What to do about lethargy?

Any methyl compounds will give you lethargy as it strains your body. Your body is telling you to sleep because that when you heal.
Your straining the liver. Do you get back pains kinda to the side?

Do what the guys said and don't add other compounds, if you do anything switch compounds to something not so dry. You have wet and dry PH's.
This will help.
Any methyl compounds will give you lethargy as it strains your body. Your body is telling you to sleep because that when you heal.
Your straining the liver. Do you get back pains kinda to the side?

Do what the guys said and don't add other compounds, if you do anything switch compounds to something not so dry. You have wet and dry PH's.
This will help.
No real back pains besides regular stiffness at work and some back pumps. That makes sense though I'll keep it in mind
how ya been making out with his lethargy issue bro
It's been a non issue now, actually. I've just been putting in more carbs to my diet and making sure I catch more zzz's every night and it seems to work. I'm always groggy in the morning but no more now then before. Thinking it was just how I was eating and lack of sleep... no back pain that I'd think would be signs of liver issues... and once I get going I have a lot of energy.
how much have you gained on this stack brutha?

about 12lbs so far 4 weeks in.. straight up muscle, actually lost some fat, too. This is a definitely a good cutting cycle, I actually threw in super dmz 2.0 (so it's essentially super dmz 3.0 and 4ad) for the last 2 weeks. next cycle will be some real gear, though.
Some compounds just cause lethargy bro. For me, tbol and dbol make me a zombie from the time I awake until i finally hit my pillow at the end of the day. Coffee does nothing at all either. I take an ephedrine 30mg if its really bad, but I'm not gonna promote doing that.
Same here I drink a monster as soon as I wake up and im out of zombie mode but if u have sleep apena u need to see a doc my wife has it and even with the night mask she wakes up tired
about 12lbs so far 4 weeks in.. straight up muscle, actually lost some fat, too. This is a definitely a good cutting cycle, I actually threw in super dmz 2.0 (so it's essentially super dmz 3.0 and 4ad) for the last 2 weeks. next cycle will be some real gear, though.

Nice brotha... Take some needed time off to recover and such. That's a harsh stack. I bet you'll find real gear to be a bit more gentle lol

The gains tend to come on more slowly but I find they are a lot easier to keep so long as you have your PCT on point! I try to steer clear of orals now and will run Tudca if I do them.
Nice brotha... Take some needed time off to recover and such. That's a harsh stack. I bet you'll find real gear to be a bit more gentle lol

The gains tend to come on more slowly but I find they are a lot easier to keep so long as you have your PCT on point! I try to steer clear of orals now and will run Tudca if I do them.
Yeah I'm definitely going to take at least 8 weeks til my next cycle. PCT with some nolva in hopes of keeping some of these gains! Real gear I heard you start seeing real progress around 6 weeks with certain ones, yes?
Yeah I'm definitely going to take at least 8 weeks til my next cycle. PCT with some nolva in hopes of keeping some of these gains! Real gear I heard you start seeing real progress around 6 weeks with certain ones, yes?

I started to "feel" progress in the first 2 weeks of my cycle , I started "seeing" a lot progress at week 4.
B 12 has helped me Tren makes me that way so I tried B- 12 at 500mcg a day and energy really picked up after about a week
Yeah I'm definitely going to take at least 8 weeks til my next cycle. PCT with some nolva in hopes of keeping some of these gains! Real gear I heard you start seeing real progress around 6 weeks with certain ones, yes?

It's all subject to what compound you're running. Longer esters have longer kick in times. Some people swear by front loading longer esters so they kick in faster but I've found that it often increases side effects for me and have to balance things out.

You could always kickstart with a short ester or oral if using longer esters... It's all just a matter of what is being used. I agree with Pushtoday though... you should be noticing something at 2-4 weeks for sure. Add in some IGF lr3 and you may notice a difference in the first or second day. (I like to use it preworkout for the great pumps) Since it has such a long half life though I believe Pre or Post workout shouldn't have a huge difference in nutrient partitioning as it mimics the effects of insulin and is active for 20-30 hours.