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  1. crash

    Any LONG TERM hgh users out there?

    Just finished 6 mos of 5 iu a day ep line hgh first 3 mos blue top last 3 grey top .. swollen knuckles and hands all the time arms would go to sleep a lot really maintained bf on shitty diet .. cost wise probably wont run again just clean diet up
  2. crash

    Masteron Cycle Information Drostanolone Propionate

    Presser I have only used the ep line in the prop ester but I have 5 bottles waiting of ent im going to start in late feb early march. Personally I love the stuff . really makes me look more dense and hard also gives me more drive in the gym when I add it. Trying mast e to get away from so much...
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    Joe Rogan Questions Ronda Rousey

    I agree 100 % Brother she seemed off that fight it happens I don't care how bad you are or think you are it is always some one that may have you're number and whoop you're ass on any given day it' called being human as we all are. She will be back and will she win the title from Holmes who know...
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    Big props to Presser

    Just wanted to say thanks and what a stand up guy presser is. I contacted him about using my credits for some adex and nolva bloat. His reply was no problem Brother. Few days later i have my package in the mail. Not only this time but every order made he has really taken care of me as I think he...
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    Mass Builder NPP

    Not yet did not know they had added it but I will definitely be inquiring... I have taken mast from psl and loved it.. price not so much
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    Mass Builder NPP

    the masteron is a huge plus glad they added it
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    Thanks Mass Builder

    I second that...Awesome service
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    Mass Builder?

    Thanks Bro saw sight was down a few weeks ago and then banner down just checking. Will be hitting you guys up with an E mail
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    Mass Builder?

    Anyone know what happened to these guys???
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    What was your biggest lagging muscle and how did you bring it up?

    some stuff is genetics and you just have to work harder than others to get the look you want. I have killed my bis for the last six months to get them to grow an 1/2'' and I still barely make 17 ''
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    What was your biggest lagging muscle and how did you bring it up?

    definitely My Biceps I have a very long bicep and the peak I want is just not there
  12. crash

    Masteron (Drostanolone) - do you use it?

    Love it just wish it was a tad cheaper
  13. crash

    Should I take Tren A?

    Definitely do not take. Tren will only shorten your fuse not worth risking family
  14. crash

    How much test in your yearly TRT program?

    been cruising on 200 mg week test c for 10 weeks fixing to blast with 1,000 mg of test e a week for 10 to 15 weeks depending on how I feel just got bloods done and everything is normal so ready to blast away....
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    what to do?

    I agree with Masher get some anti p ...... Tren makes my left nip tender so I start anti p before I even start tren and now problem is non existent
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    What to do about lethargy?

    B 12 has helped me Tren makes me that way so I tried B- 12 at 500mcg a day and energy really picked up after about a week
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    Raise your hand if you love Tren!

    I love the shit but everyone around me fucking hates it and me!!! LMAO
  18. crash

    Mass Builder order

    I have heard only good things so I am excited to give them a try I will start with a simple test e and D bol. I hope they add on some Mast e to there line I love that stuff and some proviron