is different, you'll know when you need to come off. Also if your shooting for 10% in 12 weeks clen or eca stack may be...
  6. viciouscycle

    viciouscycle's MC IGF-LR3 log

    sorry for the deley, been tied up for a bit ..I am waiting on some HGH to run with the IGF-1, then i'll start back up and continue to log.
  7. viciouscycle

    My Brew Process

    You don't need to double filter it, just filter as you are re-bottling not drawing.Everything else looks spot on!
  8. viciouscycle

    Story behind your username???

    I worked making custom motorcycle parts way back in the day under the name viciouscycles, but it seems to fit pretty good for aas forums.
  9. viciouscycle

    viciouscycle's MC IGF-LR3 log

    no just a trt dose for cyp right now, gotta keep my levels normal for a bit to keep getting my script. normally it would 1000mg :)
  10. viciouscycle

    viciouscycle's MC IGF-LR3 log

    So I recieved my order the other day, Quick shipping and packed with an ice pack. I only had one slin pin left so i figured I would try it before my arm workout, then when I got the rest of my pins I would run it through. I have tried another brand of igf and wasn't to impressed, I was running...
  11. viciouscycle

    pill press

    good luck finding one, if you get caught by LE with one your screwed.
  12. viciouscycle

    First timer: MC's IGF-1 LR3 log

    I bit the bullet and ordered today. i'll up date also when I start using.
  13. viciouscycle

    leaving a girl you live with

    I feel ya brother, Im going through the same thing except we've been married for 14 years and have a child. Shes been telling me for that last year that my attitude is awful and if i don't change we would be done..( to many tren cycles..maybe). I though it was nothing and just blew it off and...
  14. viciouscycle

    Best cure for gyno

    letro is pretty hasrh to take as an ai, you should be using aramidex or exemestane as a prevenitive then you wont have to worry about curing gyno if you dont get it. when i get it 'cause sometimes i get lazy and dont take enough AI, i use raloxifene, i got some perscribed by my Doc and it...
  15. viciouscycle


    I have a guy who makes a similar mix but it is just 100mg test ace and 50mg anadrol and it is an injectable. i just ordered a few bottles so we'll see how it is.
  16. viciouscycle

    cut blend 300

    Keep us updated on how it goes, I think I'm just sensitive to prop also.
  17. viciouscycle

    Tren cough

    To me it's almost like the worst heart burn you could ever get. Like you just inhaled fire!!! I can usually hold it back until I'm done pinning then I die in a coughing fit..
  18. viciouscycle

    cut blend 300

    Inbox cleared, with 75% eo it's pretty thin. I was worried about that high of a concentration holding. You could probably get away with less.. but I have not tried it. Also I tried running 2ml eod and the pip was crippling. Backed down to 1 1/2 'll and it was a 50/50 chance. at 1 ml it's been...
  19. viciouscycle

    I Love U.F.O. shows! Any Believers Here??

    I get all my aas from aliens, shit is out of this world. TA takes a little while though.